Injured bear climbs tree in Wyoming park. Officials come to its rescue — in boom lift

Wildlife officials managed to help a hurt bear after it showed up in a Wyoming park and climbed up a tree despite its injured paw.

Photos and a video clip show the lengths rescuers went to safely capture the bear — using a boom lift.

“We had an unexpected visitor in town over the weekend!” the Cheyenne Police Department said in a Sept. 13 post on Facebook.

A resident had called to report the bear near Clear Creek Park, a public recreation and picnic area.

Police worked with the Wyoming Game and Fish Department and Cheyenne firefighters to get the bear down from the tree using the boom lift, officials said.

Wildlife experts checked out its injury and determined it was safe to bring the bear to a new home about 70 miles west in the Snowy Range Mountains, officials said.

“No stolen picnic baskets have been reported,” officials said.

The person who called for help after spotting the bear helped save the animal from further harm it might have encountered in the park, officials said. They urged others to contact dispatch at 307-637-6525 if they see an animal behaving strangely.

Several people commented saying they were relieved the bear could be relocated.

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