Joe Scarborough Points Out 'Grotesque' Part Of Donald Trump's Latest Rant

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough was less than thankful for Donald Trump’s early-morning Thanksgiving Day screed.

The “Morning Joe” co-host returned to the air following the holiday weekend on Monday and expressed his disgust at the former president’s social media attack on President Joe Biden, as well as his bluster about America going “to hell” without him in the White House.

“Talk about how sick to say that America is a rotten nation before you’re president of the United States, ‘American Carnage,’” Scarborough said. “And then you become president of the United States and America has four of the most tumultuous years later, and the second he leaves and is defeated by the American people, he goes back to saying that America sucks again.”

“Like, how grotesque that Donald Trump only thinks America’s great when Donald Trump’s president?” Scarborough asked former Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.).

Trump “doesn’t care about America nearly as much as he cares about himself,” McCaskill replied. “He has no guiding philosophy. He has no ideology. He has no policies he really believes in. The only thing he believes in is the guy he sees in the mirror that he looks at probably more often than is ever healthy for any human being.”

Trump’s “marketing is all about grievance,” she continued, saying the former president is “a marketer” and a “huckster” who doesn’t actually make or build things, but only markets them.

“On Thanksgiving, you should thank America for having values, and you should thank people and hope they come together,” McCaskill added. “All he wanted to do on Thanksgiving was make sure everyone knew that he was still really pissed off about everything, and he wants to make sure they stay pissed off about everything.”

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