Mama dog finally gets new home — years after her litter was found under old school bus
A mama dog found living under a rusty school bus waited more than three years for a home — then came good news.
Duplin was adopted, marking an end to her time in foster care, according to an animal rescue in North Carolina.
“Duplin (now, Daisy) is very happy in her new home,” the Triangle Beagle Rescue posted April 10 on Facebook. “She has two foxhound sisters and her new family is home almost all the time. She is adjusting remarkably well and has discovered that she likes to sleep on the bed.”
Duplin is starting her next chapter after she first came to the Raleigh-area rescue about four years ago.
The mama dog had been spotted living “under an old school bus” with her litter of six puppies in Duplin County, a roughly 80-mile drive southeast from Raleigh. Though the beagle-focused rescue determined the mom was a foxhound mix, it stepped in to help, according to a September 2020 blog post.
“Mom had tucked her puppies in a secure spot in the woods under a rusty, partially-buried bus,” the rescue wrote. “She kept her crew safe and well fed for about six (weeks) and when they started toddling around they were spotted by neighbors.”
Volunteers caught the canine family near the Duplin Winery in Rose Hill, and the adorable puppies became known as the “wine litter.” So, it’s no wonder their mom became known as Duplin and the babies were named “Cabernet, Pinot, Sangria, Sangria, Rosé & Merlot.”
Once the pups were old enough, they were adopted. Their mom also got an owner but escaped from her home and was returned to the rescue “through no fault of her own,” the animal organization wrote.
In all, Duplin spent three-and-a half years in foster care. As she waited for a home, the rescue described her as a “shy” dog with a love for belly rubs and treats.
“I have acclimated well to indoor life and my personality has blossomed,” the animal organization said in a Jan. 2 social media post written from Duplin’s perspective. “I found my beautiful hound voice.”
Then on April 10, the rescue shared the heartwarming news the Duplin had been adopted. Facebook users couldn’t get enough of the update, and the post garnered more than 800 reactions within about two days of being posted online.
“Congratulations Duplin, we’re so happy for you and your new family,” the rescue wrote.
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