Hungry SC bear caught on video exploring woman’s yard. Watch what it does next

Deb Merck is used to bears sauntering around her home in Upstate South Carolina.

It’s a quiet place — just a few homes on Booger Branch Road, which connects two state highways in Six Mile.

Six Mile is not far from Clemson and so small a directory of businesses and churches is listed on the town website.

Not long ago, a bear — a big one — dragged her garbage can into the woods and had a feast, she told WYFF.

She had to drag the can back.

Then the other day, a bear that she thinks was the same one, came lumbering into her yard and spotted a bird feeder hanging from a tree. Probably not as filling as what was in the trash, but it looked mighty yummy.

One good pull and down it came with a clang. The bear looked around, sniffed, then proceeded to lie down and snack. Done, the bear walked through the patio and was off.

Merck saw it all on her home surveillance camera and then posted it to Facebook.

“Made himself right at home,” one person commented.

Another said, “They sure like your place, Deb.”

Many commented on the bear’s size. “BIG,” people exclaimed.

But one woman probably said the truest thing.

“Looked like he was on a mission.”

Many more missions likely to come by the big bear on Booger Branch.