La Scie woman shovelling her way out from 8-foot 'snowmageddon'

A woman in La Scie is literally shovelling her way out of her house this week, after heavy snowfalls left her house dwarfed by massive drifts.

Crystal Middlebrook, who has been living in La Scie for the last three years, says it's the most snow she's ever seen.

"I've shovelled before, but this is just the most snow I've seen at one time, ever," Middlebrook said in an interview.

"Well, since I was a kid. I didn't have to shovel then ... but, yeah, it's not fun."

Middlebrook said it started snowing on Monday night, and ended the following day.

"We were supposed to have 35 centimetres, but with wind gusts — I think we had up to 130 km/h gusts — the wind was blowing the snow every which way," she said.

"I've got snowdrifts on three sides of the house. The biggest one I think is seven or eight feet. I can't reach the top of it."

Middlebrook said her partner is currently working in Alberta, so she's pretty well been her own snow patrol this winter.

She told CBC that up to Monday night, she estimates there was three feet, or about a metre of snow, in some spots around her home.

Middlebrook said after the "snowmageddon" stopped Tuesday, it took three to four hours of shovelling just to get out of the house.

"I did have some help. But I'm sore today, my muscles are not liking me — and I'm only half done with the big stuff," she said.

Middlebrook said she and her two children have been making the most out of the situation and have snowshoed, gone sliding on hills and have made snow forts.