Let them eat snake! ‘Prophet’ feeds reptile to followers - telling them it will turn into chocolate
HE was no doubt wanting to put his own slant on a well-known Bible story.
But this was not so much a case of turning water into wine as snakes into Snickers.
A preacher controversially ordered members of his congregation to eat a live snake, with the promise that it would become chocolate it their mouths.
Members of Prophet Penuel’s End Times Disciples Ministries in Pretoria, in South Africa, did as they were told and ate parts of the reptile.
Images posted onto the church’s social media sites show radical preacher Penuel dangling dropping a live snake it into the mouths of his followers – who posed with chunks of the snake in their mouths.
A post on the church’s Facebook page later read: ‘Man of God declared a snake to become a chocolate and the congregation ate it.
'We have authority to change everything into anything and it will obey because of our authority.’
A member of the congregation said later on social media: 'I did as I was commanded and tasted the chocolate. It was different but tasted good.’
Another said: 'I was not sure at first but when I bit the snake I realised it was the best chocolate I have ever eaten.’
The African Christian Democratic Party condemned the behaviour of such self-styled prophets.
'What they are doing is wrong and is bordering on witchcraft and magic and should therefore be condemned in the strongest possible terms,’ said ACDP President Kenneth Meshoe.
In May this year Penuel hit the headlines after asking members to remove their clothes and then he would sit on them before praying for them. He has also asked gullible congregants to drink petrol with the promise it would taste of pineapple juice.