Man seeing snow in Canada for the first time goes viral on TikTok: 'Nice to meet you'

The viral video, seen more than 5 million times, was posted by @peterandmarie, a Ugandan man and Canadian woman who document their love and life in both countries

A heartwarming clip of a newcomer experiencing snow in Canada for the first time is melting hearts across TikTok.
A heartwarming clip of a newcomer experiencing snow in Canada for the first time is melting hearts across TikTok.

A heartwarming clip of a newcomer experiencing snow in Canada for the first time is melting hearts across TikTok.

The viral video, seen more than 5 million times, was posted by @peterandmarie, a Ugandan man and Canadian woman who document their love and life in both countries.

It shows the overjoyed man in a grey jacket carefully placing his hands on what looks to be the hood of a car that’s covered in icy snow.

“I’m so happy to see the snow my first time,” he says with a huge grin on his face. “This is the real snow.”

“It cannot be more real,” the woman filming says to him.

“Yes, now I’m finally in Canada,” he replies. “This is what we call Canada.”

He keeps gently touching the snow, describing it as “beautiful and white,” all the while with a giant smile on his face.

“Nice to meet you,” he tells the snow.

The video ends with the man trying to pick up a small bit of the ice to give it a small taste, but the moment it touches his tongue, he drops it back down.

The video has racked up over 11,000 comments, with many expressing warmth to witness such a pure and iconically Canadian moment.

“I love it when people experience snow for the first time, (it's) like they’ve found childlike joy all over again,” one wrote.

Another chimed in that it will be exciting for him to experience fluffy snow, instead of the crunchy ice snow from the video.

Another commenter quipped, “Let’s check his enthusiasm around February,” to which Peter and Marie assured that more videos will be coming.

The video, which is tagged in Quebec, is one example of the fluctuating temperatures that have been experienced throughout the country this fall. The province had its first hit of snowfall of the season this week, a far cry from early in October, when it reached a heat record.

Meanwhile, Atlantic Canada got its first snowfall last week, while Saskatchewan was hit a few days earlier. Some communities in Ontario also got a sprinkling of snow this week.