Ice storm aftermath captured by local photographer

Photos from this week's ice storm through the eyes of photographer Steve Biro. (Steve Biro - image credit)
Photos from this week's ice storm through the eyes of photographer Steve Biro. (Steve Biro - image credit)

This week's ice storm has caused problems for many residents in and around the Windsor area, but photographer Steve Biro has taken a glass half full approach to what Mother Nature dished out.

Over the last couple of days, Biro has had his eye and camera out, capturing the beauty in what some have thought has been not the most ideal situation, especially for the thousands of people still without hydro.

"I don't remember ice like this in a long time, that's brought trees down and large limbs and just covered everything," Biro said. "Sometimes we get a little bit of ice. It's pretty to look at and of course it's great to photograph."

Steve Biro
Steve Biro

Despite being excited to jump into his vehicle and capture nature's beauty, he also knew the dangers.

"As it's melting it's quite pretty, but you also have to be very safe," Biro said. While the temptation is to go into the forest to take a bunch of beautiful pictures, limbs are falling all over the place. I was at the edge of Ojibway today and a very large limb fell as I was standing there."

Caution is something the authorities and officials are trying to make sure the public is aware of.

"Treat all downed lines like they have power flowing through them," Tiziana Baccega Rosa, spokesperson for Hydro One, said. "Stay 10 metres, or three school buses away."

A teen in LaSalle was seriously injured by a falling tree branch this week.

Steve Biro
Steve Biro

As for shooting tips besides safety, Biro said the key is to have an eye out for something different, using angles to frame images, find contrasting colours, and shoot a little darker than normal.

"You can still be careful and get some amazing images," Biro said. "And hopefully I did."

Steve Biro
Steve Biro
Steve Biro
Steve Biro
Steve Biro
Steve Biro

Ice storm wreaks havoc

Here are more images of the ice storm from CBC reporters and viewers:

Jennifer La Grassa/CBC
Jennifer La Grassa/CBC
T.J. Dhir/CBC
T.J. Dhir/CBC
Kerri Breen/CBC
Kerri Breen/CBC
Jeff Baltzer
Jeff Baltzer
Jennifer La Grassa/CBC
Jennifer La Grassa/CBC
Jeff Baltzer
Jeff Baltzer