Man severely burned in Toronto tar spill upgraded to serious condition from critical

Man severely burned in Toronto tar spill upgraded to serious condition from critical

A worker who suffered serious burns after being covered in hot tar following an industrial accident in Toronto has now improved to serious condition, Toronto police say.

Const. David Hopkinson says the man was previously in critical condition. He provided no timeline for the man's release from hospital.

Hopkinson says the 46-year-old man was in the back of a truck when tar spilled over him Monday morning, Police say the worker was wearing a protective suit, but the lower part of his body was immersed in the scalding tar.

A total of 18 firefighters and four trucks were called to Logan and Danforth Avenues. Firefighters estimated the tar to be as hot as 204 C. They said removing the worker was difficult because he was stuck inside the truck, encased in tar that started to solidify.

In all, Toronto Fire Services platoon chief Dave Denysek said the man was trapped for about an hour, suffering severe burns to his head and arms.

The man was sent to the burn centre at Sunnybrook Hospital. The Ontario Ministry of Labour has been notified.