Lakewood of Strathmore donates $46,000 to #NotInMyCity

Lakewood of Strathmore celebrated the conclusion of their campaign alongside #NotInMyCity, which began last year, with an event taking place, June 22 in Brave Park.

The campaign saw the commitment of $1,000 donated from every property in Phase 2 of the Lakewood development sold the charity.

#NotInMyCity is an organization dedicated to raising awareness and taking actions to prevent and end human trafficking and sexual exploitation.

This project concluded with the donation of $46,000, which represented every single lot which had been outstanding to sell at the start of the initiative.

“I think one thing that is always overlooked is that community builds community, and if money, resources and energy were not put back into social programs and different groups such as #NotInMyCity, organizations like True North here in town, our community would not be what it is and it would not be what we hope it to be in the future,” said Scott Silva, director of sales and marketing for Lakewood of Strathmore. “This was really just part of reinvesting back into the community and those organizations that helped make us who we are today.”

Silva added Lakewood of Strathmore maintains a close relationship with Paul Brandt, who spearheads #NotInMyCity, due to having worked with them for the past approximately 18 months.

A goal of Lakewood of Strathmore’s was to operate a campaign with #NotInMyCity, serving to gather a lot of attention to the community, such that similar campaigns could be launched with other community organizations in the future.

“With every phase, we want to commit that phase to another donation. This phase was for #NotInMyCity. The next phase, which will be bringing on lots in about 90 days, we are going to announce who we will be committing that phase to as well,” said Silva. “We have got about 450 homes left until we are done, because the entire community will be about 550 homes, so every phase we are going to be dedicating funds back to a local organization or a regional organization that has an impact in making differences in lives every day.”

Silva also ascribed the sale of all of Phase 2 lots to the hard work and dedication of the development team at Lakewood of Strathmore.

#NotInMyCity and Lakewood of Strathmore will be continuing to collaborate through events and projects throughout the year, which have yet to be announced.

More information about #NotInMyCity is available online through their website and social media platforms.

John Watson, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter, Strathmore Times