Michael Flynn Group Funds Effort to Put Military Vets at Midterm Polls

(Bloomberg) -- A group co-founded by Donald Trump’s first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, is funding a new campaign to recruit military veterans and police officers to work at the polls for the midterm elections.

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The effort, called One More Mission, describes itself in a press release as a “non-partisan, non-party affiliated campaign providing an opportunity for your service to matter” and the “perfect apolitical solution to a national issue.” Its website urges people to sign up to become “a patriot poll worker” on Nov. 8.

One More Mission says that it is funded by The America Project, an organization co-founded by Flynn and former Overstock.com Chief Executive Officer Patrick Byrne, both prominent backers of the former president’s lie that the 2020 election was stolen. On Dec. 18, 2020, Flynn urged Trump to consider seizing voting machines, according to the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.

The America Project website encourages poll watching and challenges to voters. It includes a series of “election integrity” manuals for nine states, including the swing states Arizona, Georgia, Florida, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. The organization also recently funded a Georgia group that unsuccessfully challenged tens of thousands of voter registrations in a Democratic county in suburban Atlanta.

Kristen Davis, a spokeswoman for The America Project, said the One Mission Project isn’t led by Flynn, Byrne or Flynn’s brother Joe, another co-founder.

“The America Project has provided some financial support for the campaign as well as many other initiatives we believe in such as border911.com, the National Coaltion of Frontline Workers, the Maricopa County audits and many others,” she said.

Read more: Trump allies back mass challenge to voter elibibility in Georgia

The outreach campaign is being managed by Kyle Reyes, CEO of Silent Partner Marketing in East Granby, Connecticut, and executive director of Law Enforcement Today, a police-owned media company that is considered to have a far-right bias by mediabiasfactcheck.com.

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