'Hardest thing I've ever done': Amputee hikes to top of Snowdon on crutches

Matt Edwards, who lost his leg five years ago in an accident, used crutches to reach the peak of the highest mountain in Wales, in what he described as "mentally and physically the hardest thing" he has ever done.

Mr Edwards, 24, told Sky News that he managed to climb to the peak of Mount Snowdon and back again in less than six hours on Saturday.

Mr Edwards was raising money for the charity Sands - the Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society - which supports anyone affected by the death of a baby.

Before the climb, he said: "Last year, my brother-in-law Callum went through a stillbirth and it broke him dramatically - it really, really affected him.

"That's why I chose Sands to raise money for - it is in remembrance of Vienna Bowden, his baby girl.

Mr Edwards lost his leg below the knee five years ago after a motorbike collision.

He said that he turned to alcohol and drugs due to a lack of support at the time before spending a few weeks in rehab in 2019 and turning his life around with a newly-discovered love of keeping fit.

He said that climbing Mount Snowdon for the challenge was "very hard work" but "so worth the views and fresh air".

The route he had taken was a challenging one called the Pyg Track - one which the National Park itself describes as "a rocky and difficult path with several steep climbs".

Mr Edwards said his body was telling him to "give in and give up" but added that his mind would not let him.

Having broken the "mental barrier", he says that he now knows his limits.

Read more:
'No leg, no excuse'

The weather on the day was "very cold" but there were "hardly any clouds" in the sky, making it a clearer view to see Snowdonia below.

The frosty temperature left Mr Edwards' foot "numb" but he added that this challenge had "inspired [him] to do more in the future".

Not one to shy away from aiming high, Mr Edwards added that his next goal is "to continue [his] journey trying to become an amateur boxer for England" but added that it would be a "long and stressful process".