Should your gas stove come with a warning label? California bill wades into the culture war

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Somehow, gas stoves have found their way into the center of America’s culture war. Now, the latest front in that war may be a bill being considered by California lawmakers.

The bill, AB 2513, was introduced by Assemblywoman Gail Pellerin, D-Santa Cruz, and seeks to attach a warning label to gas stoves beginning January 2025.

“When we learn more about everyday appliances that could have harmful impacts on one’s health, it is so important to educate consumers about those harms, Pellerin said in a statement. “AB 2513 will make sure that consumers can make a fully-informed purchase or reduce their exposure to harmful gasses emitted from gas stoves and ovens.”

What’s so dangerous about gas stoves?

Research shows that they produce numerous harmful emissions, including more levels of the carcinogen benzene than even second-hand cigarette smoke produces, according to a Stanford University study.

Another study by the nonprofit RMI found that a fifth of childhood asthma cases in California could be attributed to gas stove use.

“Consumers deserve the truth when it comes to the dangers of cooking with gas stoves,” said Jenn Engstrom of CALPIRG, a sponsor of the bill. “The kitchen should be a place of bonding — not a place where our families are exposed to toxic pollution that can make us sick.”

But if gas stoves are so dangerous, where’s the controversy?

It started last year, when U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission member Richard Trumka Jr. told Bloomberg News that the federal government was considering tightening restrictions around them.

Republicans ranging from Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis railed against the possibility of gas stoves being removed from people’s homes — which was not something the government was considering, according to NPR.

“God. Guns. Gas Stoves,” Jordan wrote in a message on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter.

Legislative Republicans were quiet about the bill when it was introduced last week, but it’s possible that GOP lawmakers will take up the fight this spring, when AB 2513 is considered.


California has more LGBTQ people than any other state, according to the Public Policy Institute of California, with an estimated 2.7 million residents identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender.

But despite the Golden State’s reputation as LGBTQ friendly, there remain many obstacles and dangers in place for queer-identifying people. According to the California Attorney General’s Office, in 2021 and 2022, there were more than 391 anti-LGBTQ hate crimes reported in the state.

And school boards up and down the state have moved to ban displays of the LGBTQ Pride flag or institute policies requiring teachers to out transgender students to their parents, regardless of whether doing so would place the child in danger.

Two Silicon Valley California lawmakers, Assemblyman Alex Lee and Evan Low, both Democrats and both members of the Legislative LGBTQ Caucus, have introduced a bill, AB 3031, to create a new LGBTQ+ Commission that would work to improve the safety and well-being of LGBTQ people in the state.

“It’s critical that the lived experiences of LGBTQ+ community members are recognized by our government,” Lee said in a statement.

He added that the commission would play an important role in informing legislative policy and state programs for the LGBTQ community.

“Creating the LGBTQ+ Commission is another important step forward to ensure that everyone can live authentically and inclusively in our community,” he said.

The proposed commission would have nine members — five appointed by the governor, two appointed by the Assembly speaker and two named by the Senate Committee on Rules.

The commission would “advise the Legislature and Governor on policy matters and provide recommendations for future actions we can take to identify and reduce systemic inequalities and barriers,” Low said in a statement.


“By utilizing existing facilities including hotels, motels and former office spaces, properties are being quickly transformed into housing — helping to solve the homelessness crisis while creating welcoming places for Californians to call home.”

- California Gov. Gavin Newsom, in a statement touting Homekey funding 370 more homes.

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