Inside the exclusive and thriving Reddit community you can only be part of if you've never broken a bone

  • The subreddit r/NeverBrokeABone has over 450,000 members who boast about their superior skeletons.

  • If they discover a member has cracked or fractured a bone they're ridiculed and removed.

  • Moderators share the story behind the group, and the humor that underpins it.

Reddit has long embraced the super niche. Whether your thing is gathering bad Facebook memes, discussing mold, or pretending to live in a fictional seaside town, new faces are fully welcomed into the fold.

But there exists a community that, although thriving, takes its exclusivity seriously, where members must earn the right to stick around, and face harsh consequences if they cannot.

On February 20, a Reddit user who goes by kyuubicaughtU shared a post in the community saying she'd been mauled by dogs and broken both her ankles. She included a photo that appeared to show a blood-soaked bandage on her leg. The upload received over 3,500 likes and 360 comments, but not a single shred of sympathy.

Instead, users called her out en masse for having "weak bones." They wrote they'd like to pet the dogs to thank them for outing her brittle skeleton, and unanimously agreed she should be banished from the community for good.

She can't have been surprised though — this all took place in the subreddit r/NeverBrokeABone, a group with over 450,000 members who take pride in their perfectly intact bones, and hold nothing but contempt for anyone with as much as a fractured finger. The subreddit came about nine years ago by happenstance and exists as a semi-satirical space where users take the rules very seriously, but everyone's in on the unspoken joke.

The group began as an innocuous comment on another Reddit thread

Edgar, a 35-year-old from Chicago, Illinois, who does not share his last name due to privacy concerns, was the inspiration behind the popular subreddit, but he didn't mean to be.

In January 2014, he responded to a prompt in r/AskReddit, a group where users post and answer questions, which invited people to share a random fact about themselves. "I've never broken a bone," he wrote and received over 2,000 likes. A fellow Reddit user who goes by Triforcespower responded, "Thus a subreddit is born," with a link to the newly created page.

The group ambled along with a few thousand members until 2018, when Edgar, who was made an honorary moderator, posted a link to the group in another r/AskReddit thread, where someone else had boasted about their lack of broken bones. This is when it started to blow up.

Hundreds of thousands of followers later, the community is now a thriving hub, and in the top 1% of the largest communities on Reddit, according to the page's stats. It's packed with users who brag about their superior bones, or share stories of close calls where they probably should have fractured something but came away unscathed.

Occasionally, the converasation will veer away from the general topic of bones, but it's rare. You're more likely to see a discussion on how to improve overall bone health, or bone-related memes. Often, users share their purported X-rays to demonstrate how strong, or weak, their skeletal structure is, including a former member who said she was pregnant and her baby had kicked so hard it had fractured her rib. Commenters told her she was banned, but her unborn child was still welcome.

Screenshot of subreddit.
Screenshot of r/NeverBrokeABone in July 2023.Reddit

Of course, not everyone can stay free of broken bones forever, which presents a problem

The subreddit often receives messages from those who admit they no longer belong.

These are often long-term followers of the group, who have recently had a break and discovered they weren't as invincible as they thought. The rules are very clear in situations like these.

"If you have broken a bone, leave, it's that simple," the sidebar of the subreddit reads. Those who fall foul are instructed to out themselves as "weak-boned filth" and remaining members are encouraged to insult them. "The more ruthless, the better," the rules state.

The group has also outlined what does and doesn't count as a bone break. Broken teeth are acceptable, so are surgical procedures that involve cutting or sawing at the bone, but anything outside of that, as minor as a fracture, is grounds for immediate removal.

"I will say that we take that rule seriously," Edgar told Insider. He said he once found out a woman he was dating, who he met on Reddit, had broken a bone in the past, so he banned her from the subreddit right in front of her.

"She eventually saw what I was doing and told me I was ridiculous for doing that, but that's how serious we are about standards," he said. "No mercy for weak bones, no matter how close they are to us."

But the hardline stance has put the moderators in a tricky position. What happens if they ever break something themselves?

"It is in the back of my mind whenever I do risky activities," Bayyari told Insider, as he's a keen hiker and very active outdoors. "We haven't come up with a procedure. I always thought if it ever happened I would make a public post and step down my mod privileges for someone else to take over."

As far as Edgar is concerned, however, there's no need to consider such things. He calls himself a second-generation "strong-boned person" because his 70-year-old dad has never broken a bone either, and he doesn't expect it will ever happen to him.

"We do not have a procedure, since we all have strong bones," he said.

While the rules are enforced, they belie an absurdist humor that silently underpins the community

Ammar Bayyari, a 26-year-old from Honolulu, Hawaii, has been a moderator on the subreddit since its inception. He replied to Edgar's original post and wrote he too had never broken anything, and suggested they should start a "Never Broken a Bone" club, before being invited onboard.

He has overseen the layout of the page and watched it grow for almost a decade. In fact, it was Bayyari who added the note in the sidebar encouraging users to be especially ruthless to those who had broken something.

He told Insider this "became the central theme of the subreddit as a sort of satirical RoastMe," referring to a popular Reddit community where users invite its 3.3 million members to mercilessly mock their appearance. There have been members who joined and were confused by the harsh humor in r/NeverBrokeABone, but generally speaking, most are in on the joke and enjoy the "creative insults" as Bayyari describes them.

"I think it works very well because it's just a fun way to vent," he said. "Most people do recognize it as humor and satire."

Edgar agrees. "Thankfully, it is all in jest and most people seem to understand that," he said, adding a personal favorite insult he'd recently encountered came from a member who accused someone else of having "tin foil bones," which made him laugh.


The comments in r/NeverBrokeABone can be especially brutal at times though. Members celebrate the destruction of other people's limbs, lambast them for pretending to be one of them, and tell them not to accidentally break something else with their puny human structure on the way out, but Edgar told Insider they always seem to take it well.

"When someone gets banned in other communities I moderate, they come into modmail, angry and aggressive over being banned," he said. "When people get banned in r/NeverBrokeABone they actually thank us! I don't know of any other Reddit community where you get this type of reaction."

In fact, Edgar said he will sometimes get mail from members who had secretly broken a bone and not announced it, but finally succumbing to the guilt, they ask him to ban them, which he swiftly does.

"We're always happy to oblige and cull the community of the weak bones," he told Insider.

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