Matt Damon Gets Nervous When Asked To Name ‘Most Significant Partnership’ In His Life

Ben Affleck, Luciana Barroso and Matt Damon at the premiere of
Ben Affleck, Luciana Barroso and Matt Damon at the premiere of

Ben Affleck, Luciana Barroso and Matt Damon at the premiere of "The Bourne Supremacy" in 2004.

Matt Damon will not be sleeping on the couch for the next week.

The “Oppenheimer” star told Willie Geist of “Sunday Today” that he feels he has an innate talent outside of the entertainment industry.

“I feel like if I’m good at anything, it’s, like, picking partners,” the actor told Geist. 

Damon then named his best friend and frequent collaborator, Ben Affleck, wife Luciana Barroso — with whom he shares four daughters — and his fellow water access activist and co-founder, Gary White.

“Between Ben and my wife and Gary White ...Those are the three most significant partnerships in my life. And all those things are going really well,” Damon said with a laugh.

But things got a little squirmy when Geist pressed him to name his most significant partnership out of the three.

Damon did an excellent job at skirting the question at first (and presumably giving him time to figure out how all three would react to him rating their importance in his life) but ultimately made the wise choice: the mother of his children. 

“Obviously, my wife,” Damon said.

“There you go,” Geist said with a laugh, adding: “That’s where I was helping you out there.”

“That was a layup,” Damon said, calling him out.

Although Affleck tends to wear his heart on his back sleeve, here’s hoping he doesn’t take his second-place (or, hey, third-place) trophy too badly. 

Plus, we know how Damon could make it up to his BFF.

In 2019, Damon proved his love for his daughters was eternal when he got all four of their names tattooed on his right upper arm. Their names appear close to a preexisting “Lucy” tattoo, which he previously got in honor of Luciana.

“On a whim, my wife said, ‘We’re going to get tattoos today,’ so I got a tattoo of her name,” Damon told “Access Hollywood” of his body art. “And it always felt alone on my arm, and I’ve always wanted to put the kids on there.”

He added, “So now I got the kids on there, and now I’ve got to figure out a way to pull it all together.”

May we suggest he ties it all together with a “Ben” tattoo? Do it, Matt! He’s a sensitive man, and we don’t want a repeat of this: