Maasai group joins ceremony to bless Fenland field

Maasai dancers with trip organiser, Jason Ingamells
Donations were raised for the Maasai people, pictured with trip organiser Jason Ingamells, to take back to communities in Kenya [Jason Ingamells/Woodland Ways]

Kenyan Maasai dancers have visited the flat Fenland landscape as part of a ceremony to bless the land.

About 100 people attended the event outside of Coates village, near Peterborough, where they watched and joined in a traditional dance.

Residents Jeni Cairns and partner Karen MacKelvie came up with the idea and said it was "all about connecting with nature".

Ms MacKelvie said it was important to learn from the dancers and be thankful for what we have.

Screengrab of the jumping dance
Attendees watched and joined in a traditional dance [Kim Coley]

Money was also raised for the Maasai people to take back to their communities in Kenya.

"We can learn from them how to connect with our ancestry, nature and act as a community," said Ms MacKelvie.

Jeni and Karen with the Maasai dancers at a dinner table
The Maasai group was on a tour of the UK when they were invited to Fenland [Imaginal Field ]

Maasai people live in southern Kenya and northern Tanzania and are classed as pastoral nomads, or travelling animal herders. They are known for their traditional dances that involve jumping.

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