LGBTQ Ugandans already suffer imprisonment, torture. Now they could face the death penalty.

LGBTQ Ugandans are being threatened and beaten as the nation's president weighs signing legislation that would make merely identifying as LGBTQ a crime and other aspects of homosexuality an offense that could result in the death penalty.

I recently interviewed activist Henry Mukiibi in the Ugandan city of Entebbe. Mukiibi is founder of Children of the Sun Foundation, which provides health care, shelter and advocacy for vulnerable LGBTQ Ugandans.

Within hours of our interview, the hardships faced by the LGBTQ Ugandans that Mukiibi’s nonprofit was sheltering became even more dire.

“Henry, an eviction will solve this problem,” a text message he received said. “It will help me also you take your s--- somewhere.”

The text was from Mukiibi’s landlord. The s--- the landlord referred to was homosexuality. The landlord proceeded to evict the 20 LGBTQ residents living in the foundation's shelter.

“I am scared on where the shelter occupants are going to sleep,” Mukiibi texted me after our interview.

He found another location for the shelter, but the new landlord required four months of rent before the group could move in. A donor later agreed to help pay the initial rent.

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Anti-LGBTQ bill carries harsh penalties, including death

Last month, the Ugandan Parliament passed the Anti-Homosexuality Act, which, if signed, would become "one of the most extreme anti-LGBTQI+ laws in the world," the Biden administration said.

Officials with the United Nations Human Rights Office have condemned the legislation, saying it would be an "egregious violation of human rights" if signed into law. They noted that the legislation was approved "after years of state-instigated and perpetuated discrimination and violence on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity."

The Ugandan legislation also comes at a time when, according to the American Civil Liberties Union, state legislators in a majority of U.S. states have introduced at least 385 anti-LGBTQ bills.

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The weekend I interviewed Mukiibi in Entebbe, President Yoweri Museveni had been in the city, urging members of Parliament from more than 20 African countries to reject the promotion of homosexuality and “save the world from this degeneration and decadence.”

At the two-day, interparliamentary conference, numerous attendees applauded Museveni on the hard stance Uganda is taking on homosexuality.

If Museveni signs the bill into law, as many expect him to do soon, according to the Ugandan Parliament website:

  • Engaging in “aggravated homosexuality” will result in the death penalty.

  • Anyone “convicted of committing the offence of homosexuality” would be sentenced to life in prison; any “attempt” would get seven years.

  • “Anyone engaging in acts of homosexuality” could get 20 years in jail.

  • "A child convicted of the act of homosexuality" would face three years.

  • Those convicted of marrying someone of the same sex or facilitating a same-sex marriage “is liable” to be sentenced to 10 years.

  • An “owner, occupier or manager of premises who knowingly allows the premises to be used for acts of homosexuality” faces a 10-year sentence.

Additionally, those supporting or “promoting” homosexuality, including tourists, journalists and potentially lawyers, also face prosecution. So do family members, friends or anyone else who doesn’t turn in those they suspect of homosexuality.

Museveni signed similar, though less harsh, anti-LGBTQ legislation into law in 2014, but it was nullified because Parliament didn’t have a quorum. Parliament has ensured that won’t be the case this time.

It's unfathomable how homosexuality, who a person is and how they express themselves, can generate such hatred and murderous desire. Yet I met Ugandan girls as young as 13 with babies fathered by adult men, either by force or seduction, and these heterosexual men faced no criminal charges.

As the new bill awaits Museveni's signature, LGBTQ Ugandans served by the Children of the Sun Foundation have been beaten on their way to a clinic. Mukiibi and residents have received threats of violence from neighbors and on WhatsApp. People have thrown stones at Mukiibi’s house, making him feel unsafe sleeping there.

Henry Mukiibi, founder of Children of the Sun Foundation, in Entebbe, Uganda, says the foundation has received threats of violence from neighbors and on WhatsApp. People have thrown stones at Mukiibi’s house, making him feel unsafe sleeping there.
Henry Mukiibi, founder of Children of the Sun Foundation, in Entebbe, Uganda, says the foundation has received threats of violence from neighbors and on WhatsApp. People have thrown stones at Mukiibi’s house, making him feel unsafe sleeping there.

In January, a leaked report from the Uganda NGO Bureau contained a list of nongovernmental organizations suspected of “promoting LGBTIQ activities in the country.” Children of the Sun Foundation was listed in the report.

It's not the first time shelter residents have been threatened, beaten

Mukiibi said he started the foundation because he saw LGBTQ community members were discriminated against in government facilities and didn't have access to services.

"I think my calling is to help vulnerable people who are like me," said Mukiibi, who is bisexual. "I continue because there are very many people who need support, and there is nowhere they can get it."

He and the people he has tried to help have paid a steep price for his activism – or rather, for simply being gay.

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On March 29, 2020, Mukiibi received a concerning call. “Henry, we've been raided,” the foundation's shelter administrator said, “by police, army, local council and the local defense unit.”

Mukiibi thought he would talk to the officials and get those from the shelter released. But when he arrived at the shelter, he saw the residents had been beaten. And when authorities discovered he was the boss, they arrested him along with the others.

“I asked them, ‘Why?’ ” Mukiibi said. He was told, “Because of sodomy.”

The police looked for proof of sodomy. “Some of the members were taken behind the house for anal tests,” Mukiibi said. The tests were purportedly done to identify residents who had had sex. “They were not doctors. They had no uniforms. We don't know whether these people were professionals.”

The gates to the shelter were opened, and bystanders were encouraged to come in and "look at these homosexuals," take photos and identify them on social media. Mukiibi said a police officer told him, "I am going to order these people to do mob justice on you."

“We were tied as slaves” and then were ordered to walk, he said. “We term it as a shameful walk from the shelter to the police station.” People spat on them. They threw stones. They called them horrible names.

Mukiibi's shame increased as his wife, children, in-laws and family saw news coverage of what happened. Before that, he had hidden his bisexuality.

Harassed, tortured and unlawfully kept in prison for 50 days

Mukiibi and 19 people from the shelter were taken to Kitalya Prison. Unable to prove sodomy, officials charged them with defying presidential directives under COVID-19.

One day, Mukiibi saw a warden beating his group. Fearing they’d be killed, he pleaded with a different warden, one who had previously helped him, to save them. “He told me, ‘Henry, right now, I can only save you.’” He hid Mukiibi under the bed in the prison hospital, where Mukiibi endured hearing the screams and cries of his shelter's residents for several hours.

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Back in the ward, Mukiibi learned his group had been restrained and beaten with wire. Some were still crying. Some were bloody. Noticing a trans woman was not sitting down, he asked why.

“After beating her, they ordered a piece of firewood,” Mukiibi said. “They made her undress, and the warden got a piece of wood, lit it and put it under her private parts. After seeing them being beaten, I gained strength that, even now, if I die it’s OK. I've seen it all.”

Mukiibi choked up and a tear fell from his eye as he told me about the torture.

Lawyers representing the foundation seemingly worked magic. The charges were dismissed. The lawyers sued the government on behalf of Mukiibi and the 19 residents and won. They each were awarded about $1,300 in U.S. dollars – which is more than many Ugandans, especially in rural areas, make in a year. But Mukiibi said they have yet to receive the money.

Mukiibi, Ssenabulya and the Ugandan LGBTQ community need help

Mukiibi and Charles Ssenabulya, the foundation's programs manager, want their voices – and what’s happening in Uganda – to be heard. They want the president not to sign the bill into law.

“That's why we are always more than willing to share our stories with the media,” Ssenabulya said. “Because you may not know who sees it and where it will reach and what impact could result back to the country.”

Rachelle Chase is an author and an opinion columnist for the Des Moines Register.
Rachelle Chase is an author and an opinion columnist for the Des Moines Register.

He hopes that someone who reads this column and other coverage of the anti-LGBTQ legislation could influence Museveni not to sign the bill. He also wants other countries, like the United States, to eliminate restrictions that prevent LGBTQ Ugandans from fleeing for their lives to seek asylum.

Most important, they want LGBTQ Ugandans to have the freedom to safely be themselves.

“If somebody steals something from a friend, it hurts some person after stealing,” Mukiibi said, “but in having sex with my boyfriend, who is hurting?”

For information on how to help, contact Mukiibi at or

Rachelle Chase is an author and an opinion columnist for the Des Moines Register. Follow Rachelle at or email her at

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This article originally appeared on Des Moines Register: LGBTQ Ugandans fear harsh anti-gay bill criminalizing their existence