With impeachment inquiry, U.S. Rep. James Comer is a ‘shameless embarrassment’ to Kentucky | Opinion

Impeachment consequences

Kentucky voters need to strengthen our gumption, guts, and spines to use any available procedure to recall U.S. Rep. James Comer back to Kentucky for good because he has become a shameless embarrassment to the state and country as he leads an impeachment inquiry on President Joe Biden with no evidence nor vote of the full House.

“Well, I sure hope so...” and “There’s a lot of smoke and where there’s smoke, there’s fire…” he says in interviews when asked about evidence.

Funding the government is not important as House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and Comer go after the “Biden crime family” to sow chaos and confusion as cover for former President Donald Trump as he faces umpteen criminal indictments.

Frankly, I’ve never seen a major political party turn into such an anti-democratic, power-and-money-seeking force as has the current Republican Party - and I used to work for it from state party to Senate decades ago when they were mostly sane.

Kentucky’s supermajority Republican legislature that gerrymandered Comer’s district -- its own force for tearing up Kentucky -- won’t do anything about their boy Comer, but we voters can . . . on both.

Let’s go, Kentuckians!

Ramona Rush, Lexington

Dog whistles

U.S. Reps. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), James Comer (R-Ky.), and Jason Smith (R-Mo.) are about to show the world the value that dogs contribute to society by chasing their tails as they spearhead an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden.

This effort will be one of the most silly Congressional waste of tax dollars in recent memory. After all the investigating the House of Representatives has undertaken this past year to explore Biden’s activities, they have not found anything to remotely start such an inquiry. Comer’s ever lengthening record of chasing nothingness seems to be one of his specialties and shows the ugly side of politicians being hooked on power.

Following former President Donald Trump’s lead, Comer thinks that all he has to do is dream up something that sounds scandalous, and that makes his hallucinations a hard truthful actuality.

Come on Comer, Kentucky and America have scores of other pressing needs that require your attention. We deserve better, and you owe it to America and Kentucky to do better.

Gene Lockhart, Lexington

Impeach inquiry

Jim Jordan insist this “impeach inquiry” is “All driven by facts”.

Facts have a “timeline” and if real have are “causes” that have “effects” that can be measured in both quantity and quality. Even his statement “driven by facts” is a lie.

Facts have a beginning, middle and end to any incident or event unless the incident and event is ongoing (a crime in progress) and these are easily witnessed.

The only ongoing crime here being Jim Jordan’s and Comer’s fabrication of allegations formed around only innuendo of a biased interpretation of reality and 0 facts. Facts cannot be conjectured by reasonable people, they can’t be alternate, they cannot be subjected to perception or interpretation ... like any truth ... they stand on their own merit or they just don’t stand. It’s not a fact, simply because someone declares something as a fact. Facts are not formed by or dependent upon “belief”.

Leaps of logic with no connecting substantive variable of either quantity or quality are not valid and “belief” is not a reasonable standard of certitude of anything and in fact ... if “belief” is involved and necessary to make any connections ... it does not ever render “fact”, it is only ever renders belief.

The only thing of certitude if one follows the “facts” or in this case a collection of only “innuendo” treated as “facts” is that this is a drama motivated to deflect from a reality of their own complicity in wrongdoing and the support of wrongdoing and doing wrong attempting to escape their own accountability. It is Gaslighting.

Brooke Raby

I learned today that the Lexington Philharmonic has appointed Brooke Raby as their interim Executive Director. For me, a publisher working in San Francisco, as well as other arts organizations in New York and beyond, this is very bad news. Several entities had hopes to entice her to join our companies. I had heard her name before, but I’ve only met her once in person at a book publishing convention a couple of years ago while in a spirited debate about the center of arts in America.

It was a West Coast vs. East Coast debate until Ms. Raby’s participation. I’m not, I don’t believe, the only one who left thinking Kentucky might be ground zero, due to Ms. Raby’s spirited and informed argument. She did once, kindly, speak to our staff about how things work at the intersection of art and commerce. To say she was impressive is an understatement.

The arts community of Kentucky can be proud.

Why am I writing this unctuous letter? In hopes of hiring her away in the future. But she’ll probably convince me to leave California for Lexington.

In any case, congratulations to the arts community of Kentucky.

Pat Walsh, Walsh Book Team, San Francisco, Cal.

Absent proof

Dear media: Our founders were a very bright bunch; a brilliance formed by years of oppression from an English monarchy. They also knew that, left to our own devices, human beings are fully capable of evil doings within the political theater. So, they gave great power to the fourth estate. A free press is charged with keeping reins on government by reporting abuses being foisted on our republic and its citizens.

Where are they today? The most powerful of the press, referred to as the main stream media, is turning a deaf ear to obvious scandals being blatantly exposed in Washington, D.C. Yet they are defending them with silence. They are committing the most grievous sin against our founders’ intentions - the sin of omission.

The media cannot claim “unsubstantiated “ evidence. They simply won’t even look at it. It’s everywhere. Bank records, computerized mailings and testimony from “whistleblowers.”

The founders didn’t intend for journalists to choose political sides and protect their choice with silence. They demanded you to report the truth to the American people. And you refuse to do your duty. Shame on you.

Wayne Burns


14th Amendment

The United States Constitution: Fourteenth Amendment, Section 3 states as follows: “No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.”

So that person cannot have engaged in insurrection or given aid and comfort to the enemies (of the United States) who committed the insurrection. Former President Donald Trump has done both! And he continues to do both daily! It’s in the United States Constitution and it’s in plain easy to understand language. If these provisions of the constitution are not enforced, we no longer have a free country and a Democracy.

Jim Porter, Danville

Compiled by Liz Carey