Fort Worth partners with Reliant to offer cooling stations around town with free AC units

Reliant Energy is partnering with Fort Worth to open cooling centers and provide free AC units while supplies last to beat the summer heat.

The AC unit donations and cooling centers are a part of a program where Reliant will open 50 cooling centers, provide more than 1,000 cooling units and donate $185,000 to help beat the summer heat, Reliant said in a press release.

There are no shortage of 100-degree days in North Texas. For those who do not have the luxury of air conditioning, there are places around town where you can cool down. These centers will provide AC, snacks, water and a bathroom if needed.

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To receive a free portable AC unit or a window unit, you must qualify. They are meant to be for low-income residents and will be given away on a first-come first-serve basis. Though they are sponsored by Reliant, you do not need to be a customer to receive an AC unit.

Extreme heat is the No. 1 weather-related cause of death. Heat stroke is the deadliest of heat-related illnesses, when your body reaches up to 106 degrees. This illness can lead to death if you don’t seek emergency care.

Where to get a free AC Unit in Fort Worth

If you are feeling faint, there are four cooling stations parked around Fort Worth. These centers will be open during peak heat of the day, from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.


Como Community Center

4660 Horne St.


Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center

5565 Truman Dr.


Northside Community Center

1100 NW 18th St.


Worth Heights Community Center

3551 New York Ave.


How to efficiently use your HVAC during summer

For those with air conditioning at home, , here are the most efficient ways to run your AC system during summer.

  • “One mistake that people make is turning off the AC completely and they’re only going to be gone for a few hours. It often takes more energy to turn it off and on.” according to Adler. Instead turn it up a few degrees warmer while you’re out and about to give some relief.

  • Outside units, also known as condensers, get awfully dirty during summer. Due to more foot traffic and lawn maintenance, extra attention should be given to your condenser. Ensuring that the cords aren’t jumbled and the unit has room to breathe will properly take care of it.

  • Annual maintenance is very important. People tend to forget calling a technician to come out to check on your HVAC is an annual necessity. Doing this right before summer is not a bad idea.

  • Filters are recommended to be changed at least twice a year. However, people with more pets or residents in their house may want to do this more. This is ultra important because neglect in doing so can result in an accidental house fire.

  • Closing blinds during the day to prevent sun heating up your space helps. Avoiding excessive use of the stove or oven during the day.

  • Also, surprisingly, trying to avoid using dishwashers or laundry machines during daytime can help with cooling efficiency.

  • Double checking that all doors and windows, or any openings to the outside are properly insulated.

These tips used together will ensure the most efficient use of your air conditioning system. So prepare for the upcoming Texas summer, ensure that you can keep your cool, mentally and physically.