Update: Stanislaus school coach jailed on suspicion of sex crimes against child 10 or under

An assistant wrestling coach for Pitman High School, 41-year-old Derek William Young, was arrested Wednesday on suspicion of sex with a child 10 years old or younger, according to the Stanislaus County law enforcement booking log.

Additional charges include continuous sexual abuse of a child and lewd or lascivious acts committed on a child under the age of 14. Young was in custody at Stanislaus County Public Safety Center on Wednesday afternoon, with bail was set at $1.75 million.

Young was brought on as a volunteer “walk-on” coach for the school’s wrestling team during the 2021-22 season and was hired as a paid coach for the 2022-23 season, according to a statement released by the Turlock Unified School District.

The statement went on to say that TUSD does not believe any of its students were harmed. The district also stated that all coaches are required to pass both an FBI and U.S. Department of Justice background checks to be hired.

“The safety and well-being of our students is our highest priority and we encourage anyone with information to please contact law enforcement,” read the statement.

The log shows Young’s place of birth as San Luis Obispo. It does not say where he resides, and the arresting agency was not immediately clear, though it appears to be the Ripon Police Department.