Hispanic voters should use growing numbers to support Trump, Miami congresswoman says

During a speech at Donald Trump’s campaign rally in Doral Tuesday night, Congresswoman María Elvira Salazar called on Hispanic voters to support the presumptive Republican nominee in the “crucial” November election, noting the increasing strength in numbers of Latinos in the U.S.

“We are the largest minority in the country, we’re 20% of the population,” Salazar said. This “is the moment to raise our voices and to present a united front.”

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A strong majority of Hispanic voters historically vote for the Democratic nominee, and Joe Biden handily beat Trump with the demographic in 2020. But this year, polls have suggested that Trump might perform better with Hispanic voters, even as he warns of immigrants “poisoning the blood” of America and promises to unleash the largest deportation program in U.S. history.

Salazar cited former Republican President Ronald Reagan. “Hispanics are Republicans, they just don’t know it,” she said. “And this is the time for us to know it and to do something about it.”

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Salazar, a daughter of Cuban exiles, said Hispanics and Republicans share the same values. “We are law abiding, we like small government, we are family oriented.”

Salazar told the Doral crowd, which included people from all parts of Florida and exiles from Cuba, Venezuela, Colombia and other Latin American countries, that Hispanics are welcomed in the Republican Party.

“For that reason there is only one candidate for the White House,” she said. “His name is Donald Trump. That’s it.”

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