Maryland couple attend record-breaking 135 concerts in one year

Maryland couple Matthew and Tijan Brown broke a Guinness World Record by attending 135 concerts in a single year. Photo courtesy of Guinness World Records

Feb. 22 (UPI) -- A Maryland couple showed their enthusiasm for live music when they broke a Guinness World Record by attending 135 concerts in a single year.

Tijan and Matthew Brown of Kensington told Guinness World Records they were at their 20th concert of 2023 when they started to wonder whether they might be on the road to a world record.

"As we were soaking in the music, energy, and the joy of being in the audience again, a thought struck us," Matthew Brown told Guinness World Records. "Could this be a world record? The idea was exhilarating!"

The Browns spent a total $18,407.24 on concert tickets over the course of the year, an average of $68.17 per ticket.

"Money comes and goes, but the joy, excitement, and connection we've felt at these concerts will stay with us for a lifetime," Matthew said. "These experiences have enriched our lives in ways that money can't measure, so in our view, every penny spent was well worth it!"

The concerts attended by the duo during their record attempt included Beyonce, Lizzo, Pitbull, Sam Smith, Billy Joel and Stevie Nicks.

The couple said their year of live shows hasn't dulled their enthusiasm for the live music experience, and they already have plans to see shows including Journey, Andrea Bocelli, Green Day, Paula Abdul and Aerosmith this year.