Guns and drugs found inside car at Broward high school, BSO says. Two teens arrested

Two Deerfield Beach High School teens were arrested after guns, ammunition and illegal drugs were found inside a car parked on the campus Monday afternoon, according to the Broward Sheriff’s Office.

A school district security guard noticed one of the 17-year-olds sleeping inside the car, which was running, around 2 p.m., and called her supervisor, who searched the car, finding a loaded handgun in a backpack, the sheriff’s office said.

The supervisor called a BSO deputy assigned to the school. Deputies searched the car further, finding another loaded gun, loaded magazines, including a drum magazine, MDMA (also known as ecstasy) psychedelic mushrooms and marijuana, according to the sheriff’s office.

Deputies placed the school on lockdown after finding the guns, but there was no known threat to students, BSO spokesman Carey Codd said.

The teen asleep in the car is not a Deerfield Beach High School student, but another teen arrested in connection with the case is, the sheriff’s office said. Details of how deputies linked that teen to the car and contraband were not immediately available.

Both teens are in custody at the Juvenile Assessment Center and face charges of possession of weapons on school property, possession of MDMA and possession with intent to manufacture or deliver marijuana.