Living in hotels, with a child on dialysis, a Georgia mother makes plea for help

Correction: A previous version of this story incorrectly stated J'Adore's diagnosis date. She was diagnosed in November of 2020.

Georgia mother Ebon Sledge noticed her daughter was getting sick frequently when she was younger, vomiting at least once a month.

When COVID hit in 2020, 10-year-old J’Adore began to throw up once a week. By November of that year, she wasn’t eating much and had a seizure, said Sledge, who has eight children in total.

That’s when Sledge found out her daughter suffers from kidney failure and needs a transplant. The family has faced a series of other obstacles, including a January 2022 eviction.

The family is currently living at a hotel in Griffin, Georgia, about 53 miles southeast of Atlanta. Sledge has applied for housing assistance but due to the large size of her family, it’s hard to find a place.

“We’ve really just been bouncing from hotel to hotel,” said Sledge. “Once hotels find out how many kids I have, they want to overcharge or make us leave, which is understandable.”

And since her daughter was diagnosed with kidney failure, the girl has been on dialysis, which is pretty far from where they live.

“The only pediatric dialysis center in the state of Georgia is almost an hour-and-a-half away from where we stay,” she said.

J'Adore Sledge, a 10-year-old from Georgia. J'Adore is suffering from kidney failure and is in need of a transplant. She has 7 siblings and her family was evicted in January 2022. Since then, the family has been living in hotels.
J'Adore Sledge, a 10-year-old from Georgia. J'Adore is suffering from kidney failure and is in need of a transplant. She has 7 siblings and her family was evicted in January 2022. Since then, the family has been living in hotels.

She goes three times a week and sessions last anywhere from three to four hours, said Sledge, who works as a cook at Waffle House and Red Lobster and used to work for Uber and Lyft when she had a car.

It’s a lot to juggle, getting her daughter to appointments and making sure her other children get where they need to be, she said. She has no car now but she’s able to get J’Adore places through a medical transportation service in Georgia.

How did the family find out about J’Adore’s illness?

When J’Adore was sick in November of 2020, her mother rushed her to the hospital and doctors ran tests. Her blood count was low and eventually, the family found out the 10-year-old’s kidneys were failing.

She received a transfusion, started dialysis and doctors also did a biopsy, her mother said. A genetic test was also done.

“She has a gene called APOL1,” Sledge said. “It's a gene that a lot of people carry … me and (her) dad carry the gene. She happens to have gotten it from both sides. It causes kidney failure.”

Is she on a waitlist for a kidney?

J’Adore is listed as inactive on a waitlist for a kidney because there are things she has to work on.

Doctors want to make sure she’s healthy enough for a transplant, her mother said.

So far, she has improved in some areas though. Her blood pressure was pretty high previously and medicine has helped her mother get that under control. Her mother has been monitoring her sodium intake as well.

J’Adore also had issues with her calcium levels, Sledge said.

J'Adore Sledge, a 10-year-old from Georgia. J'Adore is suffering from kidney failure and is in need of a transplant. She has 7 siblings and her family was evicted in January 2022. Since then, the family has been living in hotels.
J'Adore Sledge, a 10-year-old from Georgia. J'Adore is suffering from kidney failure and is in need of a transplant. She has 7 siblings and her family was evicted in January 2022. Since then, the family has been living in hotels.

“Other things that happen with kidney patients is their body doesn't filter out phosphorus,” she said. “Phosphorus gets into your bones and eats up the calcium. Sometimes kidney patients will break bones easily or they lose their teeth. You have a lot of people who are on dialysis who lose their teeth.”

She has given J’Adore liquid calcium and also pills to take after her meals to combat the extra phosphorus in her body.

This week, Sledge is speaking to doctors again and her daughter will have a transplant evaluation. They’ll meet a team overseeing her treatment and hopefully get added to a kidney transplant waitlist.

In the meantime, her mother is looking for a living donor to increase her chances of getting the medical treatment she needs.

“That process can take another three to four months because once again, they need to make sure whoever's a match, that they're healthy enough and they can survive the surgery,” Sledge said.

‘I don't like to ask for help but I decided to reach out to the community,’ mother says

Sledge reached out for help on social media to ask for help finding a living donor. She wanted to raise awareness about kidney failure impacting children because she always assumed it was something that mainly impacted older people.

She also created a GoFundMe to raise money for medical costs, housing and a car.

It has been “extremely stressful” to juggle so much and when J’Adore initially got sick, her mother was pregnant with baby number eight.

J'Adore Sledge, a 10-year-old from Georgia. J'Adore is suffering from kidney failure and is in need of a transplant. She has 7 siblings and her family was evicted in January 2022. Since then, the family has been living in hotels.
J'Adore Sledge, a 10-year-old from Georgia. J'Adore is suffering from kidney failure and is in need of a transplant. She has 7 siblings and her family was evicted in January 2022. Since then, the family has been living in hotels.

“Even up until now, when I see her hurt behind things she can’t do as a normal kid, it breaks my heart,” Sledge said. “I just keep reminding her ‘We're going to get a kidney.’”

She called J’Adore the “most pleasant” child and thinks the girl can feel a shift in her energy when the stress is becoming too much. Sometimes the little girl will leave her mother notes that say “I love you, Mom” or “You’re the best mom.”

“She's the most loving child,” her mother said. “She really is. She’s a person of little words. When she does speak, she speaks her mind. She says what she means and leaves it at that.”

The nurses at the dialysis center love her and she’s “so spoiled,” her mother laughed.

The family has started a GoFundMe with a $100,000 goal. So far they’ve raised nearly $40,000.

To help J’Adore and her family financially, visit

You can also keep up with her via Facebook at or look into donating a kidney at

J'Adore Sledge and her mother, Ebon Sledge. J'Adore is suffering from kidney failure and is in need of a transplant. She has 7 siblings and her family was evicted in January 2022. Since then, the family has been living in hotels.
J'Adore Sledge and her mother, Ebon Sledge. J'Adore is suffering from kidney failure and is in need of a transplant. She has 7 siblings and her family was evicted in January 2022. Since then, the family has been living in hotels.

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This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Georgia mom of 8 evicted while daughter fights kidney failure