Guide to Arlington, Texas: What to know, things to do in this major Texas sports town

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The city of Arlington is located along I-30 between Fort Worth and Dallas. Known as the American Dream City, Arlington is home to several amusement parks, stadiums, shopping areas and more.

Arlington was founded in 1876 on the Texas and Pacific Railway as a market town for the area’s surrounding farms and officially became incorporated in 1884, according to the Texas State Historical Association.

Today, Arlington has a population of nearly 400,000 and ranks among the 48 most populous cities in the country.

Arlington is home to two major sports franchises in Texas: The NFL’s Dallas Cowboys and the MLB’s Texas Rangers.

In 2011, Super Bowl XLV was played at Arlington’s AT&T Stadium. The Green Bay Packers defeated the Pittsburgh Steelers 31-25. Green Bay quarterback Aaron Rodgers was named the Super Bowl MVP after throwing for 304 yards and three touchdowns.

During a COVID-shortened season in 2020, the World series was played in Arlington’s $1.2 billion Globe Life Field.

Where is Arlington?

Arlington is in Tarrant County and is part of a cluster of cities between Dallas and Fort Worth. It is 13 miles from downtown Fort Worth and 18 miles from Dallas

Activities in Arlington

  • Arlington Highlands — An open-air shopping center located off Interstate 20 and Matlock Road.

  • Arlington Musuem of Art — Art museum with loaned collections, curated exhibits and activities.

  • AT&T Stadium — Home of the Dallas Cowboys and host to stadium concerts like Taylor Swift’s 2023 Eras Tour, Beyonce’s Renaissance World Tour and Billy Joel and Stevie Nicks.

  • Choctaw Stadium — Multipurpose stadium with restaurants like Mayor Jim Ross’ Hearsay Arlington. Formerly home to the Texas Rangers.

  • Esports Stadium & Expo Center — A convention, trade show and meeting venue located in Arlington’s Entertainment District.

  • Globe Life Field — Retractable roof baseball stadium, home to the Texas Rangers.

  • Hurricane Harbor — Water park owned by Six Flags Over Texas with water rides and pools.

  • The Parks Mall at Arlington — Mall with just under 200 stores and food establishments.

  • Six Flags Over Texas — Large amusement park and the flagship Six Flags location.

  • Texas Live! — A dining, entertainment and hospitality district situated between Globe Life Field and AT&T Stadium.

How to get around

Who lives here?

  • Population: 394,602 as of July 1, 2022, estimate.

  • Median value of owner-occupied homes: $210,800

  • Median gross rent: $1,172

  • Number of households: 136,263