Letters: Paternos deserve to be honored at future game; Hillsdale College curriculum aims to help students

Paternos deserve to be honored at future game

There has been discussion by the board of trustees to name the football field after Joe Paterno. As much as I would like this, I think Joe would want the university to continue his “Grand Experiment.”

I would like to see more of Joe and Sue to be honored at a upcoming football game in 2024. Joe and Sue deserve this overdue honor.

Joseph Rozman, Bloomingdale, Ohio

Hillsdale College curriculum aims to help students

I write you in response to the article written by Keely Doll, “New charter school with controversial curriculum could be coming to State College,” that ran in the Centre Daily Times on Feb. 18.

Although we were not aware of Nittany Mountain Classical Academy before the article ran, Hillsdale College provides its K-12 curriculum to any public or private school that would like to use it, free of charge. Hundreds of schools throughout the country use our curriculum because it’s beautiful, time-tested and it works.

By law, charter schools are public schools and have no religious affiliation. Our classical curriculum, which focuses on the liberal arts and sciences, is not religious or political. In particular, our history curriculum seeks to tell the entire grand narrative of the American story — the promises, the perils, the tragedies, and triumphs. It highlights both the moments when we’ve fallen short of our founding principles and when we’ve nobly met them. It’s an unabashed, candid look at the fullness of American history, rather than cherry-picking a story to tell students.

In the end, we want to assist schools in helping students become men and women who will spend the rest of their lives pursuing what is good, true and beautiful. This educational endeavor is aimed at helping students strive for happiness and flourishing — everything that young people need and deserve.

Kathleen O’Toole, Hillsdale, Michigan. The author is Hillsdale College’s assistant provost for K-12 education.

Palestinians cannot afford our silence

The world has rallied around Palestine in response to Israel’s ongoing slaughter of civilians in Gaza, where at least 28,000 Palestinians, including at least 13,000 children, have been murdered since Hamas’ attack on Oct. 7. The International Court of Justice has now ruled that Israel is guilty of “probable genocide.” In fact, the court may soon hear arguments brought against the United States and Canada for complicity in genocide. Meanwhile, the United States, along with several other countries, has withdrawn aid from the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), a critical source of humanitarian aid for the desperate Palestinians in Gaza, due to allegations by Israel that 12 out of 30,000 UNWRA employees engaged in the attack on Oct. 7. Amnesty International stated that the “shocking and inhumane” withdrawal of funding “will deal a devastating blow to more than two million refugees in the occupied Gaza Strip for whom the organization serves as a sole lifeline.” Given the United States’ unchecked military and diplomatic support for Israel (that is, complicity in genocide), the Palestinians have nowhere to turn. Their only hope is for Americans to continue demanding a permanent cease-fire in Gaza; a withdrawal of all military aid to Israel; and a reinstatement of UNRWA funding that is critically needed for their survival. Palestinians cannot afford our silence due to propaganda casting Israel as an innocent victim; charges of genocide against Israel combined with daily images of the ongoing destruction of Gaza tell a darker and more truthful story.

Andrew McKinnon, Pennsylvania Furnace

Decisions in state treasurer’s race

I appreciate the newspaper publishing the item provided by Spotlight PA regarding the dispute among the three candidates for state treasurer, about the prudent use of state funds invested in foreign securities. After considering the statements of the current candidates and the reporter’s fact-checking with the previous state treasurer, I endorse candidate Erin McClelland in the April 23 primary. Her views on this matter reflect mature judgment and sound financial policy.

Christopher Walker, Port Matilda

How much more can conservatives take?

Trump and his extreme MAGA Republicans are endangering our national security.

Trump’s calls for Congress to scuttle any southern border security immigration bill and denial of support for Ukraine in their struggle against the Russian invasion make no sense.

His stated purpose is to prevent success on these national and worldwide security issues, not to solve problems, but to use discord and chaos as a fear factor in his campaign for reelection.

His invitation for Russia to do whatever the hell they want to our NATO allies threatens the security of not only us but the entire world.

And his latest wish for the U.S. economy to collapse so he can blame the Democrats is beyond belief. An economic collapse would throw hard working families across America under the bus.

How much more will Americans conservatives take?

Trump has made it clear he will do anything to stroke his own narcissist ego.

David Roberts, Bellefonte