I got a vajacial! And it was pretty awesome


In my 20-something years on this earth, I’ve never been for a facial. I have, however, had a vajacial.

If you haven’t heard of the treatment, yes, it’s exactly what it sounds like – a facial for your lady parts.

When I was asked if I wanted to try out a vajacial, I jumped on the chance. I’ve been intrigued since I first heard about it a year ago. A vagina facial? How could I say no? But, I had to wonder whether it was really necessary. I mean, should you really be treating your area down there with as much (or more) love and care as your face? Something told me that maybe we should.

A vajacial is typically done ten days post-wax, so I hopped on over to Fuzz Wax Bar on Queen West in Toronto to get all spruced up. After being reminded how grueling a wax can be, I was down to get my feminine area nice and pampered.

In between the wax and treatment I tried out the Fuzz V-Mask and the Fuzz Hydrating Body Lotion at home.


Fuzz V-Mask (photo: Fuzz Wax Bar)

I applied the mask after a shower and let it sit for the recommended five minutes, the whole time feeling a refreshing, tingly sensation. Then I slathered on the lotion, and again felt incredibly rejuvenated. This was a whole new feeling. Unless you’ve taken the time to mask and lotion your lady parts, I can tell you you’ve never felt anything like it before.

After that, I was pretty excited to get the vajacial. Actually, I was more than excited - I was literally craving the treatment. If the mask and lotion were any indication, I knew it would be good. Really good.

ALSO SEE: How safe is a Brazilian wax?

Ten days later I stepped back into Fuzz, stripped down and let the ‘fuzzologist’ do her thing. It went by much quicker than I expected – the treatment only takes about 15 minutes – and no, it wasn’t awkward. For both visits I felt totally comfortable and relaxed.

Here’s how it went down:

First, the esthetician wiped down the ‘area’ using an antibacterial “I Love My Muff” wipe – and she wasn’t shy about it. This was followed by an all-natural body scrub made with sugar, glycerin and salt – a combo that gets rid of skin cells and leaves the region feeling smooth. She then put a hot (but not too hot) towel over the area. This was one of my favourite parts of the whole treatment.

Next up, she applied the same V-Mask I used at home and let it sit for five minutes. It was just as good as I remembered – refreshing and soothing. Once the five minutes was up, she used a hot towel again to wipe the mask away.

At this point, the fuzzologist usually removes ingrown hairs that are trapped under the skin, but luckily I didn’t have any. I guessed this would be somewhat painful, but it’s actually one of the main reasons women get vajacials – to get rid of irritating and unwanted ingrowns. It sure beats trying to pick at them yourself! I kind of wish I had had some just so I could see what this step was all about. I feel like I missed out on part of the treatment.

Instead we went on to the high-frequency wand, which she moved all along the skin. It treats deep-rooted ingrown hairs, but also sanitizes the area, enhances blood circulation and allows for the products to penetrate more deeply into the skin. It doesn’t hurt but you do feel a slight tickle.


The treatment ends with the hydrating body lotion, which calms the area with ingredients like aloe vera, peppermint and chamomile. Five hours later, my skin looks and feels amazing!

Post-vajacial, I was told to avoid exercise, saunas and tanning beds, or washing with scented products for the next 24 hours – basically, the perfect excuse to skip my 8 a.m. spin class.

So, would I do it again?

Since you can buy the mask, lotion and exfoliating scrub from the wax bar you can do most of the treatment right from the comfort of your own home. But, if you suffer from painful ingrowns and unwanted bumps in your feminine region, this treatment is worth the money.

The one big take away I got from this process it that we should be taking better care of our skin down there. It’s the one area on our body that’s neglected when it comes to skin care and we should be treating it with a little more love. Plus, most of us are capable of doing our nails at home but that doesn’t stop us from getting a manicure. Sometimes it’s nice to leave these things with the professionals.


Would you try a vajacial? Let us know by tweeting to @YahooStyleCA.