Mark Cuban explains why his generation turning to Fox News is the ‘tragedy of a lifetime’

Former Dallas Mavericks majority owner Mark Cuban now has his own MasterClass where he dishes on his time as owner of the NBA franchise, his generation’s political leanings and his presidential aspirations.

The Pittsburgh native has been rumored to be interested in running for the presidency for years, but explained that he would never run for the office because his family was against it.

Cuban also lamented his generation’s political shift through the years. He said he is shocked how much has changed and the increase in tribalism and extremism.

“My generation, the sex, drugs and rock and roll generation, to evolved into the Fox News generation is the tragedy of a lifetime,” said Cuban.

Cuban rose to fame by purchasing the Mavs from Ross Perot Jr. in 2000 . He served as the team’s controlling governor for 24 years.

Cuban said the love and community that surrounds NBA teams made them different from companies like Google and Apple.

During his class, Cuban explained how he disrupted the league with his player development strategy.

“I approached it completely differently than every other owner in the NBA did. In fact, I was so different they used to yell at me and scream at me,” said Cuban. “I brought in probably 15 former Mavericks who are looking for ways to get back into the NBA after their playing days.”

“The whole league went nuts. We finished out the season I bought them like 23 and nine and the next year we went on to have 50-win seasons the next 10 years and so people realized, you know, maybe we’re doing something right and now every team has got 10 development coaches.”

Cuban went on to explain why the Mavs had lower ticket prices despite the team’s on-court success.

“There’s this symbiotic relationship between just the ticket sale and performance on the court, which is why I’ve never priced our tickets to optimize revenue. I’ve always priced our tickets to optimize the number of people in the arena,” said Cuban, “The more energy that’s in the arena, the more people want to come play for the Mavericks.”

The Mavs currently have the 14th most expensive average ticket according to an analysis done by Axios.

Those looking to watch Cuban’s MasterClass for themselves can head to and sign up for a subscription which begins at $10 a month and goes as high as $20.