MTG Shills Her Book on QAnon Show Despite Claiming to Have Disavowed Movement


Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) went on a notorious QAnon-aligned show Wednesday to promote her new book, despite her 2021 claim to have disavowed the loony far-right conspiracy shortly after she was elected to Congress. Greene appeared to be aware of her target audience as she spoke on the X22 Report—a show whose wild conspiracy theorizing has reportedly been linked to an act of real-world violence—telling listeners that her book detailed her visits with jailed Capitol insurrectionists and how she objected to Joe Biden’s Electoral College votes. The appearance seemingly cements a Greene flip-flop on the QAnon movement, which she publicly disavowed only as she faced a vote to be removed from committee assignments, which largely centered around her repeated sharing of QAnon-related theories. “School shootings are absolutely real and every child that is lost, those families mourn it,” she told Congress then, distancing her from the QAnon theory that some mass shootings and their aftermath are perpetrated by crisis actors.

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