Know what’s really manly, Josh Hawley? Telling your Missouri constituents the truth | Opinion

Lead by example

I sent Sen. Josh Hawley an email regarding the supposed “weaponization of the Department of Justice” after reading his comments in a tweet about this subject. I wish he had watched the recent “PBS NewsHour” interview of William Barr, the former attorney general who stated the DOJ is not being weaponized — rather, it is called enforcement.

And again I was reminded in Susan B. Sorenson’s Aug. 6 guest commentary, “Learning manliness can’t mean using force on women,” (17A) that Hawley is concerned men no longer know how to be men. I had to laugh at the irony of this concern. I wish he would start leading by example by being honest with himself and others.

No more supporting the lies and spinning of the truth by he who shall remain nameless. Do what is best for this country.

- Richard Moore, Liberty

Sorry outcome

Thanks for the editorial speaking truth to Jackson Mahomes’ behavior. (Aug. 6, 16A, “Are these Chiefs fans happy restaurant is out of business?”) I have eaten at the Aspens Restaurant and Lounge, and the food was delicious, the server friendly and professional, and the atmosphere unique. I loved it. I am so sorry to see such a promising business destroyed by juvenile treachery.

I hope our fave 15 will not support his brother’s activities. Wrong is wrong.

- Judith Rucker, Overland Park

The wrong look

I’ve seen the initial renderings for the new Royals stadium and think a massive mistake is being made.

You are trying to replace a stadium that is unique and lovely, despite being a half-century old. That’s fine. Alas, the architects are discarding nearly everything that makes it so darn memorable.

The crown scoreboard, the huge white columns and light stands, the fountains and the openness make Kauffman Stadium a feast for the eyes. In the renderings, only the water feature remains.

The initial concepts are acceptable, but nothing takes your breath away. They look like slight twists on every retrograde stadium built in the last 30 years.

Ewing and Muriel Kauffman and the original architects did much, much better 50 years ago, creating an elegant look that is unique in professional sports. I’ve been to many stadiums around the country. There is nothing like Kauffman Stadium.

If a new stadium is built, I urge ownership to incorporate and pay homage to more of the Kauffmans’ original vision. What you need is an updated, somewhat modified Kauffman Stadium, particularly on the exterior, in a new location. What you don’t need is a generic replacement that nobody will ever remember.

- Mark Ziegler, Los Angeles

Royals memories

Dear John Sherman,

Please rethink your plan of moving the Royals out of Kaufman Stadium. Like me, many fans of your baseball team have invested a lifetime in making memories at “The K.”

I am 65 and still have my green and gold bat from the days of the Athletics at old Municipal Stadium. I rode my bike through the new stadium as it was being built. I called the dugout to tell Whitey Herzog to pull the pitcher (a long time ago).

I’ve enjoyed so many experiences there. Every time I go to a game and look at the stadium, all my memories and stories come back. If you move the team and “The K” goes away, the memories of every Royals fan will die.

I’ve been a Royals fan from the beginning and hope you don’t change that, too.

- Bill McNeal, Lee’s Summit