Judge has harsh words for MS Coast man who sexually assaulted children for years

The voices in her head keep the little girl awake at night.

The voices sound like her abuser, Quincy Allen Hall, and he’s telling her he’s coming for her just as he had since the time she was 4 or 5.

Her half-sister still has panic attacks because of the repeated and ongoing sexual assaults she and her sister suffered at the hands of a man they thought they could trust.

On Monday, Hall admitted what he had done to the two little girls, now both in their teens and still learning to adjust to life after a childhood marred by violent and repeated attacks.

Hall, 37, of Biloxi, pleaded guilty to two counts of sexual battery and one count each of touching a child for lustful purposes and child exploitation, the last charge of which is for filming the crimes.

Hall addressed what he had done briefly before sentencing.

“I just want to apologize to everybody I hurt, ...” Hall said. “That’s all I have, your honor.”

“Mr. Hall, you have no sympathy from the court,” Judge Christopher Schmidt said before sentencing Hall to serve 80 years in prison day-for-day for his crimes.

Prior to sentencing, Harrison County Assistant District Attorney Meaghan Smith appealed to the judge for a life sentence for the crimes.

She said the girls for years endured every form of penetration at the hands of a man who was supposed to love them.

After each of the attacks ended, Smith said, Hall often sent the girls text messages with videos he had filmed of himself attacking them, along with disturbing messages about his hunger for more.

The girl’s mother said the abuse upended her and her children’s lives and said her girls still live in fear of one day running into Hall as a free man.

The day of Hall’s initial arrest, the mother said, one of her girls had four panic attacks because she still thought no one would believe what she was telling them was true.

The allegations against Hall didn’t surface until the mother picked up one of the girls after she went out with friends for a movie night.

The mother said she wanted to start talking to her daughter about boys and dating and that’s when her child broke down and told her what she had been going through for years.

The mother immediately contacted Biloxi police to report the crimes.

“Although we know that no amount of incarceration can take back the pain and damage caused by this defendant, we are hopeful that the sentence handed down can help in the healing process, as well as knowledge that this defendant will spend the rest of his life in prison,” said District Attorney Crosby Parker.