N.L. enters September with no new cases of COVID-19

Newfoundland and Labrador is marking the start of a new month — the seventh calendar month of the COVID-19 pandemic — with no new cases.

The province's total caseload remains 269, with 265 recoveries, three deaths and one active case. Since March, the province has tested 32,200 people for the coronavirus, including 258 since Monday's update.

On Tuesday, Education Minister Tom Osborne announced changes to the province's back-to-school plan. While students were not originally required to wear masks in classrooms, Osborne says masks will now be mandatory in classrooms where one-metre of distance between students cannot be maintanined. The education minister says the rule applies to students in grades 7-12 only.

Osborne also announced that more busing resources would be in place by the end of September, and that January's public exams will be cancelled.

Read more from CBC Newfoundland and Labrador