Letter writers object to school closures, vote on Gaza and tax break for developers

School closure plans ignore community values

As an Olympia parent of kids at Reeves Middle School and Roosevelt Elementary, I’m very concerned with the district’s plans to close multiple schools next year. Many of us choose to live here so our kids can attend good neighborhood schools. Closing schools to reach financial stability is misguided and out of touch with community values.

With a school district budget of $176 million, the stated gap to be resolved by school closures is only $3.5 million, or 2%. Why is the district focused on closing multiple schools, which would impact our kids more than other cuts, when staff salaries make up so much of the budget? The district must look at other options to reduce expenses, including cutting district staff or removing temporary COVID ESSER−funded services.

The district has shared that enrollment is projected to decrease by 1,000 students within 10 years. If so, why close so many schools now? District enrollment numbers show 368 fewer students this year than in 2016−17. That does not justify closure of four to five schools, as initially proposed. Where will all the kids go?

We expect the school district, and especially the school board, to make decisions that are in the best interest of our children first. The school closure proposal to resolve the budget deficit fails this litmus test. It is blind to community needs and must be thrown out in favor of a broader approach.

Mary Anne Herrick, Olympia

City Council’s Gaza resolution out of line

The Olympia City Council needs to stay in its lane and resist the urge to drift into “international affairs.” Olympia city business is its only responsibility. There are a myriad of outstanding local issues that need fixing by this council; Middle East wars are not among those issues.

International concerns are the purview of Congress. No one elected to the city council is serving in Congress at this time.

Israel is a sovereign nation with the right and duty to defend itself against acts of war committed against its people within its borders. The United States government recognizes Hamas as a terrorist group. To side with Hamas is to side with terrorists. Hamas perpetrated an act of war against Israel on Oct. 7 with barbaric acts of torture and murder, while kidnapping Israeli citizens, U.S. citizens and others. Hamas rocket attacks into Israel continue from within the Gaza strip.

This city’s “virtue signaling” exercise was a waste of city time and local taxpayer money. It does not represent the opinion of all Olympia citizens, so please desist from misrepresenting sectors of your constituency as you do not speak for everyone living here.

Jann Coffman, Olympia

City council passed corporate welfare for developer speculators

Thank you esteemed Olympia City Councilman Clark Gilman for your integrity and watching out for the residents of Olympia. I’m sorry all your fellow council members have rolled over and sold out by allowing the continued and greatly expanded corporate ripoff doled out to corporate apartment developers at the expense of tax-paying Olympia residents.

Despite the developers’ and your fellow council members’ tired rhetoric, this is not going to do anything to make housing affordable. Instead this 20-year pass on them having to pay any real estate taxes on their apartments will only place a harder burden on every other home and apartment dwelling in our unfair city.

I do hope voters remember about this stab in the back these council members just pulled on Olympia residents when they look to get reelected next. And know these same developers will be padding their reelection chests handsomely.

It will be up for renewal in five years, so let’s see how their plan makes housing more affordable and nix this scam when we get the chance.

Mike Pelly, Olympia