New Hampshire Senate race: Maggie Hassan, Don Bolduc debate abortion, inflation, energy - recap

Sen. Maggie Hassan, D-N.H., on Oct. 11, 2022, in Rochester, N.H., left, and Don Bolduc, Republican candidate for U.S. Senate in New Hampshire, Oct. 5, 2022, in Auburn, N.H. (AP Photo)
Sen. Maggie Hassan, D-N.H., on Oct. 11, 2022, in Rochester, N.H., left, and Don Bolduc, Republican candidate for U.S. Senate in New Hampshire, Oct. 5, 2022, in Auburn, N.H. (AP Photo)

New Hampshire Democratic Sen. Maggie Hassan and Republican Don Bolduc debated Wednesday night after the two U.S. Senate candidates previously went head-to-head last week, with questions on abortion, inflation and immigration, among others.

Incumbent Hassan and GOP challenger Bolduc debated less than one week before Election Day.

The debate was the first since Bolduc received an endorsement from former President Donald Trump. In a Truth Social post earlier this week, Trump called the candidate a "strong and proud 'Election Denier,' a big reason that he won the nomination."

The candidates have sparred over inflation, 2020 election fraud and abortion.

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The competitive Senate race will determine if Hassan serves another term. The Senate is currently split 50-50, with Vice President Kamala Harris giving Democrats the tie-breaking vote.

Hassan highlights record as former governor, senator

In her closing statement, Hassan said it has been the honor of her lifetime to serve as New Hampshire governor and senator. She said she is running for reelection to bring people together and solve problems, saying there’s more work to do to lower costs.

Hassan said her opponent wants to impose an “extreme agenda.”

“He isn’t accountable to you,” she said. “I will always listen to you and work to deliver for New Hampshire.”

- Rachel Looker 

Bolduc touts outsider status in closing statement

In his closing statement, Bolduc blamed the nation's problems on Hassan and President Joe Biden. The retired general said professional politicians are the biggest problem of all. "This is a sad situation we are in," the Republican candidate said.

– David Jackson

Hassan expresses concern over political rhetoric

When asked about how much responsibility politicians need to take to prevent political violence, Hassan said the point of democracy is to have a system for resolving disputes that isn’t violent.

“It is absolutely essential that we tone down the rhetoric,” she said.

She emphasized that she is concerned about the rhetoric that she has heard, specifically referring to the Jan. 6 Committee investigating the attack on the Capitol.

- Rachel Looker 

Previously: House Jan. 6 committee subpoenas former President Donald Trump

Bolduc: I've done 76 town halls

Repeating his claim he would not vote to raise taxes, Bolduc said he has repeated his pledge during 76 town halls in New Hampshire.

– David Jackson

Bolduc says attack on Paul Pelosi is 'sign of the times'

Bolduc said the recent attack on Paul Pelosi, the husband of Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, is “a sign of the times,” after offering his sympathies.

“It’s a sign of political problems,” said Bolduc, arguing that polarization on both sides are fueling rising political violence in the United States.

-- Ken Tran

Bolduc: ‘I will not raise taxes, period’

When asked about the Fair Tax Act, a national sales tax on purchases of new goods and services, Bolduc said he was never in favor of a Fair Tax.

“It’s taken out of context by Senator Hassan and her team,” he said, when asked about his past record saying he would support the legislation. “... It’s a lie.”

Bolduc said he signed a pledge not to raise taxes and he “will not raise taxes, period.”

- Rachel Looker 

Hassan turns inflation on Bolduc

Hassan accused Bolduc of supporting a fair tax, saying “this would increase your costs on things like rent and healthcare and food.”

“Just at a time when inflation is straining our families so dramatically,” said Hassan, turning inflation to Bolduc.

-- Ken Tran

Hassan says cutting U.S. 'demand' can help combat drug trafficking

Hassan said the United States is doing what it can to stop the flow of drugs into the country, particularly fentanyl.

She also said part of the problem is American "demand" for drugs; cutting that can help the government battle drug cartels.

– David Jackson

On fentanyl and opioid crisis, Bolduc slams border policy again

Bolduc criticized Biden and Hassan again for border policy and fentanyl in the United States.

“We don’t have secure borders because we have a terrible immigration policy,” Bolduc said, calling for more investment in the border and saying that Hassan “hurt our borders."

-- Ken Tran

Bolduc and Hassan on bipartisanship

Bolduc said Hassan did not answer the question as to whether the country should expand the Supreme Court, dodging the question himself.

“She’s not bipartisan. She is not,” he said. “She just gave you a typical political answer.”

Hassan responded that she is proud of being named the most bipartisan senator in the country by the independent Lugar Center and is proud of her record delivering bipartisan results.

Bolduc said he “does not know how she even got that award.”

- Rachel Looker 

Hassan opposes adding justices to Supreme Court (and attacks Bolduc on abortion)

Hassan said she did not support increasing the number of justices to the Supreme Court, saying it would only further "politicize" the bench.

She also used the question to again attack Bolduc for opposing abortion rights, which the high court struck down earlier this year.

– David Jackson

Bolduc says 'character integrity' is important to him in Supreme Court

On the Supreme Court, Bolduc said he would evaluate nominees to the high court on “character integrity.”

Bolduc said the nomination process has become “too politicized.”

“I don’t want them legislating from the bench, I want them to be judges that have a good history of being fair and honest.”

-- Ken Tran

Bolduc says he does not support CHIPS Act

Bolduc said he would not have voted for the CHIPS Act, which he called “essentially a bailout.”

He said it didn’t create any solutions and that the United State does not need to be making components, “we need to be making the whole thing.”

Bolduc added that manufacturing needs to return to the United States.

- Rachel Looker 

'America is delivering': Biden signs bipartisan computer chips bill into law

Hassan defends semi-conductor program that is target for critics

Hassan defended the federal law on semi-conductor manufacturing, saying it will provide jobs and help unclog the global supply chain.

Critics, include Bolduc, called the law a bailout for the semi-conductor industry and its lobbyists.  

– David Jackson

Hassan slams Bolduc for calling to eliminate the Department of Education

In her rebuttal to Bolduc, Hassan attacked him for his calls to eliminate the Department of Education. “What Don Bolduc doesn't tell you is he supports eliminating the Department of Education,” said Hassan.

Again, Hassan invoked her credentials as a senator, citing previous work to preserve funding for rural schools.

-- Ken Tran

Bolduc: Education should be ‘handled at the local level’

Bolduc said the federal government should not be involved in education. He put the blame on the Department of Education for the decline of education scores.

He said education should be handled at the local level, saying “parents need to be in charge.”

“It needs to be locally driven, not driven by the federal government and that’s how we need to invest in it,” he said.

- Rachel Looker 

Hassan: Local parents and teachers need to work together - without the feds

Hassan downplayed federal involvement in school policy, saying parents and teachers should work together at the local level.

The senator and former governor noted that she got involved in public life because of her son's disability issues at school.

– David Jackson

Hassan praises COVID vaccine mandates

Hassan said COVID-19 vaccine mandates have “been very important in protecting my family’s health.”

She specifically mentioned her son with cerebral palsy, saying that “the threat of COVID” was no longer a significant threat to him.

-- Ken Tran

Learn more: USA TODAY Covid updates

Candidates answer who has been the best president in last 20 years

Bolduc said the best president in the last 20 years was President Donald Trump for improving the economy and securing the country.

Hassan’s answer: President Barack Obama.

- Rachel Looker 

Candidates talk about high prices

Hassan said she is worried about rising prices for all kinds of products; Bolduc blamed Hassan and the government overall for higher prices.

– David Jackson 

Bolduc on climate change

When asked about what climate provisions he agrees with, Bolduc said he doesn’t agree with the Inflation Reduction Act, calling it is a tax increase on middle class and claiming it has hurt Granite Staters.

He avoided answering the question as to how he would work to slow climate change.

- Rachel Looker 

Bolduc says he doesn’t “admire anybody”

On whether the candidates admired any political leaders, Bolduc cited nobody.

“The world is in such a difficult position right now, I’m not gonna say I admire anybody right now. The world needs a lot of work.”

Hassan gave a quick answer to the question, saying “President Vladimir Zelenskyy.”

-- Ken Tran

Hassan: Clean energy will help with climate change

Hassan again touted her support of clean energy programs, this time as a way to address climate change.

She also noted, again, that clean energy will reduce dependence on oil and cut energy prices.

– David Jackson

Hassan: Bolduc ‘most extreme nominee’

Hassan called Bolduc “the most extreme nominee for U.S. Senate New Hampshire has seen in modern history.”

She claims he has tried to conceal his extremism from voters, adding that he has claimed the election was stolen in 2020.

Hassan added that Bolduc has started to cast doubt on the 2022 elections, claiming that if his preferred candidate for president doesn’t win in 2024 and he’s in the Senate, he would overturn the election.

- Rachel Looker

Bolduc attacks moderators for throwing Hassan a “softball”

After Hassan called Bolduc an “extremist” and attacked him for his previous claims that the 2020 election was stolen, Bolduc accused the moderators of throwing her a “softball.”

“Thanks for giving her a softball, that’s exactly what she needed,” said Bolduc, redirecting the question to inflation and energy costs.

“We need to focus on the future,” Bolduc said.

-- Ken Tran

Bolduc: The 2020 election was not stolen - and I don't want to talk about it

Bolduc insisted that he does not believe the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump, despite previous statements to the contrary.

He also said he does not want to discuss the issue any more, saying he wants to "focus on the future" – though Democrats will doubtless keep bringing him up his history as an "election denier."

– David Jackson

Fact check: Joe Biden legally won presidential election, despite persistent contrary claims

Bolduc: ‘This is not a way to secure a border’

Bolduc said the border is not secure.

“I worked on the border. I wrote policy for the border. This is not how we do borders,” Bolduc said.

He claimed Hassan did not answer the question when asked about border policies, claiming “she lies.”

“You can’t trust a word she says and she thinks she can hide behind her title,” he said.

- Rachel Looker 

Hassan cites support for border investment

Responding to Bolduc’s criticisms over the southern border, Hassan cited her previous votes for more investment in the southern border.

“I have voted repeatedly to provide more personnel and more technology and more funding for physical parts of entry and physical barriers at the border,” said Hassan.

-- Ken Tran

Hassan defends border policies, despite Democratic criticism

Hassan defended her record on border security as both senator and governor, whether it was the southern border with Mexico or opposition to Syrian refugees.

She said public safety was her goal, despite criticisms from pro-immigration Democrats.

– David Jackson

Border: Republicans made inroads with South Texas Latinos last election. Now, they’re hoping for a red wave

Hassan calls to stay the course on Iran

On the protests in Iran and maintaining U.S. interests, Hassan invoked her credentials as the incumbent senator.

“I have worked in a bipartisan way to make sure that we are strengthening our cybersecurity and counterterrorism efforts,” Hassan said, noting her leadership position in the Senate Homeland Security Committee.

On Iran, Hassan called to stay the course. “We have to continue sanctions and we have to continue working with our regional allies and the rest of the free world to hold Iran accountable,” she said.

-- Ken Tran

'Woman, life, liberty': Iranians on why they'll risk beatings and death for change

Bolduc emphasizes strong national security Iran

When asked about the best ways to advance U.S. interests in Iran, Bolduc said it is important to have strong national security.

“We don’t. It’s weak,” he said.

He called the situation in Iran “tragic” and said it is happening because they lack respect for the United States. Bolduc called the United States is weak economically and militarily.

- Rachel Looker 

Hassan: I disagreed with Biden over Afghanistan

Hassan took the opportunity to say she has disagreed with the Biden administration, particularly on its "arbitrary" withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021.

She also said she disagreed with President Donald Trump's plans to pull out of Afghanistan.

– David Jackson

More: Staying could mean death. The escape nearly killed her. How one woman fled Afghanistan for freedom.

Hassan: Important to provide support to Ukrainians  

Hassan said the Ukrainian people are giving their lives for democracy, showing that “democracy is worth fighting for” and they are standing up to Russia's Vladimir Putin.

“It is critically important that democracies stand together,” she said, adding that Putin’s aggression and threats are not tolerated.

“We know how important it is we provide critical support... for the Ukrainian people to defend themselves and repel Russian,” she said.

- Rachel Looker 

Bolduc calls Ukraine “a mess because this administration is a mess”

On Ukraine, Bolduc criticized Biden’s foreign policy altogether, saying the war in Ukraine goes back to the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.

“The withdrawal from Afghanistan was a debacle,” Bolduc said, arguing that the withdrawal “empowered Putin to invade and empower China, who’s going to invade Taiwan.”

-- Ken Tran

The war in Ukraine: Russian generals reportedly discuss using nuclear weapons in Ukraine; Russia rejoins grain deal: Live updates

Hassan wants to re-evaluate U.S. relationship with Saudi Arabia, doesn't say how

Hassan said she wants the United States to re-assess its relationship with Saudi Arabia, citing its human rights problems and its gamesmanship with oil supplies. She did not provide specifics.

– David Jackson

Hassan claims Bolduc is ‘singing big oil’s song’

Hassan claimed her opponent is “singing big oil’s song.”

She said "big oil" has thousands of wells that could be tapped into on federal lands, but said oil companies are jacking up their prices and paying executives rather than lowering prices at the pump.

She said fiscal responsibility is important and highlighted how she helped cut the deficit in half during the last year.

- Rachel Looker

Bolduc attacks Hassan on energy, again

Bolduc blasted Hassan on energy costs and oil again, saying “we need to open up our own potential” on oil production.

On Saudi Arabia relations and OPEC, Bolduc said the U.S. needs “to get tougher on ourselves,” again criticizing Democratic energy policy.

-- Ken Tran

Bolduc: Everything Hassan does wastes money

Bolduc repeated his frequent claim that Hassan supports too many government programs that cost too much money, such as with clean energy or health care programs.

"Everything she talks about wastes money," Bolduc said. "This is the issue."

– David Jackson

Bolduc: Hassan is ‘hurting’ New Hampshire voters

Bolduc said Hassan’s actions as the former governor caused gas prices to rise.

“You know what she’s doing? She’s hurting Granite Staters,” he said. “She’s hurting Granite Staters to the point where she’s taking money out of their pockets for the last two years.”

- Rachel Looker 

Hassan avoids answering on stimulus checks

Addressing heating concerns ahead of winter, Hassan was asked whether she would support direct stimulus payments to families in need of heating assistance.

Hassan didn’t answer the question directly, saying: “We would need to take a look at what our economists and the economy tells us about additional support payments to Granite Staters.”

-- Ken Tran

Hassan: Bolduc supports 'big oil'

Hassan again hit Bolduc for his support of "big oil" energy companies, saying they have contributed to inflation of gas prices. Hassan said she is pushing clean energy programs than can reduce gas prices, and American dependence on oil.

– David Jackson

Hassan highlights need to lower costs

Hassan said it is important that everything possible can be done to lower people’s short-term costs.

She said Bolduc’s proposals would raise people’s costs, claiming Bolduc proposes eliminating social security and implementing a 23 percent sales tax on rent and healthcare.

“He’s trying to conceal these extreme conditions,” she said.

- Rachel Looker 

Bolduc hits Hassan and Biden on energy

Bolduc, on what Congress can do to help curb inflation, argued that “disaster energy policies” under Biden have caused inflation.

“Reverse the disaster energy policies,” said Bolduc, calling to reopen the Keystone XL pipeline. “We need to reverse all these energy policies and I’m ready to vote yes.”

-- Ken Tran

Previously: Inflation eased to 8.2% but remained high in September, CPI report shows

Bolduc: I would not have voted for COVID relief bills

Bolduc confirmed he would not have voted for any of the trillion-dollar COVID relief bills, despite their popularity with voters.

"They were unnecessary," he said.

Bolduc also accused Hassan of ducking questions.

– David Jackson

Bolduc hits back at Hassan over dodging abortion question

In response to Hassan, Bolduc emphasized how Hassan avoided answering the question on where she stands on abortion.

Bolduc said he believes federal government should stay out of the abortion decisions and believes it belongs to state’s rights and the state law.

- Rachel Looker 

Previously: Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade, eliminating constitutional right to abortion

Hassan points to legislative victories on inflation

Pressed on inflation under Democratic control, Hassan cited legislative victories Democrats passed over the summer as actions taken to curb inflation, pointing to the bipartisan infrastructure bill and CHIPS act that boosted domestic manufacturing of computer chips.

Taking aim at Bolduc, Hassan said he “wouldn’t have” passed legislation aimed at lowering prescription drug costs.

-- Ken Tran

Hassan: Bolduc is trying to conceal his 'extremism'

Hassan insisted that Bolduc would vote for a federal abortion ban, and is working to "conceal his extremism."

– David Jackson

Hassan dodges abortion question

When asked if she thinks the right to abortion should be guaranteed up until birth, Hassan dodged the question.

She called abortion rights fundamental rights for women to make their own healthcare decisions.

She referenced what she called Bolduc’s “extremism” on the issue.

- Rachel Looker

Bolduc attacks Hassan on abortion

Bolduc said Hassan’s claims that he would vote for a nationwide abortion ban is “a lie.”

“That is an absolute lie. I have no record,” said Bolduc, citing his military service on his honesty, then accusing Hassan of being out of step with New Hampshire voters. “She’s the one that is extreme.”

-- Ken Tran

Bolduc passes on abortion question; says it's not a federal issue

The first question went to Bolduc and dealt with abortion; Bolduc is anti-abortion, but did not discuss that. He said it's a state issue, and he will not vote one way or anther on any federal abortion bill. He added he will abide by state law.

– David Jackson

When is the debate?

The live debate will take place on Wednesday, Nov. 2 at 8 p.m. It is scheduled to last one hour.

- Rachel Looker

How to watch?

The debate will air live on WMUR-TV and on

- Rachel Looker

Midterm elections: These races will determine who controls the Senate: Here are eight to watch

Expected topics tonight include abortion, extremism, and outsider-ism

Hassan and Bolduc have warmed up for their debate by stressing favored issues on social media – so expect to hear a lot tonight about abortion rights, political "extremism," and being a political "outsider."

On her Twitter feed, Hassan said Bolduc's opposition to all abortion rights symbolizes  the kind of extremism that needs to be defeated.

"My extreme anti-choice opponent would join McConnell in passing a nationwide abortion ban," Hassan said. "Our fundamental rights are on the ballot, and I’m counting on you to help us defend them."

Bolduc, meanwhile, cast the incumbent senator as part of an old political establishment that voters are rejecting.

"Granite Staters are ready for change in their leadership," Bolduc tweeted. "They want an outsider who isn't afraid to go against the status quo and put New Hampshire first."

– David Jackson

Ahead of debate, Bolduc doubles down on hoax that litter boxes are in schools

Bolduc has made headlines and captured attention for pushing the false conspiracy theory that students are using litter boxes at school.

At a campaign event last Thursday, Bolduc told supporters that schools are “putting litter boxes” for children that are “furries and fuzzies” and singled out a New Hampshire high school.

The school has refuted Bolduc’s claims, saying on Twitter that his “statements are entirely untrue.” This isn’t the first time conservatives have pushed the hoax. A school in Michigan was accused of providing litter boxes to students which the school district’s superintendent quickly debunked.

On Wednesday morning before the debate, Bolduc doubled down on his claims, telling NBC News he was not “backing down,” and that the burden of proof is on the school to prove litter boxes aren’t being used.

-- Ken Tran

Fact check: No, a Michigan public school did not provide litter boxes for students identifying as cats

Who is Maggie Hassan?

New Hampshire Democratic Senate candidate, Gov. Maggie Hassan waves to supporters during an election night rally in Manchester, N.H., early Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2016.
New Hampshire Democratic Senate candidate, Gov. Maggie Hassan waves to supporters during an election night rally in Manchester, N.H., early Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2016.

Maggie Hassan, 64, is running for reelection to keep her Senate seat. The Democratic senator served as the former New Hampshire governor from 2013 to 2016. She was elected to her current Senate seat in 2017.

Hassan serves on the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee and chairs the subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Spending Oversight. She is also a member of the bipartisan Common Sense Coalition.

She has focused on mental health and addiction funding in the Senate as well as passing COVID relief packages.

- Rachel Looker, Merdie Nzanga 

Who is Don Bolduc?

Don Bolduc, 60, is vying for the New Hampshire Senate seat. A former police officer and retired Army general, Bolduc is a supporter of former President Donald Trump's claims that the election was stolen.

He previously ran for a Senate seat in 2020, but lost in the primary.

New Hampshire’s Republican Gov. Chris Sununu described Bolduc as a “conspiracy theory extremist" in August, but vowed to support the Republican challenger one week before Election Day.

“Don and I didn’t see eye to eye during the primary,” Sununu said. “But again, I’m going to support the Republican ticket because the issues that folks are voting on are inflation, gas prices, heating oil, which is skyrocketing here in New Hampshire and causing a major concern.”

- Rachel Looker, Merdie Nzanga 

What do the polls show?

Latest polling shows Hassan has a slight lead over Bolduc, but the gap is closing as Election Day approaches, according to FiveThirtyEight, a site that analyzes polls and political data. 

At one point, Hassan had an eight point lead over Bolduc toward the beginning of October.

Her lead has shrunk within the last week.

- Rachel Looker

Where do the candidates fall on key issues?

Abortion and inflation are among top concerns for voters nationally and in New Hampshire. They have also been topics of discussion at Hassan and Bolduc’s previous two debates.

When asked about his stance in a debate last Thursday, Bolduc said he would not support a federal ban, such as the bill proposed by Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham in September that would prohibit abortions after 15 weeks across the country.

“It is now a state issue,” Bolduc said. “I support New Hampshire’s law. I support granite staters,” referring to state law that allows abortion up to 24 weeks.

Bolduc and Hassan have also addressed economic issues like inflation in debates and are likely to again on Wednesday. Last week, Hassan attributed rising costs across the state, country and world to the pandemic and the war in Ukraine.

The senator said she would work to lower current costs while addressing the long-term drivers, pointing to a bill she co-sponsored to lower prescription drug costs.

"Right now, these immediate costs are really hurting people,” Hassan said.

Bolduc has said he would tackle high prices by challenging energy policies his opponent has agreed on with President Biden.

"Her policies hurt people. My policies will reverse all of this," Bolduc said.

- Savannah Kuchar

Rea Egan, of Chesterfield, N.H., exits the voting booth after filling out her ballot at the Chesterfield polling station during the state's primary on Tuesday, Sept. 13, 2022.
Rea Egan, of Chesterfield, N.H., exits the voting booth after filling out her ballot at the Chesterfield polling station during the state's primary on Tuesday, Sept. 13, 2022.

What happened in the previous debates?

The first debate between U.S. Sen. Maggie Hassan and Don Bolduc pitted Hassan's record against Bolduc's campaign trail rhetoric.

Bolduc accused Hassan of failing constituents by supporting the Biden administration's economic and energy policies. She claimed he has undermined democracy and endangered women.

The candidate also sparred over abortion and who should have the authority to set abortion policy. Hassan has made abortion a centerpiece of her campaign. Bolduc has said he opposes a national abortion ban.

More: Hassan, Bolduc in first Senate race debate: Here's how they matched rhetoric vs. record

Their second matchup covered election integrity and voter fraud.

Bolduc was asked during the debate whether he believes the governor and secretary of state when they say that there is no evidence of widespread voter fraud in the state and that elections are secure.

"I believe Granite Staters, and I'm the only one sitting here who's been to every town and city in the state over two years," Bolduc said, citing things he said he has heard about voting machines, ballots cast by out-of-state college students and more.

More: Election 2022: Hassan, Bolduc debate election fraud, campaign styles

- Rachel Looker

Which Republicans have backed Bolduc?

In addition to Trump's endorsement earlier this week, more Republicans have thrown their support behind Bolduc now that Election Day is nearing.

New Hampshire Republican Gov. Chris Sununu changed his stance on Bolduc, calling him a “conspiracy theory extremist” in August but now vowing to support him.

Rick Scott, a Florida senator and chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, called Bolduc a "true patriot." At a recent campaign event in New Hampshire, Scott told voters he was there to make sure Bolduc is elected the next senator.

More: Confident Republicans unify behind Bolduc, other candidates once seen as risky

- Rachel Looker

Hassan receives backing from Jill Biden

First lady Jill Biden visited New Hampshire Saturday to campaign for Democrats on the ballot, including Hassan. 

Biden emphasized the Senate race, saying the choice between Hassan and Bolduc couldn’t be any more stark.

“Every election is important, but we know that in the midterms especially, it could come down to just a handful of votes,” Biden said.

More: Jill Biden pushes for Hassan, Democrats in Portsmouth as election nears

- Rachel Looker, Steven Porter

New Hampshire Democrats focus on abortion

New Hampshire’s current race for U.S. Senate could have major implications for abortion rights nationwide if voters pick Bolduc over incumbent Sen. Maggie Hassan, according to state Democratic leaders.

Polling suggests most Granite Staters will respond positively to messages in favor of abortion rights. What’s less clear is how voters with nuanced views on this topic will make sense of a partisan debate that directly involves shifting policies at both the state and federal levels.

Hassan v. Bolduc: Why Democrats in NH are focused on abortion. What do voters think?

While Democrats argue Republicans intend to clamp down on women’s access to reproductive health care, Republicans contend that Democrats have staked out a position that’s too extreme.

- Rachel Looker, Stephen Porter

Previously: Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade, eliminating constitutional right to abortion

Candidates answer questions at candidate forum

Hassan and Bolduc took questions from business owners and members of the Chamber Collaborative of Greater Portsmouth at a candidate forum Oct. 25.

Bolduc called out the Hassan campaign’s “attack” advertisements about him, stating continued political “divisiveness” recently led to an incident when another driver began following his car.

More: Bolduc, Hassan face questions from Seacoast business owners. Here's how they responded.

“I will tell you all the ads out there about me from my opponent are lies. It’s not true. The (lack of) civility out there, I feel and I see, and it’s wrong,” he said. “And I will not lower myself to that level. I will not do that. You deserve better in your public servants.”

Hassan labeled Bolduc as “possibly the most extreme opponent nominee for the United State Senate that New Hampshire has seen in modern history.”

The first-term senator additionally cast doubt that Bolduc would accept the results of the upcoming election if he loses.

- Rachel Looker, Ian Lenahan 

New Hampshire Republican U.S. Senate candidate Don Bolduc chats with supporters during a primary night campaign gathering, Tuesday Sept. 13, 2022, in Hampton, N.H.
New Hampshire Republican U.S. Senate candidate Don Bolduc chats with supporters during a primary night campaign gathering, Tuesday Sept. 13, 2022, in Hampton, N.H.

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: New Hampshire Senate race: Hassan, Bolduc debate as election nears