‘Long live the King!’ Trumpets and tears as thousands gather to see Charles III proclaimed monarch


There was pomp, there was ceremony, there were thousands of people trying desperately not to forget that the national anthem now demands God save the king.

Large crowds gathered outside St James Palace and along The Mall on Saturday morning to cheer Charles III’s ascension to the throne.

They gathered below the famed balcony in Friary Court to witness a man titled the Garter King of Arms proclaim the new monarch following a formal ceremony inside.

State trumpeters sounded the Royal Salute before the King’s Guard gave three cheers – Bearskin hats raised each time – and a rousing rendition of the national anthem was performed.

“It was a bit of an odd experience singing God Saves The King,” said Stephen Jones, a 28-year-old cost consultant, who was among the thousands in the courtyard. “It definitely took a bit of concentration to remember. God Save The Queen comes so naturally. It’s what we’ve been singing our whole lives. It will take a bit of adjusting.”

His partner, Sydney Jung, had been stood right in front of French TV cameras during the anthem. “So, I was feeling pressure not to forget,” the 28-year-old HR worker said.

Stephen Jones and Sydney Jung (Colin Drury)
Stephen Jones and Sydney Jung (Colin Drury)

The pair – like almost everyone here – had come along because they wanted to witness a moment of history.

“Days like this – they don’t come along very often,” he declared before a moment’s reflection, perhaps on Charles’s vintage. “The next one will probably come a long a bit sooner, though,” he decided.

Garter Principal King of Arms, David Vines White reads the proclamation of new King, King Charles III, from the Friary Court balcony of St James’s Palace, London (Richard Heathcote/PA) (PA Wire)
Garter Principal King of Arms, David Vines White reads the proclamation of new King, King Charles III, from the Friary Court balcony of St James’s Palace, London (Richard Heathcote/PA) (PA Wire)

Some here had held a vague hope the king himself may appear – “a bit disappointing,” decreed 54-year-old Suzanne Jones of news that he would not – but most appeared delighted simply to see this ancient ritual being performed. When the state trumpeters emerged to kick things off shortly before 11am, a thousand mobiles were raised into the air – where they stayed until the whole thing was finished.

“It was amazing!” said Susanne Wolf – about the ceremony, not the mobiles. “My mother, who is 85, was here for the coronation of the Queen so this feels like a full circle for us as a family. I have been getting very emotional about it, actually. It is a wonderful occasion. It is special.”

She, her sister and her sister’s two teenage children had travelled from Germany – where they all live – especially to be here. They had driven from Frankfurt to Brussels on Friday evening, hoped on the Eurostar to London, got a couple of hours sleep at a hostel and then come straight here. A ten hour journey for a ceremony that lasted 10 minutes, no more. They were due to set back off home early on Sunday.

Was it worth it?

“Absolutely worth it,” said the 59-year-old. “This is history. When the news came on Thursday [about the Queen’s death], I just had an overwhelming urge to be here. I wanted to pay my respects and show my support for the Royal Family, so this is why we decided to do this.”

For some here, part of the thrill appeared to be seeing various politicians stood in their own fenced off enclosure within the court yard. The great, the good and David Cameron were all here. When a whisper went through the crowd that Boris Johnson had turned out, a palpable buzz could be felt. Mobile phones went up again. Nick Clegg’s emergence caused slightly less excitement.

Susanne Wolf, left, with sister Conny, neice Annika and nephew Jonathan (Colin Drury)
Susanne Wolf, left, with sister Conny, neice Annika and nephew Jonathan (Colin Drury)

In any case, as proceedings were wound up – “was that it?” one child could be heard asking – thoughts for many here turned to Charles and the new era ahead.

“Well, he’s not his mother,” said Sue Burke, diplomatically. “But I think he will do a good job. I think he’s got Camilla who appears a very good influence and they’ve had a long time to prepare, and I think he will easy into it quite naturally.”

Time will tell, of course, but certainly – if the thousands here are anything to go by – he starts off his reign with some considerable good will. As the crowd began to break up and head off with their moment of history safely in their video albums, a shout or two could be heard going up: Long live the King!