Rishi Sunak says six Brits killed in Hamas’s attacks on Israel, with 10 more missing - all we know

Rishi Sunak has revealed that six British citizens were killed and 10 remain missing following attacks on Israel by Hamas.

The Prime Minister told the Commons: “The attacks in Israel last weekend shocked the world. Over 1,400 people murdered one by one, over 3,500 wounded, almost 200 taken hostage.”

On Monday evening a large crowd of protesters cheered and chanted before speeches started outside BBC Broadcasting House to protest against the corporation not using the word “terrorists” to describe Hamas.

The crowd shouted “Hamas, terrorists” and “BBC, shame on you” as they waited to hear from speakers.

One protester stood on the railings next to the BBC building and led chants using a megaphone.

It comes after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu denied reports that a border crossing between Gaza and Egypt is set to be reopened.

The Rafah crossing is currently the only route out of the territory. Hamas, Egypt and Israel all have a degree of control over who can pass through.

Israel has blockaded the water, electricity and food supply across its border with Gaza after the Hamas terror attack which has killed more than 1,400 Israelis to date. The Israeli Defence Force is widely expected to launch a ground invasion of the densely-populated strip.

The Gaza Health Ministry said 2,670 Palestinians have been killed and 9,600 wounded.

‘Ceasefire could be agreed to allow border to reopen’ - report

07:11 , Josh Salisbury

Good morning.

A ceasefire could be agreed in southern Gaza order to allow the Rafah border crossing between Gaza and Egypt to open temporarily for humanitarian aid, according reports.

Reuters news agency, citing Egyptian security sources, reported the ceasefire would last for several hours but were not clear on the exact duration.

This has not been confirmed by Israel or the Gaza Ministry of Health.

A view of trucks carrying humanitarian aid for Palestinians at the Rafah border crossing (REUTERS)
A view of trucks carrying humanitarian aid for Palestinians at the Rafah border crossing (REUTERS)

Rafah border crossing expected to reopen but timing remains unclear

07:17 , Josh Salisbury

The Egyptian-controlled border crossing into Gaza is expected to reopen to get aid into Gaza, but it remains unclear when.

Hundreds of metric tons of aid from several countries have been held up in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula for days pending a deal for its safe delivery to Gaza and the evacuation of some foreign passport holders through the Rafah crossing.

“Rafah will be reopened. We’re putting in place with the United Nations, with Egypt, with Israel, with others, a mechanism by which to get the assistance in and to get it to people who need it,” US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said after a meeting with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi on Sunday.

Mr Blinken did not give a specific time for the crossing to reopen, and reports of an opening time of 6am GMT have not yet come to fruition.

Israel evacuates citizens near Lebanese border over Hezbollah rocket fire

07:22 , Josh Salisbury

Israel has ordered the evacuation of Israeli citizens living within two kilometres of the border with Lebanon over hostilities with Hezbollah, an Islamist militant group operaring out of southern Lebanon.

Residents of 28 villages have been ordered to evacuate. One of the villages, Shtula, came under a Hezbollah missile attack on Sunday. Israeli media said a civilian was killed.

Hezbollah said in a statement that it had fired rockets in revenge for Israeli shelling that killed Reuters videographer Issam Abdallah on Friday and two Lebanese civilians on Saturday.

The group said the increased strikes represented a “warning" and did not mean Hezbollah has decided to enter the war.

A shell from Israeli artillery explodes over Aita al-Shaab a Lebanese border village with Israel, (AP)
A shell from Israeli artillery explodes over Aita al-Shaab a Lebanese border village with Israel, (AP)

Armed forces minister confident Israel will minimise civilian casualties

07:34 , Sami Quadri

Armed forces minister James Heappey said he had “some confidence” that Israel could conduct an “intel-led precision operation” seeking to separate civilians from combatants.

Asked how the operation might work, he told Times Radio: “The practical nature is that you do your absolute best to seek to separate the civilian population from the combatants.

“You do your absolute best to target with precision, and clearly… the success of this operation will depend on the accuracy of Israeli intelligence.

“My knowledge of the Israeli Defence Forces and the Israeli intelligence system is that they are extraordinarily capable intelligence-gathering operation, so I have some confidence that if anybody can do that sort of intel-led precision operation, they can.”

Malaysia unwilling to condemn Hamas

07:35 , Debasish Sarmah

Malaysia does not agree with Western pressure to condemn Palestinian militant group Hamas, Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim said on Monday.

“I said that we, as a policy, have a relationship with Hamas from before and this will continue,” Anwar told parliament.

“As such, we don't agree with their pressuring attitude, as Hamas too won in Gaza freely through elections and Gazans chose them to lead.”

Palestinians living in Malaysia gather to protest in solidarity in the wake of the conflict between Israel and Hamas (Getty Images)
Palestinians living in Malaysia gather to protest in solidarity in the wake of the conflict between Israel and Hamas (Getty Images)

Israel denies reports of humanitarian truce

07:44 , Sami Quadri

Israel has denied reports that a truce was under way in southern Gaza, half an hour after security sources in neighbouring Egypt said such a deal was due to be implemented.

“There is currently no truce and humanitarian aid in Gaza in exchange for getting foreigners out,” a statement from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office said.

Israel doing ‘everything it reasonably can’ to keep civilians safe, says armed forces minister

08:06 , Sami Quadri

Armed forces minister James Heappey said he believes Israel is doing “everything it reasonably can” to tell people in Gaza where to move ahead of an imminent offensive.

“They are telling the population of Gaza where they can move to in order to be safe and that is in stark contrast to Hamas who are telling them to stay put in order to maintain their human shield,” he told Sky News.

Asked about photos surfacing over the weekend which appeared to show two women, one of whom appeared to be wearing a sticker of a paraglider, at a pro-Palestine march, the minister said: “I think that that celebration and glorification of what happened last Saturday is despicable.

“I’m glad the police are acting and I hope that those two particularly are found,” he added.

Mr Heappey warned “nobody should pretend that this is going to be anything other than horrific” ahead of the offensive.

“The longer that Hamas has to melt away the more that Israel will be left striking at shadows and the more Hamas will go on both to the detmrinet of the Palestinian people in Gaza and to innocent Israelis on the other side of the border too.”

At least 2,750 Palestinians killed following Israeli airstrikes on Gaza, says health ministry

08:09 , Sami Quadri

At least 2,750 Palestinians have been killed and 9,700 wounded in Israeli airstrikes on the Gaza Strip since October 7, the enclave's health ministry said on Monday.

Pictured: Hezbollah supporters hold funeral in southern Lebanon for fighter killed in cross-border clash with Israel

08:19 , Sami Quadri

 (AFP via Getty Images)
(AFP via Getty Images)

UK is encouraging Israel to balance militarism with humanitarian efforts

08:22 , Sami Quadri

Armed forces minister James Heappey said the UK is encouraging Israel to ensure it balances military and humanitarian efforts.

Asked whether the Government supports the blockade of water, medical supplies and power from Gaza, he told LBC: “I think what we are recognising is that there is military necessity rubbing up against humanitarian necessity and what we’re saying to Israel is that they need and are, need to show the balance between those two imperatives.”

Echoing US secretary of state Antony Blinken, Mr Heappey said democracies hold themselves to a “higher standard” and “of course we are encouraging Israel to make sure it does hold itself to that higher standard.”

He added: “It is the devil’s own choice that Israel has got to make but for my money they are balancing correctly the need to preserve innocent human life as best they possibly can while accepting that the adversary that they will soon launch an attack on, uses humans and shields and deliberately seeks to hide within civilian population and infrastructure.”

China says four Chinese nationals killed in Israel-Hamas conflict

08:24 , Sami Quadri

China's foreign ministry said on Monday that four Chinese nationals had been killed, with two missing and six injured in the conflict between Israel and Hamas.

At present, commercial flights between China and Israel are still in operation, the ministry said.

Hamas denies reports on opening of Rafah border crossing and temporary ceasefire

08:27 , Sami Quadri

Hamas official Izzat El Reshiq told Reuters on Monday that there was no truth to reports about the opening of the Rafah border crossing with Egypt or a temporary ceasefire.

Egyptian security sources had told Reuters earlier that an agreement had been reached to open the border crossing to allow aid into the enclave from 6am GMT.

German Chancellor to visit Israel

08:35 , Sami Quadri

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz will travel to Israel on Tuesday, broadcaster ntv reported, citing government sources.

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock was in Israel last week.

Pictured: Destruction at Gaza’s Jabalia refugee camp following Israeli airstrikes

08:38 , Sami Quadri

 (via REUTERS)
 (via REUTERS)

Russian foreign minister meets with Chinese officials to discuss Israel-Hamas conflict

08:49 , Debasish Sarmah

China’s foreign minister Wang Yi discussed the Israel-Hamas conflict during a meeting with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov, the Chinese foreign ministry said on Monday.

The urgent task is a ceasefire and building of a humanitarian aid channel, Wang said in the meeting.

Wang also urged China and Russia to deepen strategic mutual trust, his ministry added.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi attend a meeting in Beijing (via REUTERS)
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi attend a meeting in Beijing (via REUTERS)

Hamas says 1,000 dead Palestinians remain under rubble

09:01 , Sami Quadri

More than 1,000 Palestinians are trapped under the rubble in Gaza, a spokesman for the Hamas Interior Ministry said on Monday, warning of a humanitarian and environmental crisis.

Israeli ground operation in Gaza will leave ‘civilian population very badly affected’

09:13 , Sami Quadri

Armed forces minister James Heappey said it is “almost inevitable” that the operation in Gaza will see an “innocent civilian population that is very badly affected”.

He told ITV’s Good Morning Britain: “I think you have to be clear that international law allows Israel to prosecute a mission that is legal, proportionate and necessary, and that, I’m afraid, does not necessarily mean that Israel has to be able to guarantee that there will be no civilian loss of life.

“It is almost inevitable, given the complexity of the mission, that there will be (an) innocent civilian population that is very badly affected. I just don’t think there’s any point pretending otherwise.”

Asked about the possibility of opening the Rafah crossing into Egypt for people fleeing Gaza, Mr Heappey welcomed the prospect but said it is important to “sound a note of caution that the reports might be more optimistic than reality”.

Pictured: Palestinian rescuers stand on rubble of a building following Israeli airstrike in Rafah

09:24 , Sami Quadri

 (AFP via Getty Images)
(AFP via Getty Images)

199 hostages held in Gaza

09:29 , Sami Quadri

The Israeli military has said 199 hostages are being held in Gaza, a higher figure than previous estimates.

Top EU official convenes summit to deal with a fallout from the Israel-Hamas war

09:51 , Sami Quadri

European Union leaders will hold an emergency summit on Tuesday as concerns grow that the war between Israel and Hamas could fuel inter-communal tensions in Europe and bring more refugees in search of sanctuary.

“This conflict has many consequences, including for us in the European Union,” EU Council President Charles Michel said in a video statement announcing that he had convened the virtual meeting. “The conflict could have major security consequences for our societies.”

Pictured: UN-flagged fuel trucks head towards Gaza border crossing,

09:56 , Sami Quadri


Yellen: Too early to speculate on economic consequences from Israel conflict

10:26 , Sami Quadri

US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said on Monday it was too early to speculate on the economic consequences of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and that the impact would depend on whether the conflict spread to the wider region.

“It's too early to speculate on whether or not there will be significant consequences,” she told Sky News.

“I think importantly it depends on whether the hostilities extend beyond Israel and Gaza, and that's certainly an outcome we would like to avoid.”

Egypt: Israel has not allowed Rafah crossing to open from Gaza

10:43 , Debasish Sarmah

Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry said on Monday that the Israeli government had not yet allowed the Rafah border crossing between Egypt and the Gaza Strip to open.

Egypt has tried to keep the Rafah crossing operational since the conflict broke out, Shoukry said, calling the situation faced by the Palestinian people in Gaza “dangerous”.

Palestinians, some with foreign passports hoping to cross into Egypt (AFP via Getty Images)
Palestinians, some with foreign passports hoping to cross into Egypt (AFP via Getty Images)

UK is doing ‘all it can to support families of British hostages held by Hamas'

10:47 , Sami Quadri

Rishi Sunak said ministers are “doing everything we can to provide support” to British families who have loved ones taken hostage by Hamas.

Speaking to broadcasters on a visit to a Jewish secondary school in north London, the Prime Minister said: “I know it's an anxious time for many families who will have loved ones who are impacted or missing.

“We're providing all the consular support through the Foreign Office that we can and also providing direct support to the Israelis.

“And the humanitarian situation is one which of course we're concerned about, and that I've raised in all the calls and interactions I've had with other leaders from across the region.

“And in particular, making sure that we can try and get the Rafah crossing open, that will ease the humanitarian situation.

“We will continue to do everything we can to alleviate the humanitarian situation on the ground, including moving some of our Royal Navy assets into the region who can provide further support as required.”

Celebrating deaths in Israel and Gaza is despicable, says minister

11:09 , Debasish Sarmah

Armed forces minister James Heappey has condemned protesters who glorify the loss of life in Israel and Gaza amid a police hunt for two women who wore stickers appearing to feature Hamas attackers.

The Metropolitan Police has appealed for information about the pair, who had pictures of paragliders taped to the back of their jackets at protests in London at the weekend.

Hamas, which is classed as a terrorist organisation in the UK, used paragliders as part of its attack on Israel on October 7.

Mr Heappey told Sky News: “I think that that celebration and glorification of what happened last Saturday is despicable.

“I was a soldier, now I’m a minister in defence. Never once have I celebrated the demise of my adversaries, and so even if those women who were wearing those stickers regard Israelis as their enemy, even if they want to see them remove the state of Israel, the idea that they celebrate and glorify that loss of human life is just despicable to me.

“And I’m glad police are acting and I hope those two particularly are found.”

Armed forces minister James Heappey on Sky News (Sky News)
Armed forces minister James Heappey on Sky News (Sky News)

UN official heads to Middle East for Gaza aid talks

11:18 , Sami Quadri

UN aid chief Martin Griffiths said on Monday he will travel to the Middle East to support negotiations on getting aid into the blockaded Gaza Strip.

Griffiths said his office was in “deep discussions” with Israel, Egypt and others.

“I shall be going myself tomorrow to the region to try to help in the negotiations, to try to bear witness and to express solidarity with the extraordinary courage of the many thousands of aid workers who have stayed the course and who are still there helping the people in Gaza and in the West Bank,” he said in a statement.

Israeli radio warns of possible infiltration in city near Lebanon border

11:39 , Sami Quadri

Israel's Kan radio reported on Monday that residents in the northern city of Metulla, near the Lebanese border, were being ordered to stay indoors due to a possible armed infiltration.

There was no immediate confirmation from Israeli authorities.

Hamas says Israel has not resumed water supplies in Gaza

11:53 , Sami Quadri

Israel has not resumed water supplies for Gaza, spokesman of Hamas interior ministry Eyad Al-Bozom said on Monday.

“The residents drink unhealthy water, posing a serious health crisis threatens the lives of the citizens,” he added.

Pictured: Palestinian boys sit on building rubble after Israeli airstrike in Gaza Strip

12:12 , Sami Quadri


Ministers press for opening of Rafah crossing to allow Britons to flee Gaza

12:31 , Sami Quadri

Ministers have been pressing for Egypt to open the Rafah crossing to allow Britons to flee Gaza and to reduce the “almost inevitable” impact on civilians of the conflict with Israel.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said on Monday that an imminent Israeli military operation must focus on Hamas as he raised concerns about a “regional escalation”.

British officials are working with the Egyptian authorities in an effort to facilitate British and dual nationals, as well as their spouses and children, to leave Gaza through the border.

Speaking to broadcasters on a visit to a Jewish secondary school in north London, Mr Sunak said: “We’re providing all the consular support through the Foreign Office that we can and also providing direct support to the Israelis.

“And the humanitarian situation is one which of course we’re concerned about, and that I’ve raised in all the calls and interactions I’ve had with other leaders from across the region.

“And in particular, making sure that we can try and get the Rafah crossing open, that will ease the humanitarian situation.”

Sunak to provide update on missing British nationals in Gaza this afternoon

12:41 , Sami Quadri

Rishi Sunak will provide the latest possible update about British nationals in Gaza this afternoon, Downing Street said, but warned the situation was “fast-moving and complicated”.

The Prime Minister’s official spokesman said: “We know that several British nationals sadly have been killed. Others are missing. You can expect the Prime Minister to provide the latest possible updates on this in his statement later today.

“In the meantime we are assisting families and our thoughts are with those who are facing unimaginable uncertainty and fear because of these despicable attacks.”

Downing Street: ‘Abhorrent’ for pro-Palestinian activists to display Hamas images

12:57 , Sami Quadri

The Prime Minister’s official spokesman said it was “abhorrent” that pro-Palestinian protesters reportedly displayed images of Hamas attackers during demonstrations.

It comes after the Metropolitan Police appealed for information about two women who had pictures of paragliders taped to the back of their jackets at protests in London at the weekend.

Rishi Sunak’s spokesman told reporters: “It is abhorrent.

“It is hard to conceive of a situation where people would want to show support for individuals that committed a terrorist attack which saw children, babies slaughtered. It is hard to put into words.”

He said such alleged behaviour was an example of “why we must rightly show support for the Jewish community in the UK”.

The No 10 official also said police forces had been given “clarity” on behaviour at protests so they could apply the “full force of the law” where necessary.

Hezbollah destroys Israeli surveillance cameras along the Lebanese border

13:25 , Sami Quadri

Lebanon's militant Hezbollah group said Monday it has started destroying surveillance cameras on several Israeli army posts along the border.

Hezbollah's media arm released a video showing snipers shooting at and destroying surveillance cameras along the Lebanon-Israel border including one outside the Israeli town of Metula.

France accuses Hamas of preventing civilians fleeing harm’s way

13:51 , Debasish Sarmah

France has accused Hamas of preventing them civilians from fleeing harm’s way as it urged for more humanitarian supplies to be delivered.

The message was delivered Monday by French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna on a visit to Egypt, following talks the previous day with officials in Israel.

“The blockade doesn't respect humanitarian law," she said. “Humanitarian aid must be permitted to enter Gaza, because it's unacceptable to leave women, men, children who aren't responsible for Hamas' crimes suffering like this."

Ms Colonna also accused Hamas of preventing people from leaving Gaza. “It's unacceptable," she said.

French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna listens to her Egyptian counterpart Sameh Shoukry during their joint press conference (AP)
French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna listens to her Egyptian counterpart Sameh Shoukry during their joint press conference (AP)

More than 1,000 people ‘missing under rubble’ in Gaza, says official

14:06 , Debasish Sarmah

More than 1,000 are still missing under houses and buildings destroyed in Israeli air strikes on Gaza, according to a Hamas-run ministry.

Eyad Al-Bozom, spokesman for the Hamas-run interior in Gaza, told the BBCC at least 2,750 Palestinians have been killed and 9,700 wounded. He said that 58 were killed and more than 1,250 wounded in the West Bank.

Palestinians work to clear the rubble of a collapsed building following an Israeli airstrike (AFP via Getty Images)
Palestinians work to clear the rubble of a collapsed building following an Israeli airstrike (AFP via Getty Images)

Pictured: Demonstrators take part in a pro-Palestine protest in the West Bank

14:35 , Sami Quadri


MPs observe minute’s silence in the Commons

14:45 , Sami Quadri

MPs and peers have observed a minute’s silence in the Commons and Lords.

Commons Speaker Sir Lindsay Hoyle said: “I know that members across the whole House will have been shocked by the recent terrorist attack on Israel by Hamas.

“I invite the House to stand with me and observe a minute’s silence in recognition of all those innocent Israelis, Palestinians and others who have lost their lives, all those taken hostage and all those affected by this conflict in the region.”

 (House of Commons/UK Parliament/PA Wire)
(House of Commons/UK Parliament/PA Wire)

Netanyahu warns Iran and Hezbollah not to ‘test us'

15:05 , Sami Quadri

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has warned Iran and Hezbollah not to “test us” in the north.

Mr Netanyahu gave a speech in the Israeli Knesset on Monday in which he said the world needed to unite to defeat Hamas. He said “this war is also your war”, and he compared Hamas to the Nazis.

Pictured: Israeli soldiers ride to Gaza Strip border in armoured vehicles

15:26 , Sami Quadri

 (AFP via Getty Images)
(AFP via Getty Images)
 (AFP via Getty Images)
(AFP via Getty Images)

Erdogan tells Sunak that West should refrain from ‘provocative steps’ on Israel-Palestine conflict

15:33 , Sami Quadri

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan told British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak in a call on Monday that Western countries should refrain from “provocative steps” regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the Turkish presidency said.

Erdogan also told Sunak that Western powers must “remember the unkept promises to Palestine and do what is necessary”, the presidency said on social messaging platform X. It said the two also discussed the resolution of the “grave humanitarian crisis” in Gaza.

Six British citizens killed and 10 missing after Hamas attacks in Israel

15:42 , Sami Quadri

Rishi Sunak has said six British citizens were killed and a further 10 are missing after the Hamas attacks in Israel.

The Prime Minister told the Commons: “The attacks in Israel last weekend shocked the world. Over 1,400 people murdered one by one, over 3,500 wounded, almost 200 taken hostage.”

He went on: “We should call it by its name: it was a pogrom.

“The families of some of the missing are in the public gallery today. We call for the immediate release of all hostages and I say to them: we stand with you. We stand with Israel.

“The murdered and the missing come from over 30 countries, including the United Kingdom.

“The terrible nature of these attacks means it is proving difficult to identify many of the deceased but with a heavy heart I can inform the House that at least six British citizens were killed.

“A further 10 are missing, some of whom are feared to be among the dead.”

UK to provide an additional £10m of humanitarian aid to Palestinians

15:56 , Sami Quadri

Rishi Sunak said of British military personnel in the eastern Mediterranean: “We are not engaging in fighting or an offensive in Gaza, but we’re increasing our presence to prevent broader regional instability at this dangerous moment.”

On aid to Palestinians, he added: “I can announce today that we are increasing our aid by a third with an additional £10 million of support. An acute humanitarian crisis is unfolding to which we must respond.

“We must support the Palestinian people because they are victims of Hamas too. Like our allies, we believe that Hamas does not represent the Palestinian people or their legitimate aspirations to live with equal measures of security, freedom, justice, opportunity and dignity.

“Hamas simply does not stand for the future that the Palestinians want and they seek to put the Palestinian people in harm’s way. So we must ensure humanitarian support urgently reaches civilians in Gaza. This requires Egypt and Israel to allow in the aid that is so badly needed.

“We also need to keep the situation in the West Bank in the forefront of our minds at this moment of heightened sensitivity.

“Earlier today I spoke to Mahmoud Abbas, the leader of the Palestinian Authority, to express our support for his efforts to provide stability.”

Starmer says ‘Labour stands with Israel'

16:07 , Sami Quadri

It is crucial the House of Commons speaks “with one voice” to condemn terror and support Israel, Sir Keir Starmer has said.

The Labour leader told MPs: “As in any time of grave crisis, it is crucial that this House speaks with one voice in condemnation of terror, in support for Israel in its time of agony and for the dignity of all human life.”

Sir Keir said Hamas “do not wish to see peace in the Middle East”, adding: “But Hamas are not the Palestinian people and the Palestinian people are not Hamas.

“So Labour stands with Israel, Britain stands with Israel. The attack is ongoing, terrorists are at large, hostages are still being held, some of them British citizens.

“Israel has the right to bring her people home, to defend herself, to keep its people safe.

“And whilst Hamas has the capability to carry out attacks on Israeli territory, there can be no safety.”

Theresa May says Government must try to prevent regional escalation

16:15 , Sami Quadri

The Prime Minister must ensure no stone is left unturned in ensuring the conflict in the Middle East does not escalate, Theresa May has said.

The Conservative former prime minister told the Commons: “The attack on Israel by Hamas terrorists was barbaric. Terrorists must be defeated whoever they are, wherever they are.

“Can I commend the Prime Minister and the Foreign Secretary for the stance that the Government has taken in support of the Jewish community here in the UK, in support of Israel and its right to defend itself.

“I welcome the Prime Minister’s statement that action must be taken in line with international humanitarian law.

“But will he commit today that the Government will leave no stone unturned in its efforts to prevent regional escalation of the conflict, and in doing so will he reflect on the role of Iran?”

Rishi Sunak responded: “I can give her that reassurance as something that we have discussed extensively with partners in the region but also why last week I deployed surveillance aircraft and assets to the Mediterranean.

“They are already engaged with ensuring that arms shipments do not find their way to people like Hezbollah, and Iran does not see this as as opportunity to escalate the conflict.”

Riz Ahmed calls for an end to ‘indiscriminate bombing of Gaza’s civilians’

16:21 , Sami Quadri

Actor Riz Ahmed has called for “an end to the indiscriminate bombing of Gaza’s civilians” amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas.

The British actor, 40, who was nominated for an Oscar for The Sound Of Metal, said “staying silent is not an option” as he blasted the “morally indefensible war crimes”.

In a statement on social media, he wrote: “If we are on the side of humanity we must urgently speak up to try and avert the loss of innocent life.

“This means calling for an end to the indiscriminate bombing of Gaza’s civilians and vital infrastructure, the denial of food, water and electricity, the forced displacement of people from their homes.

“These are morally indefensible war crimes.”

Labour MP says Palestinians are facing ‘collective punishment’

16:24 , Sami Quadri

Labour MP Richard Burgon told the Commons that Palestinians are being subject to “collective punishment”, which he said is a war crime.

The MP for Leeds East told the Commons: “The massacre of Israeli citizens was a heinous act of terrorism which we all utterly condemn, and the hostages must be released immediately.

“In the words of the United Nations general secretary, ‘the horrific acts by Hamas do not justify responding with collective punishment of the Palestinian people’.

“But that is what we’re seeing in Gaza – civilian areas bombed, food, electricity, water, medicines, all cut off. Such collective punishment is a war crime under the Geneva Conventions.

“So will the Prime Minister take this opportunity to make clear to the Israeli government that this collective punishment of Palestinian civilians must end immediately?”

Other MPs could be heard appearing to condemn Mr Burgon’s remarks, saying “shame” and “disgraceful”.

BBC responds to Hamas ‘terrorism’ row

16:46 , Tom Davidson

The BBC said it has given “careful consideration” to all aspects of its coverage of the Israel-Hamas conflict.

The broadcaster has received complaints that its reporting has been biased against both Israel and Palestinians.

In a published statement, the BBC said: “Careful consideration has been given to all aspects of our coverage to ensure that we report on developments accurately and with due impartiality in line with the BBC editorial guidelines, which are publicly available.”

It added: “We understand that this is an extremely worrying time for people not only in the region, but also in the UK and around the world, and we have reflected this in our coverage.

“BBC News has provided our global audiences with coverage and first-hand testimony of the atrocities committed by Hamas and the suffering in Gaza.”

Speaking about its decision not to describe Hamas as a terrorist organisation, it said: “The BBC, along with many other UK and global news organisations, does use the word ‘terrorist’, but attributes it. We have made clear to our audiences that Hamas is proscribed as a terrorist organisation by the UK and other governments.”

The numbers of complaints are in the higher hundreds, not in the thousands, and there is a handful of numbers difference between the complaints totals for perceived Israeli and Palestinian bias, the PA news agency understands.

Rishi Sunak has spoken to Palestinian counterpart today

17:22 , Lydia Chantler-Hicks

Rishi Sunak says he spoke to Palestine’s President Abbas today, writing on X, formerly Twitter: “We condemned the horrific actions of Hamas and agreed they do not represent the Palestinian people.

“I offered my support to the Palestinian Authority in working to pursue peace and stability in the region.”

Israel military says 199 hostages being held in Gaza

17:32 , Lydia Chantler-Hicks

The Israeli military has said 199 people are being held hostage in Gaza by Hamas militants - higher than previous estimates which put the figure at somewhere over 120.

Hamas carries out fresh missile attack on Israel

17:37 , Lydia Chantler-Hicks

The armed wing of Palestinian militant group Hamas says it has fired a “barrage of missiles” on Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.

Al Qassam Brigades said in a statement that its attack came in response to Israel’s “targeting of civilians”

Two British sisters among those missing from Israel, says BBC

18:21 , Lydia Chantler-Hicks

Two teenage sisters, 13 and 16, are among 10 British people missing following Hamas’ attack on Israel, the BBC is reporting.

The sisters are reportedly named Noiya and Yahel, and are thought to have been kidnapped from Kibbutz Be’eri before being taken into Gaza, says the BBC.

It comes after Rishi Sunak confirmed six British people have been killed in Hamas’ attacks on Israel, while 10 remain missing.

Protestors gather outside BBC Broadcasting House

18:27 , Tom Davidson

Protestors have gathered outside BBC Broadcasting House in central London to urge the broadcaster to call Hamas ‘terrorists’.

Many waved Israeli flags while others held placards with pictures of Israeli children kidnapped by Hamas.

One placard said “BBC if the King can call Hamas terrorists so can you” while another said “BBC! Hamas are terrorists, not militants!”

BBC booed at central London rally

19:16 , Tom Davidson

The BBC was booed as during a rally in central London against its reporting over the Israel-Hamas conflict, with speakers from the Campaign Against Antisemitism (CAA) and UK Lawyers for Israel (UKLFI) taking part.

Hundreds of protesters joined the event outside Broadcasting House, with the crowd stretching up to Regent Street.

Protesters shouted “don’t pay the licence”, “shame” and “Hamas is Isis” as they heard from podcaster Jonny Gould.

The National Jewish Assembly hosted the rally in collaboration with the UKLFI, CAA and the European Jewish Association.