Man guilty of killing dad in 'unprovoked' attack

Custody picture of Lance Kinsley taken in prison. He is wearing a grey top and is looking straight at the camera
Lance Kinsley punched his victim in the street in an "unprovoked" attack [Humberside Police]

A man who attacked a dad as he walked home from the pub killed him in an "unprovoked" attack.

Christopher King suffered a fractured skull when he was punched and knocked unconscious by Lance Kinsley on 12 June 2023.

The 22-year-old, of no fixed abode, was found guilty of manslaughter after an eight-day trial at Hull Crown Court and will be sentenced in September.

Speaking after the verdict, Mr King's family described the attack in Hull as "needless and so unfair".

Christopher King, smiling and wearing a yellow and black striped Hull City football shirt. He is standing in front of a painting.
Christopher King's family said they "can't believe he's gone" [Family handout]

Mr King died in hospital on 26 June 2023 and a post-mortem examination found his cause of death to be from a head injury.

His son was also injured in the attack on Vane Street.

A family statement said they were "absolutely devastated at Chris’s death" and described him as a "lovely man, full of life and always there for all of us".

They added that his death was a "huge loss" and said it will "remain that way for the rest of our lives.”

Det Ch Insp Jayne Goodens, of Humberside Police, described Kinsley's actions as "inexcusable", and described Mr King as "merely walking home from the pub" when he was attacked "unprovoked" in the street.

She said her thoughts remained with his family while they "continue trying to adjust to a life without Christopher, whom they loved dearly".

Kinsley will be sentenced at the same court on 24 September.

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