Jan 6 hearings – live: Trump election probe in Georgia gets a win as Lindsey Graham ordered to testify

Former White House strategist Steve Bannon will testify before the January 6 committee, Rep Zoe Lofgren has revealed.

Mr Bannon’s attorney has written to the committee stating his willingness to drop his opposition to the committee’s subpoena, Ms Lofgren told CNN on Sunday.

Mr Bannon’s testimony will likely occur behind closed doors over the course of several hours, as was the case with previous witnesses called by the committee, according to the January 6 House committee member.

The January 6 committee is set to hold two more hearings this week. It isn’t clear yet whether Thursday’s hearing will be held during the day or will be the final primetime conclusion hearing that lawmakers have promised will wrap up the hearings.

The former strategist isn’t the only Trump ally set to give big testimony.

A Georgia judge has ordered US Senator Lindsey Graham to sit before a grand jury as part of an investigation into Donald Trump’s attempts to subvert the outcome of the 2020 presidential election in the state.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump has lashed out at Twitter and Facebook executives in an interview for the new documentary Unprecedented.

Mr Trump was banned from the social media sites in the days after the US Capitol riot in January 2021 for inciting the deadly assault.

He told filmmaker Alex Holder it was “a shame” he had been kicked off the platforms when leaders from authoritarian states were still allowed to access them.

“They allow other people to be on who are horrific people. I’m not a horrific person,” he said.

Key Points

Lindsey Graham must testify in Trump grand jury election probe, judge orders

23:26 , Josh Marcus

A judge in Georgia has ordered US Senator Lindsey Graham to testify in front of a grand jury as part of an investigation into Donald Trump’s attempts to subvert the outcome of the 2020 presidential election by pressing Georgia officials to manipulate the results.

On 11 July, Fulton County Superior Court Judge Robert McBurney ordered that the Republican senator from South Carolina must testify on 2 August as a “necessary and material witness” to the grand jury probe.

Attorneys for the senator previously told The Independent that he will not comply with a grand jury subpoena, claiming that Fulton County investigators told him he is “simply a witness” and “neither a subject nor target of the investigation” and dismissed the probe as “all politics” and a “fishing expedition”.

Alex Woodward has the full story for The Independent.

Lindsey Graham ordered to testify in Trump grand jury election probe

Trump lawyer hangs Steve Bannon lawyer our to dry on January 6 hearings

22:39 , Josh Marcus

Donald Trump is a man known for prizing personal loyalty at all costs, but it seems the plight of his former advisor Steve Bannon is not high on his priority list.

In a court filing on Monday, Washington prosecutors said Mr Trump had never invoked executive privilege to stop the advisor from testifying before the January 6 committee.

According to the filing, Trump attorney Justin Clark was interviewed by the FBI on 29 June and told officials the former Trump advisor was clear to respond to the committee, even though Mr Bannon has claimed since October that he can’t comply with the January 6 committee’s subpoena requests.

The biggest revelations of the January 6 hearings so far

21:39 , Josh Marcus

The blockbuster hearings about the January 6 insurrection at the US Capitol are set to resume on Tuesday.

Here are some of the biggest revelations from the committee so far, as reported by The Independent.

Trump knew he lost election but he pushed ‘nuts’ fraud claims anyway

Trump defended rioters chanting ‘Hang Mike Pence’, witness tells Jan 6 committee

Jan 6 police officers cry in hearing as committee shows video of violence

Trump told DOJ to say election stolen, ‘leave the rest to me’, Jan 6 witness says

ICYMI: Why this Georgia case could be the ‘greatest threat’ Trump faces

20:45 , John Bowden

While much of Washington and the media are focused on the January 6 hearings and the explosive testimony of witnesses like Cassidy Hutchinson, another investigation is slowly churning along related to Donald Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election.

Richard Hall takes a look at the grand jury probe in Georgia that one expert toldThe Independent could represent the “single greatest legal threat” to Mr Trump and his fellow travellers.

Read more:

Why Trump has reason to be worried about a criminal investigation in Georgia

January 6 committee to hold hearing next week

20:20 , John Bowden

The January 6 committee announced that it would hold a hearing next week, a move that came on Monday afternoon shortly after the panel’s lawmakers rescheduled what was going to be their final, primetime public hearing on Thursday.

“The committee continues to receive new and important information on a daily basis. it’s important that our members and investigators have time to assess,” said the panel in a statement to The Independent.

Bill Barr subpoenaed in Fox News defamation case

19:55 , John Bowden

Former attorney general Bill Barr, who publicly defied Donald Trump’s claims that the 2020 election was stolen, was subpoenaed over the weekend at the request of Dominion Voting Systems in its defamation case against Fox News.

The company is seeking $1.6 bn in damages for defamatory claims it alleges were made by Fox hosts and guests after Joe Biden’s victory.

Read more from The Independent’s John Bowden:

Trump claims he ‘doesn’t even recognise’ Cassidy Hutchinson as he braces for two more Jan 6 hearings

18:35 , John Bowden

Donald Trump tried to further disassociate himself from the brutal testimony of Cassidy Hutchinson on Sunday and questioned how much access she really had in the White House.

In a multi-post rant on Truth Social, he claimed he “doesn’t even recognise” the former aide to his ex-Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, who testified that her boss personally told her that he feared it would get “real, real bad” on January 6.

Read more from The Independent’s Andrew Feinberg:

Trump claims he ‘doesn’t even recognise’ Cassidy Hutchinson in Truth Social rant

Jan 6 committee reschedules final prime time hearing after receiving new information

18:08 , John Bowden

The Jan 6 committee announced on Monday that its final hearing, scheduled originally for prime time on Thursday, would be postponed as lawmakers have received new information and need time to process it and continue their investigation.

Read more in The Independent from Eric Garcia:

Jan 6 committee reschedules final prime time hearing after receiving new information

Biden goes off on Republicans over congressional inaction

17:50 , John Bowden

Joe Biden is calling Republicans’ bluffs and blaming them for what he sees as a total lack of interest in working with his party to address issues like inflation that require a bipartisan response.

The president issued a pair of statements Sunday night blistering his GOP foes for opposing any legislative solutions through Congress, and called on Americans to turn out in November if they wanted to see real change.

Read more from John Bowden in The Independent:

Biden hits out at Republicans for blocking his agenda in rare Twitter outburst

Inflation leads voters’ concerns

17:25 , John Bowden

Inflation and the economy remains the #1 concern for voters heading in to the midterms, according to Siena College’s new poll out Monday, while issues including gun violence and abortion rights trail behind.

That’s more bad news for Joe Biden, who faces concerns about his handling of the top job as his party seeks to protect their majorities in Congress this fall.

Read more in The Independent:

Biden tells demonstrators to ‘keep protesting’ as poll shows economy trumps abortion

Buttigieg battles Fox News over husband’s tweet

16:56 , John Bowden

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg held his own against a Fox anchor who questioned him about his husband Chasten’s remarks in defence of protesters who gathered outside a restaurant where Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh was eating.

Pushing back against the Fox host and noting that Mr Kavanaugh never actually came into contact with the protesters, Mr Buttigieg also noted that the “right to privacy” was the basis for the Roe vs Wade ruling protecting abortion rights that Mr Kavanaugh himself tossed out last month.

Read more from The Independent’s Gino Spocchia:

Buttigieg wins praise for Fox interview

Bad news for Biden in poll gauging 2024 battle with Trump

16:26 , John Bowden

Joe Biden has a lot to worry about in a new poll from The New York Times and Siena College released on Monday.

The survey shows that a majority of Democrats do not think he should run for office in 2024. Nearly two-thirds want another nominee, disastrous numbers for a president seeking reelection any year but especially dangerous given Donald Trump’s public hinting about a third White House bid.

Read more from Eric Garcia in The Independent:

Most Democrats don’t want Biden to run again, new poll shows

Trump lashes out at ‘psycho’ Liz Cheney

15:08 , John Bowden

Donald Trump went on a Truth Social binge late Sunday evening, lashing out at his political enemies on the January 6 committee and elsewhere in Congress.

As Washington gears up for two more hearings set to expose Donald Trump’s role in the January 6 attack, the ex-president swiped at Nancy Pelosi, Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger and other members of Congress as he wailed about why Democrats didn’t do more to protect the Capitol as his own supporters, who he personally told to be there, assaulted police officers.

“They should not be allowed to get away with it any longer!” he said of the committee, while labeling Ms Cheney a “pscycho [sic]”.

Donald Trump’s post on Truth Social (Screenshot: Truth Social)
Donald Trump’s post on Truth Social (Screenshot: Truth Social)

Biden looks to rewrite US foreign policy after Trump

14:49 , John Bowden

Joe Biden is working to reset the US’s relationship with Middle Eastern countries after four years of Donald Trump.

The president will visit Israel, the West Bank and Saudi Arabia as he seeks to improve the US relationship with both the Israeli government and Saudi Arabia, two countries that enjoyed a comfortable relationship with the Trump administration but pulled back from US engagement after Joe Biden took office.

But some leaders in the region are privately wondering if the “Biden doctrine” is here to stay, or merely represents a four-year break from a returning Donald Trump.

“Both of these leaders in my judgment are now looking past the Biden administration, and looking very much forward to the return of Donald Trump or his avatar,” said Aaron David Miller, an expert on Arab-Israeli peace talks. “I think it’s a complex trip, and I think we should be extremely realistic about these expectations.”

Read more in The Associated Press:

In Mideast, Biden struggling to shift policy after Trump

Trump refuses to say the word ‘vaccine’

13:00 , Bevan Hurley

Donald Trump refused to use the word vaccine when talking about Covid-19 at a rally for Republican candidates in Alaska on Saturday evening.

“We did so much in terms of therapeutics and a word that I’m not allowed to mention, but I’m still proud of that word,” he told supporters in Anchorage.

“We did that in nine months and it was supposed to take five years to 12 years, nobody else could have done it but I’m not mentioning it in front of my people.”

Eric Garcia has more details.

Trump refuses to say the word ‘vaccine’ during Alaska rally

‘Give ‘em to me right now’

12:30 , Bevan Hurley

Donald Trump pulled two fans up on stage dressed in shirts emblazoned with his face and demanded they “give ‘em to me right now” during Saturday’s campaign rally in Alaska.

“I love this guy’s shirt, I tell you,” he says, laughing and pointing to the man in the crowd.

“I’d love to have you get up here. Come on, get up here. Let me see. Get up here. Get this guy up here.”

Rachel Sharp has the story.

Bizarre moment between Trump and fans wearing shirts of his face

Trump goes on transphobic rant at rally in Alaska

12:00 , Bevan Hurley

Donald Trump vowed to “keep men out of women’s sports” during a crude, transphobic rant at a campaign rally in Alaska on Saturday night.

“It is actually demeaning to women, and it should not be allowed,” Mr Trump said.

Trump goes on transphobic rant at rally in Alaska

Sarah Palin invokes gun imagery as she appears at Trump rally

11:30 , Bevan Hurley

Sarah Palin invoked gun imagery as she urged Republicans to keep fighting during a rally in Anchorage on Saturday night – weeks after a series of mass shootings that have left dozens of people dead.

“My dad, he was all about, no, you stiffen your spine,” the former Alaska governor told a cheering crowd at the GOP rally.

“My dad’s words exactly were: ‘Don’t retreat, reload’.”

Sarah Palin invokes gun imagery at Trump rally: ‘Don’t retreat, reload’

Bannon agrees to testify before Jan. 6 committee

11:00 , Bevan Hurley

Former White House strategist Steve Bannon, one of Donald Trump’s closest advisers and top supporters, has agreed to provide testimony to the January 6 committee, a panel member revealed on Sunday.

Rep Zoe Lofgren confirmed during an interview with CNN that Mr Bannon’s attorney had written to the committee stating Mr Bannon’s willingness to drop his opposition to their subpoena.

John Bowden reports.

Steve Bannon will testify before Jan 6 committee, panel member says

‘I’m not a horrific person’

10:00 , Bevan Hurley

Former president Donald Trump lashed out at Twitter and Facebook executives in an interview for new documentary Unprecedented shot soon after both social media sites banned him in the wake of the violent attack on the Capitol.

In an interview with filmmaker Alex Holder, Mr Trump said it was “a shame” that the two most popular social networks had kicked him off after he’d used their platforms to incite a riot, and lamented that leaders from authoritarian states remain allowed to access them.

“I’m not a horrific person,” he tells the documentary.

Read Andrew Feinberg’s full story here.

‘I’m not a horrific person’: Trump complains about Twitter ban in new documentary

Trump mangles Supreme Court Justice’s name during GOP rally

09:00 , Bevan Hurley

Donald Trump mangled Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson’s name, disrespectfully calling her “Kechangie Brown Jackson” on stage at a GOP rally in Anchorage, Alaska.

The former president, who has a history of purposely mispronouncing Black women’s names, hit out at the newly-appointed justice in front of a crowd of supporters on Saturday night.

Rachel Sharp has the details.

Trump mangles Supreme Court Ketanji Brown Jackson’s name at GOP rally

Trump drops F-bomb

08:00 , Bevan Hurley

Donald Trump dropped an f-bomb during his rally in Alaska on Saturday night, prompting his supporters to break out into chants of “USA! USA!”

Mr Trump went on a rambling tale about a trip to Iraq where he said he spoke to generals about defeating Isis.

He said one of the generals told him it would take years while a second vowed to “hit ‘em in the f***ing centre”.

“I’d hit ‘em on the left. I’d hit ‘em on the right. I’d hit ‘em in the f***ing centre… Right smack,” said Mr Trump.

Seconds later, people began loudly chanting “USA! USA!”

Rachel Sharp has more.

Trump drops a rare F-bomb at Alaska rally prompting chants of ‘USA! USA!’

‘Give ‘em to me right now’

07:00 , Bevan Hurley

Donald Trump pulled two fans up on stage dressed in shirts emblazoned with his face and demanded they “give ‘em to me right now” during Saturday’s campaign rally in Alaska.

“I love this guy’s shirt, I tell you,” he says, laughing and pointing to the man in the crowd.

“I’d love to have you get up here. Come on, get up here. Let me see. Get up here. Get this guy up here.”

Rachel Sharp has the story.

Bizarre moment between Trump and fans wearing shirts of his face

Trump refuses to say the word ‘vaccine’

06:00 , Bevan Hurley

Donald Trump refused to use the word vaccine when talking about Covid-19 at a rally for Republican candidates in Alaska on Saturday evening.

“We did so much in terms of therapeutics and a word that I’m not allowed to mention, but I’m still proud of that word,” he told supporters in Anchorage.

“We did that in nine months and it was supposed to take five years to 12 years, nobody else could have done it but I’m not mentioning it in front of my people.”

Eric Garcia has more details.

Trump refuses to say the word ‘vaccine’ during Alaska rally

Trump’s niece says he is ‘terrified’ by the Jan 6 committee

05:01 , Bevan Hurley

Mary Trump has claimed her uncle is probably “terrified” by developments in the congressional committee investigating the events of January 6, when the then-president urged an armed mob of supporters to disrupt the formal confirmation of Joe Biden’s victory, telling them to “fight like hell”.

Ms Trump, a psychologist who has been an outspoken critic of the former president, was asked on MSNBC what she thought her former relative was feeling, as Pat Cipollone, the former White House counsel, became the latest top figure to be interviewed by the panel.

“To say that Donald is terrified is accurate, it is also an understatement,” replied Ms Trump.

“I think this might be the first time in his entire life that even he can’t deny the walls that are closing in. The amount of evidence that we see coming out of these committee hearings is overwhelming.”

Oliver O’Connell has the full story.

Mary Trump says her uncle Donald can feel ‘the walls closing in’ with Jan 6 evidence

Oath Keepers leader offers to testify before Jan 6 committee

04:00 , Bevan Hurley

The leader of the far-right Oath Keepers militia wants to testify before the January 6 committee as long as he’s allowed to do so live and in person.

Stewart Rhodes, who is in jail awaiting trial on seditious conspiracy charges for his role in the attack on the US Capitol, wants to “confront” the panel, his attorney James Bright told Politico.

Meanwhile, on Friday the Justice Department released new details of the extensive planning it alleges Mr Rhodes and eight other members of the Oath Keepers carried out in the lead-up to the January 6 riot.

Bevan Hurley has the latest.

Oath Keepers ringleader offers to testify before Jan 6 committee

Sarah Palin invokes gun imagery as she appears at Trump rally

03:30 , Bevan Hurley

Sarah Palin invoked gun imagery as she urged Republicans to keep fighting during a rally in Anchorage on Saturday night – weeks after a series of mass shootings that have left dozens of people dead.

“My dad, he was all about, no, you stiffen your spine,” the former Alaska governor told a cheering crowd at the GOP rally.

“My dad’s words exactly were: ‘Don’t retreat, reload’.”

Sarah Palin invokes gun imagery at Trump rally: ‘Don’t retreat, reload’

Pat Cipollone ‘did not contradict’ testimony of previous Jan 6 witnesses

03:00 , Bevan Hurley

Former White House counsel Pat Cipollone “did not contradict” the testimony of previous witnesses as he appeared before the January 6 committee on Friday.

The grueling day-long private session produced new information to be divulged in future public hearings, according to one of the lawmakers present.

“He did not contradict the testimony of other witnesses,” California Democrat Zoe Lofgren told Wolf Blitzer on CNN.

Read more:

Cipollone ‘did not contradict’ testimony of previous Jan 6 witnesses

Kellyanne Conway says Kushner trying to ‘wash his hands’ of 2020 election defeat

02:30 , Bevan Hurley

Former president Donald Trump’s senior counselor Kellyanne Conway has blasted his son-in-la Jared Kushner, accusing him of trying to absolve himself of any responsibility for Mr Trump’s 2020 election loss.

Ms Conway made the remarks to The Washington Times as the woman who managed Mr Trump’s 2016 campaign promotes her new memoir Here’s the Deal. Ms Conway reportedly had a rocky relationship with the man married to Mr Trump’s eldest daughter Ivanka. Both Ms Trump and Mr Kushner held positions in the Trump administration alongside Ms Conway.

Eric Garcia reports.

Kellyanne Conway accuses Jared Kushner of trying to ‘wash his hands’ of 2020 loss

Could a crowded GOP field help Trump’s 2024 campaign?

02:00 , Bevan Hurley

As he considers another White House run, polls show former President Donald Trump is the most popular figure in the Republican Party. But it wasn’t always that way.

Competing at one point against a dozen rivals for the GOP presidential nomination in 2016, Trump won only about a third of the vote in key early states. He even lost the Iowa caucuses, which kick off the nomination process.

But he was able to prevail nonetheless because those in the party who opposed his brand of divisive politics were never able to coalesce around a single rival to confront him. And with Trump mulling another White House bid as soon as this summer, the same dynamic could repeat.

How a crowded GOP field could help Trump in 2024 campaign

Probably not how most people remember it...

01:30 , Bevan Hurley

Donald Trump has claimed that “everybody was happy” under his presidency before the coronavirus pandemic arrived.

Speaking at a campaign event in Las Vegas on Friday night, the former president said the Biden administration had allowed a “deadly wave of lawlessness ... to sweep the land” while painting a far rosier picture of his own term in office.

Bevan Hurley reports.

Trump claims US was unified under his presidency before Covid: ‘Everybody was happy’

Four days in January - a timeline

01:00 , Bevan Hurley

FIt would have been something never quite before seen in America — a defeated president, Donald Trump, standing at the Capitol on 6 January 2021, with a mob of supporters, some armed, contesting the election outcome.

Trump intended to go there that day. His allies had been planning for the moment, envisioning the president delivering a speech outside the building or even entering the House chamber amid objections to Congress certifying the 2020 election results for Democrat Joe Biden.

“He’s going to look powerful,” mused Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani to a young White House aide four days earlier.

Here is what’s known about then-President Trump’s plans to join the mob at the Capitol based on what has been uncovered in the House select committee hearings:

4 days in January: Trump push for Capitol coda to 2020 vote

Trump mangles Supreme Court Justice’s name during GOP rally

Monday 11 July 2022 00:30 , Bevan Hurley

Donald Trump mangled Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson’s name, disrespectfully calling her “Kechangie Brown Jackson” on stage at a GOP rally in Anchorage, Alaska.

The former president, who has a history of purposely mispronouncing Black women’s names, hit out at the newly-appointed justice in front of a crowd of supporters on Saturday night.

Rachel Sharp has the details.

Trump mangles Supreme Court Ketanji Brown Jackson’s name at GOP rally

Trump tells crowd Giuliani in hospital with heart problem ‘because of what they put him through’

Monday 11 July 2022 00:00 , Bevan Hurley

Donald Trump claimed that his former attorney, Rudy Giuliani, is in hospital being treated for a heart condition that he said was the result of what the political left has “put him through”.

“He had a heart problem,” he said, before casting the blame for that heart problem on an unspecified “they”. “He’s in a hospital. Can you believe it what they put Rudy through?”

Mr Giuliani this week was subpoenaed by the Fulton County, Georgia grand jury investigating the former president’s attempts to overturn Joe Biden’s 2020 election victory, alongside South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham and many advisors and attorneys who played key roles in the scheme to overturn the results.

Joanna Chisholm reports.

Trump says Giuliani in hospital for heart ‘because of what they put him through’

Trump refuses to say the word ‘vaccine’

Sunday 10 July 2022 23:30 , Bevan Hurley

Donald Trump refused to use the word vaccine when talking about Covid-19 at a rally for Republican candidates in Alaska on Saturday evening.

“We did so much in terms of therapeutics and a word that I’m not allowed to mention, but I’m still proud of that word,” he told supporters in Anchorage.

“We did that in nine months and it was supposed to take five years to 12 years, nobody else could have done it but I’m not mentioning it in front of my people.”

Eric Garcia has more details.

Trump refuses to say the word ‘vaccine’ during Alaska rally

‘Give ‘em to me right now’

Sunday 10 July 2022 23:00 , Bevan Hurley

Donald Trump pulled two fans up on stage dressed in shirts emblazoned with his face and demanded they “give ‘em to me right now” during Saturday’s campaign rally in Alaska.

“I love this guy’s shirt, I tell you,” he says, laughing and pointing to the man in the crowd.

“I’d love to have you get up here. Come on, get up here. Let me see. Get up here. Get this guy up here.”

Rachel Sharp has the story.

Bizarre moment between Trump and fans wearing shirts of his face

Trump drops F-bomb

Sunday 10 July 2022 22:30 , Bevan Hurley

Donald Trump dropped an f-bomb during his rally in Alaska on Saturday night, prompting his supporters to break out into chants of “USA! USA!”

Mr Trump went on a rambling tale about a trip to Iraq where he said he spoke to generals about defeating Isis.

He said one of the generals told him it would take years while a second vowed to “hit ‘em in the f***ing centre”.

“I’d hit ‘em on the left. I’d hit ‘em on the right. I’d hit ‘em in the f***ing centre… Right smack,” said Mr Trump.

Seconds later, people began loudly chanting “USA! USA!”

Rachel Sharp has more.

Trump drops a rare F-bomb at Alaska rally prompting chants of ‘USA! USA!’

Trump goes on transphobic rant at rally in Alaska

Sunday 10 July 2022 22:00 , Bevan Hurley

Donald Trump vowed to “keep men out of women’s sports” during a crude, transphobic rant at a campaign rally in Alaska on Saturday night.

“It is actually demeaning to women, and it should not be allowed,” Mr Trump said.

Trump goes on transphobic rant at rally in Alaska

‘Yeah, let’s skip the 6th’

Sunday 10 July 2022 21:34 , Bevan Hurley

Donald Trump’s children dodged questions about the deadly assault on the Capitol in new documentary Unprecedented.

Eric Trump objects to any discussion of the attack, telling filmmaker Alex Holder: “Yeah, let’s skip the 6th.”

His two older siblings — Donald Trump Jr and Ivanka Trump — also declined to speak about the January 6 siege of the US Capitol.

Read Andrew Feinberg’s full story.

Trump children refuse to discuss Capitol attack in new documentary ahead of hearings

Trump calls Elon Musk ‘another bulls*** artist’

Sunday 10 July 2022 21:00 , Bevan Hurley

Donald Trump attacked Elon Musk for pulling out of a $44bn deal to buy Twitter – and for revealing that he had not voted for him.

“Elon, Elon is not gonna buy Twitter,” Mr Trump told supporters in Anchorage, saying that he had said that before. “Well, he might later who the hell knows what’s going to happen?”

The former president also blasted the Tesla CEO for saying that he had not voted for Republicans in the past.

Eric Garcia has the story.

Trump calls Musk ‘another bulls*** artist’ for cancelling Twitter deal

Trump drops F-bomb

Sunday 10 July 2022 20:30 , Bevan Hurley

Donald Trump dropped an f-bomb during his rally in Alaska on Saturday night, prompting his supporters to break out into chants of “USA! USA!”

Mr Trump went on a rambling tale about a trip to Iraq where he said he spoke to generals about defeating Isis.

He said one of the generals told him it would take years while a second vowed to “hit ‘em in the f***ing centre”.

“I’d hit ‘em on the left. I’d hit ‘em on the right. I’d hit ‘em in the f***ing centre… Right smack,” said Mr Trump.

Seconds later, people began loudly chanting “USA! USA!”

Rachel Sharp has more.

Trump drops a rare F-bomb at Alaska rally prompting chants of ‘USA! USA!’

‘I’m not a horrific person’

Sunday 10 July 2022 20:13 , Bevan Hurley

Former president Donald Trump lashed out at Twitter and Facebook executives in an interview for new documentary Unprecedented shot soon after both social media sites banned him in the wake of the violent attack on the Capitol.

In an interview with filmmaker Alex Holder, Mr Trump said it was “a shame” that the two most popular social networks had kicked him off after he’d used their platforms to incite a riot, and lamented that leaders from authoritarian states remain allowed to access them.

“I’m not a horrific person,” he tells the documentary.

Read Andrew Feinberg’s full story here.

‘I’m not a horrific person’: Trump complains about Twitter ban in new documentary

‘Give ‘em to me right now’

Sunday 10 July 2022 20:00 , Bevan Hurley

Donald Trump pulled two fans up on stage dressed in shirts emblazoned with his face and demanded they “give ‘em to me right now” during Saturday’s campaign rally in Alaska.

“I love this guy’s shirt, I tell you,” he says, laughing and pointing to the man in the crowd.

“I’d love to have you get up here. Come on, get up here. Let me see. Get up here. Get this guy up here.”

Rachel Sharp has the story.

Bizarre moment between Trump and fans wearing shirts of his face

'Yeah, let’s skip the 6th’

Sunday 10 July 2022 19:30 , Bevan Hurley

Donald Trump’s children dodged questions about the deadly assault on the Capitol in new documentary Unprecedented.

Eric Trump objects to any discussion of the attack, telling filmmaker Alex Holder: “Yeah, let’s skip the 6th.”

His two older siblings — Donald Trump Jr and Ivanka Trump — also declined to speak about the January 6 siege of the US Capitol.

Read Andrew Feinberg’s full story.

Trump children refuse to discuss Capitol attack in new documentary ahead of hearings

Bannon agrees to testify before Jan. 6 committee

Sunday 10 July 2022 19:00 , Bevan Hurley

Former White House strategist Steve Bannon, one of Donald Trump’s closest advisers and top supporters, has agreed to provide testimony to the January 6 committee, a panel member revealed on Sunday.

Rep Zoe Lofgren confirmed during an interview with CNN that Mr Bannon’s attorney had written to the committee stating Mr Bannon’s willingness to drop his opposition to their subpoena.

John Bowden reports.

Steve Bannon will testify before Jan 6 committee, panel member says

Trump refuses to say the word ‘vaccine’

Sunday 10 July 2022 18:30 , Bevan Hurley

Donald Trump refused to use the word vaccine when talking about Covid-19 at a rally for Republican candidates in Alaska on Saturday evening.

“We did so much in terms of therapeutics and a word that I’m not allowed to mention, but I’m still proud of that word,” he told supporters in Anchorage.

“We did that in nine months and it was supposed to take five years to 12 years, nobody else could have done it but I’m not mentioning it in front of my people.”

Eric Garcia has more details.

Trump refuses to say the word ‘vaccine’ during Alaska rally

Trump goes on transphobic rant at rally in Alaska

Sunday 10 July 2022 18:00 , Bevan Hurley

Donald Trump vowed to “keep men out of women’s sports” during a crude, transphobic rant at a campaign rally in Alaska on Saturday night.

“It is actually demeaning to women, and it should not be allowed,” Mr Trump said.

Trump goes on transphobic rant at rally in Alaska

Documentary maker mocks Trump on day of release

Sunday 10 July 2022 17:45 , Bevan Hurley

Alex Holder, whose highly-anticipated Trump documentary Unprecedented was released on Sunday, made a not-so-subtle dig at the former president on Twitter.

“Orange you glad it’s premiere day?” Mr Holder tweeted.

The filmmaker was given access to Donald Trump, and his children Ivanka, Don Jr and Eric, as efforts were underway to overturn the 2020 presidential election.

Read more about the film here.

Everything you need to know about Alex Holder’s Jan 6 Trump documentary

Sarah Palin invokes gun imagery as she appears at Trump rally

Sunday 10 July 2022 17:30 , Bevan Hurley

Sarah Palin invoked gun imagery as she urged Republicans to keep fighting during a rally in Anchorage on Saturday night – weeks after a series of mass shootings that have left dozens of people dead.

“My dad, he was all about, no, you stiffen your spine,” the former Alaska governor told a cheering crowd at the GOP rally.

“My dad’s words exactly were: ‘Don’t retreat, reload’.”

Sarah Palin invokes gun imagery at Trump rally: ‘Don’t retreat, reload’

Trump mangles Supreme Court Justice’s name during GOP rally

Sunday 10 July 2022 17:00 , Bevan Hurley

Donald Trump mangled Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson’s name, disrespectfully calling her “Kechangie Brown Jackson” on stage at a GOP rally in Anchorage, Alaska.

The former president, who has a history of purposely mispronouncing Black women’s names, hit out at the newly-appointed justice in front of a crowd of supporters on Saturday night.

Rachel Sharp has the details.

Trump mangles Supreme Court Ketanji Brown Jackson’s name at GOP rally

Trump calls Elon Musk ‘another bulls*** artist’

Sunday 10 July 2022 16:45 , Bevan Hurley

Donald Trump attacked Elon Musk for pulling out of a $44bn deal to buy Twitter – and for revealing that he had not voted for him.

“Elon, Elon is not gonna buy Twitter,” Mr Trump told supporters in Anchorage, saying that he had said that before. “Well, he might later who the hell knows what’s going to happen?”

The former president also blasted the Tesla CEO for saying that he had not voted for Republicans in the past.

Eric Garcia has the story.

Trump calls Musk ‘another bulls*** artist’ for cancelling Twitter deal

Trump drops F-bomb

Sunday 10 July 2022 16:15 , Bevan Hurley

Donald Trump dropped an f-bomb during his rally in Alaska on Saturday night, prompting his supporters to break out into chants of “USA! USA!”

Mr Trump went on a rambling tale about a trip to Iraq where he said he spoke to generals about defeating Isis.

He said one of the generals told him it would take years while a second vowed to “hit ‘em in the f***ing centre”.

“I’d hit ‘em on the left. I’d hit ‘em on the right. I’d hit ‘em in the f***ing centre… Right smack,” said Mr Trump.

Seconds later, people began loudly chanting “USA! USA!”

Trump drops a rare F-bomb at Alaska rally prompting chants of ‘USA! USA!’

‘Give ‘em to me right now’

Sunday 10 July 2022 16:00 , Bevan Hurley

Donald Trump pulled two fans up on stage dressed in shirts emblazoned with his face and demanded they “give ‘em to me right now” during Saturday’s campaign rally in Alaska.

“I love this guy’s shirt, I tell you,” he says, laughing and pointing to the man in the crowd.

“I’d love to have you get up here. Come on, get up here. Let me see. Get up here. Get this guy up here.”

Rachel Sharp has the story.

Bizarre moment between Trump and fans wearing shirts of his face

Kellyanne Conway says Kushner trying to ‘wash his hands’ of 2020 election defeat

Sunday 10 July 2022 15:30 , Oliver O'Connell

Former president Donald Trump’s senior counselor Kellyanne Conway has blasted his son-in-la Jared Kushner, accusing him of trying to absolve himself of any responsibility for Mr Trump’s 2020 election loss.

Ms Conway made the remarks to The Washington Times as the woman who managed Mr Trump’s 2016 campaign promotes her new memoir Here’s the Deal. Ms Conway reportedly had a rocky relationship with the man married to Mr Trump’s eldest daughter Ivanka. Both Ms Trump and Mr Kushner held positions in the Trump administration alongside Ms Conway.

Eric Garcia reports.

Kellyanne Conway accuses Jared Kushner of trying to ‘wash his hands’ of 2020 loss

Trump refuses to say the word ‘vaccine’

Sunday 10 July 2022 15:15 , Bevan Hurley

Donald Trump refused to use the word vaccine when talking about Covid-19 at a rally for Republican candidates in Alaska on Saturday evening.

“We did so much in terms of therapeutics and a word that I’m not allowed to mention, but I’m still proud of that word,” he told supporters in Anchorage.

“We did that in nine months and it was supposed to take five years to 12 years, nobody else could have done it but I’m not mentioning it in front of my people.”

Eric Garcia has more details.

Trump refuses to say the word ‘vaccine’ during Alaska rally

Bannon agrees to testify before Jan. 6 committee

Sunday 10 July 2022 15:05 , Bevan Hurley

Former White House strategist Steve Bannon, one of Donald Trump’s closest advisers and top supporters, has agreed to provide testimony to the January 6 committee, a panel member revealed on Sunday.

Rep Zoe Lofgren confirmed during an interview with CNN that Mr Bannon’s attorney had written to the committee stating Mr Bannon’s willingness to drop his opposition to their subpoena.

John Bowden reports.

Steve Bannon will testify before Jan. 6 committee, panel member says

Governors offer Democrats aggressive reply on guns, abortion

Sunday 10 July 2022 15:00 , Oliver O'Connell

In a summer marked by anger among Democrats over a string of mass shootings and the Supreme Court’s decision to strip women of the constitutional right to an abortion, several governors are emerging as the party’s leading voices of outrage.

Governors offer Democrats aggressive reply on guns, abortion

Trump calls Elon Musk ‘another bulls*** artist’

Sunday 10 July 2022 14:45 , Bevan Hurley

Donald Trump attacked Elon Musk for pulling out of a $44bn deal to buy Twitter – and for revealing that he had not voted for him.

“Elon, Elon is not gonna buy Twitter,” Mr Trump told supporters in Anchorage, saying that he had said that before. “Well, he might later who the hell knows what’s going to happen?”

The former president also blasted the Tesla CEO for saying that he had not voted for Republicans in the past.

Eric Garcia has the story.

Trump calls Musk ‘another bulls*** artist’ for cancelling Twitter deal

Trump may waive executive privilege to allow Steve Bannon to testify

Sunday 10 July 2022 14:30 , Oliver O'Connell

Donald Trump is reportedly considering waiving executive privilege to allow his former adviser Steve Bannon to testify before the January 6 committee.

The Washington Post reported Mr Trump had written a letter giving his permission for Mr Bannon to appear before the House panel investigating the deadly assault on the Capitol if they can agree terms, citing three anonymous sources.

Mr Trump is yet to sign and send the letter, and some of his confidantes are trying to talk him out of the plan, according to The Post.

Bevan Hurley has more details.

Trump may waive executive privilege to allow Bannon to testify at Jan 6 committee

Mulvaney says he was told Meadows both ‘incompetent’ and had ‘nervous breakdown’ on Jan 6

Sunday 10 July 2022 14:10 , Oliver O'Connell

Mick Mulvaney, Donald Trump’s former acting White House chief of staff, says that a “friend” who was in the White House on 6 January 2021 told him Mark Meadows was “a little bit of both” incompetent and having a “nervous breakdown” during the Capitol riot.

Read more:

Mulvaney was told Meadows both ‘incompetent’ and having ‘nervous breakdown’ on Jan 6

Pat Cipollone ‘did not contradict’ testimony of previous Jan 6 witnesses

Sunday 10 July 2022 13:50 , Oliver O'Connell

Former White House counsel Pat Cipollone “did not contradict” the testimony of previous witnesses as he appeared before the January 6 committee on Friday.

The grueling day-long private session produced new information to be divulged in future public hearings, according to one of the lawmakers present.

“He did not contradict the testimony of other witnesses,” California Democrat Zoe Lofgren told Wolf Blitzer on CNN.

Read more:

Cipollone ‘did not contradict’ testimony of previous Jan 6 witnesses

Trump continues to talk about overturning 2020 election

Sunday 10 July 2022 13:30 , Oliver O'Connell

Former President Donald Trump continues to talk about overturning the result of the 2020 election that saw Joe Biden beat him by 7 million popular votes and 74 Electoral College votes.

Turning his attention to the a decision out of Wisconsin, Mr Trump took to Truth Social to post:

The Wisconsin Supreme Court has just declared the “Unlock” Boxes, or Ballot “Stuffing” Boxes, to be ILLEGAL. Everybody knows what went on with the $417,000,000 that little Mark Zuckerberg “INVESTED” in the corrupt 2020 Presidential Election, and that doesn’t even include the big Wisconsin Nursing Home Scandal where close to 100% of the residents voted (always is MUCH lower number). It’s now up to Robin Vos to do what everybody knows must be done. We need FAIR and HONEST Elections in our Country…

He continued:

….Other States are looking at, and studying, the amazing Wisconsin Supreme Court decision declaring Ballot Boxes ILLEGAL, and that decision includes the 2020 Presidential Election. Speaker Robin Vos has a decision to make! Does Wisconsin RECLAIM the Electors, turn over the Election to the actual winner (by a lot!), or sit back and do nothing as our Country continues to go to HELL? Brave American Patriots already have a Resolution on the Floor!

Here’s our coverage of the state’s ballot box decision courtesy of Richard Hall.

Ban on drop boxes in Wisconsin likely to disproportionately impact Democratic voters

Could a crowded GOP field help Trump’s 2024 campaign?

Sunday 10 July 2022 13:10 , Oliver O'Connell

As he considers another White House run, polls show former President Donald Trump is the most popular figure in the Republican Party. But it wasn’t always that way.

Competing at one point against a dozen rivals for the GOP presidential nomination in 2016, Trump won only about a third of the vote in key early states. He even lost the Iowa caucuses, which kick off the nomination process.

But he was able to prevail nonetheless because those in the party who opposed his brand of divisive politics were never able to coalesce around a single rival to confront him. And with Trump mulling another White House bid as soon as this summer, the same dynamic could repeat.

How a crowded GOP field could help Trump in 2024 campaign

Everything we know about Trump’s plans to join mob on Jan 6

Sunday 10 July 2022 12:45 , Oliver O'Connell

It would have been something never quite before seen in America — a defeated president, Donald Trump, standing at the Capitol on 6 January 2021, with a mob of supporters, some armed, contesting the election outcome.

Trump intended to go there that day. His allies had been planning for the moment, envisioning the president delivering a speech outside the building or even entering the House chamber amid objections to Congress certifying the 2020 election results for Democrat Joe Biden.

“He’s going to look powerful,” mused Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani to a young White House aide four days earlier.

Here is what’s known about then-President Trump’s plans to join the mob at the Capitol based on what has been uncovered in the House select committee hearings:

4 days in January: Trump push for Capitol coda to 2020 vote

Oath Keepers leader offers to testify before Jan 6 committee

Sunday 10 July 2022 12:15 , Oliver O'Connell

The leader of the far-right Oath Keepers militia wants to testify before the January 6 committee as long as he’s allowed to do so live and in person.

Stewart Rhodes, who is in jail awaiting trial on seditious conspiracy charges for his role in the attack on the US Capitol, wants to “confront” the panel, his attorney James Bright told Politico.

Meanwhile, on Friday the Justice Department released new details of the extensive planning it alleges Mr Rhodes and eight other members of the Oath Keepers carried out in the lead-up to the January 6 riot.

Bevan Hurley has the latest.

Oath Keepers ringleader offers to testify before Jan 6 committee

Probably not how most people remember it...

Sunday 10 July 2022 11:15 , Oliver O'Connell

Donald Trump has claimed that “everybody was happy” under his presidency before the coronavirus pandemic arrived.

Speaking at a campaign event in Las Vegas on Friday night, the former president said the Biden administration had allowed a “deadly wave of lawlessness ... to sweep the land” while painting a far rosier picture of his own term in office.

Bevan Hurley reports.

Trump claims US was unified under his presidency before Covid: ‘Everybody was happy’

Calling Trump a ‘healthy specimen’ may have sealed endorsement for Dr Oz

Sunday 10 July 2022 10:15 , Oliver O'Connell

Donald Trump has admitted he backed Mehmet Oz for the vacant Pennsylvania Senate seat because the TV doctor once called him a “healthy specimen”.

In an interview with One America News, the former president revealed he had been swayed to support Dr Oz in the Republican primary due to flattering remarks.

Bevan Hurley has the story.

Trump backed Dr Oz for Senate seat because he called him a ‘healthy specimen’

Trump tells crowd Giuliani in hospital with heart problem ‘because of what they put him through’

Sunday 10 July 2022 09:15 , Oliver O'Connell

Donald Trump claimed that his former attorney, Rudy Giuliani, is in hospital being treated for a heart condition that he said was the result of what the political left has “put him through”.

“He had a heart problem,” he said, before casting the blame for that heart problem on an unspecified “they”. “He’s in a hospital. Can you believe it what they put Rudy through?”

Mr Giuliani this week was subpoenaed by the Fulton County, Georgia grand jury investigating the former president’s attempts to overturn Joe Biden’s 2020 election victory, alongside South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham and many advisors and attorneys who played key roles in the scheme to overturn the results.

Joanna Chisholm reports.

Trump says Giuliani in hospital for heart ‘because of what they put him through’

Trump mangles Supreme Court Justice’s name during GOP rally

Sunday 10 July 2022 22:13 , Bevan Hurley

Donald Trump mangled Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson’s name, disrespectfully calling her “Kechangie Brown Jackson” on stage at a GOP rally in Anchorage, Alaska.

The former president, who has a history of purposely mispronouncing Black women’s names, hit out at the newly-appointed justice in front of a crowd of supporters on Saturday night.

Rachel Sharp has the details.

Trump mangles Supreme Court Ketanji Brown Jackson’s name at GOP rally

Watch: Trump claims US was unified under his presidency

Sunday 10 July 2022 08:15 , Oliver O'Connell

Trump drops F-bomb

Sunday 10 July 2022 22:09 , Bevan Hurley

Donald Trump dropped an f-bomb during his rally in Alaska on Saturday night, prompting his supporters to break out into chants of “USA! USA!”

Mr Trump went on a rambling tale about a trip to Iraq where he said he spoke to generals about defeating Isis.

He said one of the generals told him it would take years while a second vowed to “hit ‘em in the f***ing centre”.

“I’d hit ‘em on the left. I’d hit ‘em on the right. I’d hit ‘em in the f***ing centre… Right smack,” said Mr Trump.

Seconds later, people began loudly chanting “USA! USA!”

Rachel Sharp has more.

Trump drops a rare F-bomb at Alaska rally prompting chants of ‘USA! USA!’

In the face of threats, some election workers weigh whether to stay

Sunday 10 July 2022 07:15 , Oliver O'Connell

Election officials and workers have felt threatened since the 2020 presidential election and the false claims that it was stolen from former President Donald Trump. A federal effort to investigate these threats has so far yielded three prosecutions since it was launched a year ago.

In the meantime, the harassment and death threats haven’t stopped against those who have pushed back against the false claims. The threats have contributed to an exodus of election officials across the country, particularly at the local level, and made recruiting poll workers even harder — adding to the challenges of conducting smooth elections in the fall.

Facing threats, some election workers weigh whether to stay

Steve Bannon’s lawyer asks to be removed from contempt case

Sunday 10 July 2022 06:15 , Oliver O'Connell

One of the attorneys representing former Trump White House adviser Steve Bannon in the criminal contempt of Congress case against him is asking to be released from service as Mr Bannon’s lawyer, because he may be called to testify at the upcoming trial.

Andrew Feinberg reports from Washington, DC.

Steve Bannon’s lawyer asks to withdraw from contempt case because he may be a witness

Watch: Mick Mulvaney discusses what went on in White House on January 6

Sunday 10 July 2022 05:15 , Oliver O'Connell

Why were Normal Rockwell paintings removed from White House?

Sunday 10 July 2022 04:15 , Oliver O'Connell

The removal of a set of paintings from display at the White House because the owners anted them back has become the latest half-hearted attack line for conservatives.

Politico Playbook reported on Tuesday that a set of iconic Norman Rockwell paintings depicting various people waiting to meet with the president were taken down and replaced with images of Mr Biden after the family of Franklin D Roosevelt’s press secretary Steven Early requested them back as far back as a year ago.

Experts told the publication that one reason for their return could be the increased value the paintings now have following their display at the White House.

John Bowden reports.

Removal of Norman Rockwell paintings from White House sparks conspiracy theories

Sunday 10 July 2022 03:35 , Phil Thomas

Trump calls Musk ‘another bulls*** artist’

Donald Trump let rip at Elon Musk at a rally in Anchorage, Alaska on Saturday night, both for pulling out of his $44bn deal to buy Twitter – and for revealing that he didn’t vote for the former president.

The Tesla boss not only recently said he had never voted Republican before – meaning he didn’t vote for Trump in either 2016 or 2020 – but has also said he would consider voting for Florida governor Ron DeSantis if he were to run for the White House in 2024. DeSantis is seen as the only Republican who could beat Trump in a primary for the GOP nomination.

Trump – who is banned from Twitter for inciting violence in the wake of the January 6 attack – told the crowd: “You know, he said the other day, oh, I’d never voted for a Republican. I said, I didn’t know that. He told me he voted for me. So he’s another bulls*** artist, but he’s not going to be buying it.”

Eric Garcia has the full story:


Sunday 10 July 2022 03:22 , Phil Thomas

Trump’s neice says he is ‘terrified’ by the Jan 6 committee

Mary Trump has claimed her uncle is probably “terrified” by developments in the congressional committee investigating the events of January 6, when the then-president urged an armed mob of supporters to disrupt the formal confirmation of Joe Biden’s victory, telling them to “fight like hell”.

Ms Trump, a psychologist who has been an outspoken critic of the former president, was asked on MSNBC what she thought her former relative was feeling, as Pat Cipollone, the former White House counsel, became the latest top figure to be interviewed by the panel.

“To say that Donald is terrified is accurate, it is also an understatement,” replied Ms Trump.

“I think this might be the first time in his entire life that even he can’t deny the walls that are closing in. The amount of evidence that we see coming out of these committee hearings is overwhelming.”

Oliver O’Connell has the full story:


Court rejects Roy Moore’s defamation case against Sacha Baron Cohen

Sunday 10 July 2022 03:15 , Oliver O'Connell

Former Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore‘s attempt to sue actor Sacha Baron Cohen has hit a wall after an appeals court tossed out the lawsuit.

Mr Moore hoped to bring a $95m defamation lawsuit against Mr Cohen, claiming the actor duped him into participating in an unflattering interview that was broadcast on the show “Who is America?”

However, the 2nd US Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan upheld a lower court’s ruling in Mr Cohen’s favour.

Graig Graziosi reports.

Court rejects Roy Moore’s defamation case against Sacha Baron Cohen

Why Trump has reason to be worried about Georgia’s investigation into election interference

Sunday 10 July 2022 02:15 , Oliver O'Connell

It has been nearly two years since Donald Trump lost his bid for reelection, refused to concede, and instead launched an all-out campaign to remain in the White House.

In the time since, numerous investigations and public hearings have probed the actions of the then-president and his team for evidence of criminality, including the House committee hearings investigating the attack on the US Capitol.

But far from the bright lights and dramatic live broadcasts of those hearings, a potentially more significant probe is underway in Georgia — one that may offer the best chance of criminal charges being brought against the former president.

Richard Hall reports for The Independent.

Why Trump has reason to be worried about a criminal investigation in Georgia

Appeals court rules Congress can see some Trump financial records

Sunday 10 July 2022 01:15 , Oliver O'Connell

A federal appeals court on Friday narrowed the range of documents House Democrats are entitled to in their years-long investigation of Donald Trump‘s finances.

The decision from the federal appeals court in Washington almost certainly won’t be the last word in the legal fight that began in 2019, when Trump was president and Democrats newly in charge of the House of Representatives subpoenaed a wealth of records from Trump’s accounting firm, Mazars USA.

A federal judge in Washington already had ruled that lawmakers were entitled to review a more limited set of records than they initially wanted.

Appeals court: Congress can see some Trump financial records

Trump ready for Alaska rally

Sunday 10 July 2022 00:30 , Oliver O'Connell

Donald Trump will soon appear at the Alaska Airlines Center in Anchorage.

On his way from Las Vegas to Alaska, the former president posted on Truth Social:

“On my way to Alaska to get rid of the horrible Alaska-Hating Lisa Murkowski. Speech honoring Kelly Tshibaka and Sarah Palin—big crowd (Alaska record-setting!) in Anchorage. See you soon!”

C-SPAN will be broadcasting the event live.

Here’s Sarah Palin riling up the crowd with the chant of “Drill baby, drill!”

300 Virginia government workers have quit over changes to remote working

Sunday 10 July 2022 00:15 , Oliver O'Connell

More than 300 state employees have resigned since Virginia Gov Glenn Youngkin announced a new policy in early May that required workers to return to in-person work by 5 July.

In the springtime, as an increasing number of blue and red states across the country began easing mask mandates and pandemic restrictions, the Trump-endorsed governor sought to end the telework policy that had been in place for most Virginia state employees since 2020.

Joanna Chisholm reports.

300 Virginia state workers have quit since governor changed rules for telework

Trump reacts to Elon Musk pulling out of Twitter deal

Saturday 9 July 2022 23:45 , Oliver O'Connell

Donald Trump took to his own social platform Truth Social last night to celebrate Elon Musk’s decision to pull out of the deal to buy Twitter.


On Saturday evening he followed up with a post attaching a Daily Mail article, writing: “Elon never told me he only voted for Democrats. In fact, he told me he voted for ‘Trump’, and would do so again. Now he’s going to pay a big price for signing a bad contract for a bad company.”

Here’s our coverage of the supposed end of the Musk-Twitter deal.

Elon Musk kills Twitter deal

Trump may waive executive privilege to allow Steve Bannon to testify

Saturday 9 July 2022 23:15 , Oliver O'Connell

Donald Trump is reportedly considering waiving executive privilege to allow his former adviser Steve Bannon to testify before the January 6 committee.

The Washington Post reported Mr Trump had written a letter giving his permission for Mr Bannon to appear before the House panel investigating the deadly assault on the Capitol if they can agree terms, citing three anonymous sources.

Mr Trump is yet to sign and send the letter, and some of his confidantes are trying to talk him out of the plan, according to The Post.

Bevan Hurley has more details.

Trump may waive executive privilege to allow Bannon to testify at Jan 6 committee

Mulvaney says he was told Meadows both ‘incompetent’ and had ‘nervous breakdown’ on Jan 6

Saturday 9 July 2022 22:45 , Oliver O'Connell

Mick Mulvaney, Donald Trump’s former acting White House chief of staff, says that a “friend” who was in the White House on 6 January 2021 told him Mark Meadows was “a little bit of both” incompetent and having a “nervous breakdown” during the Capitol riot.

Read more:

Mulvaney was told Meadows both ‘incompetent’ and having ‘nervous breakdown’ on Jan 6

Pat Cipollone ‘did not contradict’ testimony of previous Jan 6 witnesses

Saturday 9 July 2022 22:15 , Oliver O'Connell

Former White House counsel Pat Cipollone “did not contradict” the testimony of previous witnesses as he appeared before the January 6 committee on Friday.

The grueling day-long private session produced new information to be divulged in future public hearings, according to one of the lawmakers present.

“He did not contradict the testimony of other witnesses,” California Democrat Zoe Lofgren told Wolf Blitzer on CNN.

Read more:

Cipollone ‘did not contradict’ testimony of previous Jan 6 witnesses

Trump ally calls for end to Jan 6 committee before probe of organisation of Capitol riot mob

Saturday 9 July 2022 21:45 , Oliver O'Connell

GOP Rep Ronny Jackson of Texas, a staunch ally of Donald Trump, took to Twitter on Saturday morning to call for an immediate end to the work of the January 6 committee.

In a seemingly unprompted, shouty, half-capitalised tweet, the congressman said: “The WITCH HUNT committee of unselects is FAILING. Americans can see through their lies, and NOBODY believes them. It’s all a SHAM meant to DISTRACT. The committee should be dissolved IMMEDIATELY!”

The next public hearing of the committee is scheduled for 10am on Tuesday and will focus on Mr Trump and his allies’ roles in luring thousands of supporters to the nation’s capital in time to take part in the riot.

Among those supporters were the far-right Proud Boys and Oath Keepers groups, members of whom have since been charged with seditious conspiracy.

A series of text messages revealed in court documents in April appear to show members of the Oath Keepers discussing providing security for the Texas lawmaker at the height of the riot.

Included on the messages was the group’s leader Stewart Rhodes who is awaiting trial and has offered to testify to the committee in person.

The committee has been seeking testimony from the Mr Jackson since the beginning of May.

Saturday 9 July 2022 21:15 , Oliver O'Connell

Trump continues to talk about overturning 2020 election

Saturday 9 July 2022 20:45 , Oliver O'Connell

Former President Donald Trump continues to talk about overturning the result of the 2020 election that saw Joe Biden beat him by 7 million popular votes and 74 Electoral College votes.

Turning his attention to the a decision out of Wisconsin, Mr Trump took to Truth Social to post:

The Wisconsin Supreme Court has just declared the “Unlock” Boxes, or Ballot “Stuffing” Boxes, to be ILLEGAL. Everybody knows what went on with the $417,000,000 that little Mark Zuckerberg “INVESTED” in the corrupt 2020 Presidential Election, and that doesn’t even include the big Wisconsin Nursing Home Scandal where close to 100% of the residents voted (always is MUCH lower number). It’s now up to Robin Vos to do what everybody knows must be done. We need FAIR and HONEST Elections in our Country…

He continued:

….Other States are looking at, and studying, the amazing Wisconsin Supreme Court decision declaring Ballot Boxes ILLEGAL, and that decision includes the 2020 Presidential Election. Speaker Robin Vos has a decision to make! Does Wisconsin RECLAIM the Electors, turn over the Election to the actual winner (by a lot!), or sit back and do nothing as our Country continues to go to HELL? Brave American Patriots already have a Resolution on the Floor!

Here’s our coverage of the state’s ballot box decision courtesy of Richard Hall.

Ban on drop boxes in Wisconsin likely to disproportionately impact Democratic voters

Amid bias claims, judges are keeping Capitol riot trials in DC

Saturday 9 July 2022 20:15 , Oliver O'Connell

A growing number of defendants are pushing to have their trials moved out of Washington. DC, saying the outcome of the first trials proves that the odds are unfairly stacked against January 6 defendants in the nation’s capital.

“DC is a city that, as a whole, feels that it has been the victim of a crime,” attorneys in two cases against members and associates of the far-right Oath Keepers extremist group wrote in court papers seeking to have their trials moved to Virginia.

Prosecutors and judges see no evidence that Capitol rioters can’t get a fair trial in DC and believe the process of weeding out biased jurors is working. Judges presiding over January 6 cases have consistently rejected requests to move trials, saying the capital has plenty of residents who can serve as fair jurors.

Judges keeping Capitol riot trials in DC amid bias claims

West Virginia Guard member admits role in Capitol riot

Saturday 9 July 2022 19:45 , Oliver O'Connell

A West Virginia National Guard member who wore a hoodie that read “Yes, I'm a Trump girl” inside the US Capitol Rotunda during the January 6 riot pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor on Wednesday.

Jamie Lynn Ferguson entered the plea to parading, demonstrating, or picketing in a Capitol building during a conference call with a US magistrate judge in Washington, DC. The charge carries a maximum penalty of six months in prison and a $5,000 fine.

Prosecutors asked that three other charges be dismissed. Ferguson, 44, also agreed to pay $500 restitution for damage caused to the Capitol. Sentencing was set for 18 November.

On 3 January 2021, Ferguson shared an article on her Facebook account containing a picture of a crowd in front of the Capitol with a storm cloud and Mount Rushmore above it. A caption in the post read, “I pray this is exactly what DC will look like on Jan. 6th. #HoldTheLine.” A comment on the post asked whether Ferguson was going to the Capitol and she replied, “I am,” according to court documents.

In an interview with FBI special agents a week after the riot, Ferguson admitted attending former President Donald Trump’s “Stop the Steal” rally in front of the White House before heading to the Capitol. Ferguson was wearing a dark hoodie with the phrase “Yes, I’m a Trump Girl” in white lettering when she entered the building. She spent nearly an hour inside, mostly walking around the Rotunda, the documents showed.

A report submitted to the FBI by the US Air Force Office of Special Investigations said Ferguson was on leave from the National Guard from 5 January to 7 January. Ferguson said she attended the rally with her parents, who left afterward. Ferguson said she proceeded to the Capitol because she believed she would be able to see Trump again.

Ferguson was arrested in May in Lynchburg, Virginia. She is a technical sergeant and a drill status guardsman assigned to the West Virginia Air National Guard.

“As a matter of policy, the 130th Airlift Wing and the West Virginia National Guard do not comment on civilian criminal matters,” the Guard said in a statement on Wednesday.

Under the conditions of her release, Ferguson was ordered to stay at the Virginia home of her parents.

More than 830 people have been charged with federal crimes related to the Capitol riot. More than 320 of them have pleaded guilty, mostly to misdemeanor charges, and over 200 have been sentenced.


Raskin says cannot wait to going back to disagreeing with Cheney

Saturday 9 July 2022 19:15 , Oliver O'Connell

Democratic Rep Jamie Raskin says he cannot wait to go back to disagreeing about everything with Republican Rep Liz Cheney after the Jan 6 committee wraps up its work.

Says Mr Raskin: “I told Liz I can’t wait to going back to disagreeing with her about everything. But right now, we are in a constitutional emergency, and we are all constitutional first responders.”

Watch below via The Recount:

Could a crowded GOP field help Trump’s 2024 campaign?

Saturday 9 July 2022 18:45 , Oliver O'Connell

As he considers another White House run, polls show former President Donald Trump is the most popular figure in the Republican Party. But it wasn’t always that way.

Competing at one point against a dozen rivals for the GOP presidential nomination in 2016, Trump won only about a third of the vote in key early states. He even lost the Iowa caucuses, which kick off the nomination process.

But he was able to prevail nonetheless because those in the party who opposed his brand of divisive politics were never able to coalesce around a single rival to confront him. And with Trump mulling another White House bid as soon as this summer, the same dynamic could repeat.

How a crowded GOP field could help Trump in 2024 campaign