‘Morning Joe’ Explains Why America Can’t Survive a 2nd Trump Term | Video

MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” explained that America may not survive a second Trump term if the goal is to “undermine, terminate, scorch the Constitution.”

“Morning Joe” first played a clip of Liz Cheney saying “We know he tried once not to leave office. And he will have no incentive to guarantee a peaceful transfer of power and to leave office if he is elected again.”

“I certainly have policy disagreements with the Biden administration,” Cheney added. “I know the nation can survive bad policy. We can’t survive a president who is willing to torch the Constitution.”

The MSNBC morning program then played a clip of Anthony Scaramucci who agreed with Cheney saying that it is “so alarming,” but underscored that Republicans are hesitant to speak out against Trump.


“We can survive bad policy. We really can. We have survived bad policy. We survived it for eight years,” “Morning Joe” co-host Joe Scarborough said.

“We have a system that rounds off the sharpest edges,” Scarborough continued. “Even though there are extremists who love to say that America is terrible and it’s this and it’s that, we’re a great country.”

“The American Dream is great,” Scarborough said, “because we have had a frustrating, slowly driven system of checks and balances that have worked and kept us where we are over 240 years.”

The host added that “people live to bitch about it, but again, it’s not a coincidence that we have the strongest military in the world, that we have the strongest economy in the world.”

Scarborough also noted that he felt like we could survive an ideological extreme president like Mike Pence or Bernie Sanders, “as long as they respect the Constitution, as long as they respect the rule of law, as long as they respect the checks and balances.”


“We can survive bad policy,” Scarborough concluded. “We can’t survive a bad heart that wants to undermine, terminate, scorch the Constitution and execute, for treason, anybody who disagrees with him.”

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