Former San Luis Coastal Unified teacher calls out district for its wastefulness | Opinion

SLCUSD waste

SLO County schoolhouse cost $4,000 to build more than a century ago. Here’s its history,” (, Oct. 3)

Over 16 years of employment with the San Luis Coastal Unified School District, I became familiar with its practices, professional outlooks and pernicious policies. I try to keep abreast of what is going on at the schools after retirement, and discovered an enormous 20-yard dumpster full of new and slightly used office chairs.

This shouldn’t surprise me. Over my tenure, I was told to throw out hundreds of thousands of dollars of classroom equipment, decades of sports memorabilia and yearbooks. If the public knew how much bought and paid for by our tax dollars was sent to rot in landfills, it might give pause.

Especially in light of the proposed nearly half-billion-dollar bond for elementary schools, it seems we will just purchase more things and throw out perfectly good equipment and materials without batting an eye. I cannot fault the employees for just following orders. I just shake my head to believe I was once one of them, and that no one can find a better solution.

Shame on you, SLCUSD.

William Johnston

Risky business

Big waves, coastal flooding expected for SLO County CA,” (, Jan. 9)

Before the last big storm, heavy rain and King Tides were predicted by the weather forecasts. The disastrous washout on Oceano Beach should not have been a surprise. Several trailers and vehicles were dragged into the ocean where they lost all their contents: provisions, pots and pans, plastic wear and trash. The debris ended up in the ocean. And it’s not the first time.

It is surprising that state parks allowed people with trucks and recreational vehicles to drive on Oceano Beach, cross the Arroyo Grande Creek and camp. I thought there was a rule that crossing the creek is not allowed if the water is 12 inches or deeper. Isn’t it the responsibility of state parks to manage if and how vehicles are allowed on the beach when the weather is threatening? I only saw a sign posted that read: Beach access and creek crossing at your own risk.

People who used their own judgment placed their lives at risk. We, the taxpayers, paid for the heavy duty equipment and time it took to rescue them. Risk-takers polluted our beach and ocean and placed the lives of the park rangers at risk, too.

Why did state parks behave so recklessly? Is it because our state parks system does not manage Pismo State Beach, as it does all other state park beaches in California? Pismo State Beach is part of the Oceano Dunes District, managed by the Off Highway Vehicles Division of State Parks. Our beach is managed by risk-takers and off-roaders. The fox is managing the hen house!

Mary Martin



No sympathy

SLO CA lowers rent to keep major retailer downtown,” (, Jan. 10)

I have a hard time sympathizing with Jamestown wanting their rent reduced to less than $1 per square foot when they have left spaces in their buildings empty for years at a way higher square footage price. No business can survive on their asking price. It seems that Jamestown is asking way more per square foot than they are willing to pay.

I love the Copelands for saving downtown. But Jamestown seems to be a huge corporation that has no clue what a business can survive on in SLO. If the Jamestown Corporation is actually requesting this discount, maybe they would be willing to lease their empty spaces at fair market value? I’ve been a business owner in downtown for over 50 years, and a downtown property owner for the same amount of time. It is time for some of these landlords to realize that we are all in this together.

Brad Bilsten

San Luis Obispo

End the bloodshed

The Israel-Hamas war is more complicated than some believe,” (, Jan. 4)

As a fortunate Holocaust survivor, born in Hamburg 94 turbulent years ago, I continue to seek the privilege of departing this Earth with my pride in my Judaism still intact!

We have now suffered for over three months since Hamas initiated inhumane atrocities on October 7. Each day, each hour, each minute that Hamas and Israel continue brutally bombing and killing each other effectively serves to recruit young patriots on both sides to a life of discrimination and hatred. This makes a more peaceful future ever more impossible!

All human life is equally sacred — Muslims and Jews alike. I fear that these deeply felt, often-expressed comments may have scant influence on the decision-makers. Rational thinking must dominate, requiring us to compromise goals in order to work towards tolerance, empathy and an immediate end to the bloodshed.

Paul M. Wolff

San Luis Obispo

Take Trump at his word

On Jan. 6 many Republicans blamed Trump for the Capitol riot. Now they endorse his presidential bid,” (, Jan. 7)

This month marks three years since the insurrection — a direct attack on our democracy, our freedom to vote and a preview of how far Trump is willing to go to cling to power. January 6 was the violent and deadly culmination of a months-long criminal conspiracy after the 2020 election, when Trump attempted to stop the peaceful transfer of power for the first time in American history.

Even as he faces multiple indictments for this criminal conspiracy he led, Trump is still running for president in 2024. If elected to a second term, he pledges to weaponize the Department of Justice to seek revenge against his political opponents, pardon himself and his allies for crimes they commit and deploy the military against demonstrators exercising their First Amendment rights — all while purging the federal government of anyone who doesn’t agree with him.

We should take these campaign promises seriously. Trump and his allies pose an urgent threat to our democracy, our fundamental freedoms and the rule of law. It’s up to all of us to ensure they do not return to power.

David Edell

Arroyo Grande.