Miami’s mayor covered his Grand Prix costs

The July 13 article on Mayor Suarez attending Formula 1, “Billionaire treated Mayor Suarez to $30K Grand Prix weekend. Miami says he’s paying it back,” did not meet the ethical standards one expects of our city’s leading newspaper.

I invited Mayor Suarez, along with several dozen others to the Formula 1 race on that Sunday and a dinner the night before. Suarez appropriately covered the costs of his and his wife’s attendance, which we told Herald reporters repeatedly and on the record.

Miami has been good to Citadel and to my family. I credit the mayor and the political leaders of our county and state for their extraordinary commitment to make Miami and Florida a great place to raise a family, build a business and call home.

I am committed to our community and to engaging and supporting the work of our civic, business and political leaders — from both sides of the aisle — in the interests of making Miami one of the world’s greatest cities.

The Miami Herald also plays an important role in our community and owes a duty to readers to cover issues fairly and in adherence with basic ethical standards.

Kenneth C. Griffin,

founder and CEO,

