We know fireworks’ booms are are temporary. Our animals have no idea what’s going on | Opinion

Think of pets

As humans, we understand that explosive fireworks are temporary and that we’re not in danger. But for animals, it’s like a war on their homes, whether they’re birds, raccoons or armadillos in nature, or the dogs and cats that are part of our family.

More pets go missing on July 4 than any other day of the year. Even worse, frightened birds slam into windows, resulting in severe injury or death. Wildlife often abandon nests or dens.

It’s critical to keep pets indoors during fireworks in a safe, secure room with toys and music or television. Better yet, stay home with them. Always make sure pets have identification attached.

We can spare animals from these ear-shattering sounds by celebrating instead with glow sticks, firecracker piñatas, red and blue bubbles and confetti poppers.

- Linda Robertson, Texas state director, Animal Wellness Action, Conroe

Moved my vote

I am an independent voter who cannot abide Donald Trump and his hateful agenda. I watched the debate, and I am sad that these two are the best America has to offer me. I cannot with a sound mind vote for Joe Biden. World leaders, both friend and foe, saw the same thing American voters saw: an old man incapable of running a country and standing toe-to-toe with powerful enemies. I will begrudgingly vote for Trump after watching this debate.

- Lloyd Shipley, Bedford

Quieter truths

Thank you for printing the Steve Corbin’s June 28 commentary “Will candidates be judged by the company they keep?” (11A) Nothing could be more timely on the morning after one candidate smugly chanted lie after lie while the other spoke honestly, however lacking he was in the bluster and blither exhibited by the other candidate.

It is one thing to forget the callous acts of Donald Trump’s administration and another to ignore his attempt to orchestrate an overthrow of the government. But he has no problem that his dishonesty is duplicated in the people with whom he associates.

Speaking truth takes less energy, can be done quietly and doesn’t require surrounding oneself with a cadre of sycophants of questionable character.

- Paul Hartman, Fort Worth

About laws

The first presidential debate of the 2024 election was disappointing to say the least. For many, the response was, “Joe Biden is too old.” My response is, “Donald Trump is too evil.”

Biden has demonstrated during his political life and his tenure as president that he will appoint those who value and protect the Constitution of the United States.

Trump has demonstrated that he will appoint those who value and protect him. Trump has repeatedly shown us who he is: Trump University fraud, misuse of Trump Foundation funds, a jury finding of liability for sexual assault in a civil trial, conviction of business record falsification violations and, most important, inciting an insurrection against the government.

Why would you think Trump would be a good caretaker of our laws and our freedoms?

- Judith Myers Stricklin, Arlington

Take ’em away

When my mother was in her late 80s, her driving became very erratic, including an episode where she ran off the road into some bushes. It was clear to my siblings and me that in driving a car, Mom was a risk to herself and others. Therefore, we had no choice but to take her keys. She resisted and insisted she was fully capable of driving safely. We knew better.

I see the same dynamic now in President Joe Biden. He has clearly demonstrated that he is not capable of handling the demands of the presidency. For his well-being and the good of the country, it’s time first lady Jill Biden and the Democrats take away Joe Biden’s keys.

- Dale Crane, Southlake