Kyrsten Sinema’s Ex-Friend Has Proof She’s ‘Calculated’

Photo Illustration by Thomas Levinson/The Daily Beast/Getty
Photo Illustration by Thomas Levinson/The Daily Beast/Getty

Kyrsten Sinema is no stranger to burning bridges. She’s in the process of doing just that with her former Democratic colleagues now that she officially switched her party to Independent, and according to David Schapira, a former Arizona politician and ex-friend to Sinema, she burned a bridge with him, too.

He wrote a viral Twitter thread that details the time that both he and Sinema were running for office in Arizona and the two promised each other they wouldn’t go “negative” or run attack campaigns out of respect for their friendship. Spoiler alert: She did anyway, Schapira tells New Abnormal co-host, Danielle Moodie.

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In this episode of the politics podcast, Schapira breaks down exactly what happened—and the half-assed apology she allegedly gave him after—as well as some reasons he believes his former pal cares more about “notoriety” than her role as a servant of the public.

On the party change issue, he says “she is too calculated. She thinks too long-term for this to have just been a recent decision.”

And of her character?

“I don’t think her political ambition has any bounds,” he tells Moodie after recounting an alleged interaction with Sinema that he never shared publicly before.

“Ego is a hell of a drug,” Moodie replies.

Also on the pod is Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Spencer Ackerman, author of the Forever Wars newsletter, who shares what he thinks will happen with the Yemen War Powers resolution Bernie Sanders recently proposed, which calls for the United States to stop the residual aid that it’s giving to the country.

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There are a few things that could happen, but Ackerman predicts the most likely thing will be Joe Biden will be made to look really bad when he likely has to veto the bill—and go against his own party and previous promises.

Plus! Moodie and co-host Andy Levy make an extremely strong case for why Marjorie Taylor Greene needs a mute button after her latest comments on transgender kids and Jan. 6, then ponder the idea of Kevin McCarthy retiring. Hey, co-hosts can dream.

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