GOP Sen. Mullin Says His Offer to Brawl With Union Leader Was ‘Oklahoma Values’

Fox News
Fox News

Sen. Markwayne Mullin (R-OK) said he was nobly representing “Oklahoma values” when he challenged a union boss to a fight Tuesday. A meeting of the Senate HELP Committee went off the rails when Mullin challenged Teamsters President Sean O’Brien to make good on an earlier online beef between the pair. Committee chair Bernie Sanders (I-VT) shut down the looming melee, reminding Mullin that he’s a “United States senator.” Speaking about the incident with Mullin on Fox News on Tuesday night, Sean Hannity praised Mullin’s actions, saying any other response would have been “gutless.”

Mullin agreed, then said: “What did people want me to do? If I didn’t do that, people in Oklahoma would be pretty upset at me.” He added: “I’m supposed to represent Oklahoma values.”

Read more at The Daily Beast.