Meet the Herald-Leader team. Hear our plans, learn about our products and share your ideas

Much like the rest of Lexington and across Kentucky, the Herald-Leader has been no stranger to change in recent years.

We’ve seen the arrival of a new editor, new staff members and even new products and platforms to share our essential local content. We’ve evolved in ways our readers and neighbors might not recognize anymore — and may have lost some connection to.

When the Herald-Leader’s Midland Avenue building was bustling with hundreds of employees and a printing press, chances were high nearly every person in town had a Herald-Leader connection, even if it was just a visual one.

As our company continues to confront the changes and challenges facing the entire national media landscape, it’s easy to understand how some of these community connections have shrunk, too.

(By the way, our newsroom is now adjacent to the Greyline Station on West Loudon Avenue, but our editions are printed in Knoxville.)

That’s why our newsroom, starting next week, will host monthly “Meet the Herald-Leader” events where community members and subscribers (and those who aren’t yet, but are maybe curious to learn more) can meet our reporters and hear about our commitment to serving Lexington and the rest of Kentucky.

We’ll introduce you to our entire portfolio of digital products, including details about our digital site and newsletters, and answer questions you might have about all of them.

You’ll also gain insights of our coverage plans for the rest of 2024 and other big changes coming your way.

And, the best part: We’ll be there to field your questions and story ideas.

Some of our reporters and editors will be on hand to introduce themselves, discuss their coverage and talk about their commitment to Central Kentucky.

The first meet-and-greet is happening 5-6:30 p.m. April 30 at the Marksbury Family Branch Library, community room B, 2197 Versailles Road.

We’ll start with introductions and a short presentation followed by good discussions with those in attendance.

These sessions are also a chance for us to directly hear from you.

What stories are uncovered that you want our reporters to know about? What important issues are being discussed around your kitchen table? What excites you about your neighborhood? What are your biggest worries? What are your thoughts about the upcoming 2024 elections?

If you’re reading this and thinking, “Great! I can finally tell that editor what I think about my paper delivery!” we’d love to hear about it and do our best to fix the problem, too.

In the meantime, send our Executive Editor Rick Green an email at, and he will ensure your customer service issues are handled quickly and compassionately.

Have other ideas of what questions you want answered or topics you want to know more about? Please take a minute to fill out the quick form below and we’ll use your responses to shape our discussion.

We are eager to see you April 30. We hope these events boost those essential connections between our journalists and the readers we serve.

See you at 5 p.m. at the Marksbury Family Branch Library on April 30.