G7 leaders to urge China to end support for Russia's war against Ukraine

G7 nations
G7 nations

Following the Global Peace Summit in Italy, G7 leaders will urge China to stop supporting Russia's war against Ukraine, according to a draft statement seen by Bloomberg on June 12.

"China's continued support for Russia's defense industry has significant and wide-ranging security implications," the statement reads.

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G7 leaders will also urge Beijing to support a just peace and to pressure Russia to withdraw its troops from Ukraine.

Additionally, the statement will highlight trade tensions between G7 countries and China. The leaders will say that China's policies "create global spillovers, market distortions, and harmful overcapacity in several sectors."

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The G7 leaders will reaffirm their efforts to reduce dependence on China, while clarifying that they do not intend to sever relations with Beijing.

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China's position in Russian-Ukrainian war

In February 2023, the Chinese Foreign Ministry published a document on settling the war in Ukraine, calling for a cessation of hostilities and the "resumption of direct dialogue" between Ukraine and Russia as soon as possible. However, China did not mention the withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine.

Chinese Special Representative Li Hui met with representatives of the Russian Foreign Ministry in Moscow on March 2, stating that the war in Ukraine should be "resolved through negotiations."

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On March 3, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Galuzin and Li Hui said that a settlement of the war in Ukraine is impossible without considering Russian interests.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on March 7 that his country is ready to work on creating new driving forces for cooperation and strengthening friendship with Russia.

On the same day, China's special representative arrived in Kyiv. The Ukrainian side discussed with Li Hui the prospects of establishing peace for Ukraine and restoring its territorial integrity and sovereignty based on the Ukrainian Peace Formula.

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited China from April 24-26, expressing U.S. concerns about Beijing's support for Russia's defense industry. According to the Financial Times, Blinken wanted to warn China about "punitive measures" from the United States.

On May 31, Reuters reported that China had refused to participate in the Peace Summit in Switzerland.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that China is also trying to disrupt the Global Peace Summit, working to prevent other countries from participating in it.

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