Fox’s Brit Hume praises Biden’s speech

Fox News political analyst Brit Hume praised the prime-time address President Biden made Thursday evening on the growing unrest in the Middle East, a speech addressing the dueling crises widely viewed as major tests for the president on foreign policy.

“I think it may be remembered as one of the best, if not the best speeches of his presidency,” Hume said during Fox’s special coverage of Biden’s address. “He was firm, he was unequivocal, he was strong, as he has been — particularly in recent days before he went to Israel, and while he was over there.”

Hume, a veteran political analyst and newscaster, said he was “struck” by the fact Biden spent as much time talking about the war in Ukraine as the conflict between Israel and Gaza, calling it a “good” move “because the aid for Ukraine package that he is taking about, and further aid to Ukraine beyond that, is in jeopardy.”

Biden pledged his support for Israel and Ukraine during the Oval Office remarks and asserted the United States’s vital role in keeping global security.

Each of the major networks broke into special coverage of Biden’s speech Thursday.

Most of the hosts and analysts on Fox are sharply critical of Biden, with many of them regularly spending hours of airtime knocking the president over what they say are weaknesses in relation to his age, stamina and fitness for office.

“Of course, you’re right … to wonder if Republicans will follow up to his statement about holding Iran accountable, but at least he talked about Iran,” Hume said.

During his speech, Biden contended that Iran “is supporting Russia in Ukraine, and it is supporting Hamas and other terrorist groups in the region.”

“He had been loathe to do so in these remarks regarding the Israel atrocities since they happened,” Hume said. “Tonight, there it was. On two important counts, I think he did remarkably well and was quite strong, quite firm.”

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