‘Morning Joe’ Says Trump Is Being Kept From Debate Stage Due to Cognitive Decline: ‘Scared They Have to Bubble Wrap Him’ | Video

MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” discussed the state of the Republican primary on Friday and Donald Trump’s refusal to debate Nikki Haley, which cohost Joe Scarborough sees as “extreme weakness.”

“He’s afraid to debate her,” Scarborough said of Trump. “And that’s something she should say, as she’s saying every day.”

“‘Why is Donald Trump scared of me?’ I would say, ‘Why is he being a snowflake? Is he afraid he’s going to melt on stage?’” Scarborough continued. “The thing is, he’s showing extreme weakness.”

The “Morning Joe” cohost then said he thinks its even fair for Haley to ask, “Are his handlers keeping him away from the debate stage because they’re scared that he’s going to go out and once again, forget what decade this is? Forget who he’s running against. Forget that World War II ended in 1945. Forget that Nancy Pelosi was Speaker of the House on Jan. 6, not Nikki Haley. Forget that Joe Biden is President of the United States and not Barack Obama.”


“They’re scared because they think they have to bubble wrap him because he’ll do so badly on the debate stage, and she does need to bring that up every single day,” Scarborough added.

“Isn’t it also for the Republican Party?” cohost Mika Brzezinski said. “What if something catastrophic happens with one of his cases, isn’t she then an option for them as opposed to no option?”

Scarborough replied saying, “There is no reason for her to get out of this race. Whether she takes him head on in South Carolina or whether she fights a war of attrition.”

“Everybody take note in the Republican Party,” Scarborough called out. “Donald Trump is scared to debate Nikki Haley.”

“And in MAGA land, let me put it to you this way: Your big boy, your big man, he’s afraid of a woman,” the cohost added. “He’s afraid to debate a woman, one he’s called birdbrain. If she’s birdbrained, then why doesn’t he go up on the stage.”


“Let’s just face it,” Scarborough said, “I think the people around him have decided Donald Trump’s just not up to this anymore. We’re going to try to hide.”

“We’re going to keep him off the debate stage because Nikki Haley would bury him alive,” Scarborough concluded.

Watch the full “Morning Joe” segment in the video embed below.

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