I got COVID and was scared. But I found peace from God and my caring loved ones | Opinion

As you read this column, I am working my way back out of the dark tunnel called COVID.

And as I do, I am newly amazed at the faithfulness and goodness of God. As an elderly woman, I know I am vulnerable. So, I have tried to take every precaution at staying safe — I wash my hands, wear my mask where I think I should, and wipe down the doorknobs in my house. I am even careful not to wear the same shoes inside that I wear outside. Still, that evil old virus caught up with me.

Why me? Why not me. God works in mysterious ways. So often we get on life’s treadmill, and we can’t seem to get off. There always seems to be so many things to do, so many place to go, that I often find myself saying, “… Oh, I can rest later.” But who can say that there will be a “later” or a “tomorrow” for any of us. God knew that l needed to rest now.

So, when I was attacked with the virus, my body came to a quick halt. But my mind was still churning. I had a restless spirit. I had made promises that I could not keep. That bothered me. And, so, my spirit was anxious. Then I thought of the Word of God that says, and I paraphrase: … The Lord will keep me in perfect peace, if I keep my mind on Him.


The thought caught my attention. It was like I heard the soft voice of God, telling me that it was time for my body to get some much-needed rest. Since I seemed to ignore the voice of the Lord, I believe that God suffered for me to get the virus. Now, I had to rest.

The non-believer might say, “What kind of God would afflict His child to get his/her attention?” I say to them, “God’s ways are not like our ways.” Besides, who am I to tell God how to get my attention? I didn’t listen when the Lord was urging me to slow down. If He can’t get your attention one way, He will get it another way.

As the days passed, I found myself meditating more and more on the word of God. After a few days, I was still anxious. Then I asked God to give me a peaceful spirit. As my inner spirit began to calm down, my body started to heal. My fever broke and my body aches disappeared. I was not only healing physically, I was being healed spiritually, too.

Having a quiet spirit allowed me to think on God’s goodness and His faithfulness. I began to thank God for those who said prayers for me and told me that no distance was too far for them to travel if I needed them.

I thanked Him for those who ordered food to be delivered to my house, and for those who masked up and came to see about me, pouring out their love and concern on me. The more I thanked God for His faithfulness and for the faithful souls He has placed in my life, the better I began to feel. And I found myself uttering praises to Him throughout the day.


The unbeliever might not understand why I, who believe in the Lord, would get sick. To them I say, “Why not?”

Being a believer does not mean that bad things won’t happen to me. The Lord didn’t promise me that I would walk through flower beds, free of pain and/or sickness on my faith journey. I knew from the beginning what I’d signed up for when I became a Christian. I knew because God warned me, through His word, that the roses in my life would have thorns, and that my pathways would not always be smooth. There would be short stops and quick turns; there would be high hills and low valleys.

But He also promised that through it all, He would walk through the valleys with me, and hold my hand as we climb life’s hills and mountains. He promised to pick me up when I fall and place me back on solid ground.

My friends, God has been faithful. And I am encouraged because of His faithfulness and new mercies every morning. So, no, I may not always understand when things in my life go awry at times. I may not know why, or how, the tiny sparrow survives in a harsh world.

But I know who holds the sparrow. As a line from one of my favorite hymn’s goes, “… His eye is on the sparrow… And I know He watches me… I sing because I’m happy, I sing because I’m free… His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.”


And so, dear friends, that is why I can sing through this thing called COVID. God’s faithfulness gives me joy in my times of sickness and sorrow. His faithfulness encourages me and keeps me with a song in my heart. That is why I can sing of His mercy and His grace all day long.

“Great is Thy faithfulness/ Great is Thy faithfulness/ Morning by morning new mercies I see/All I have needed Thy hand hath provided/ Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me...”

Bea Hines
Bea Hines