N.S. music teacher accused of historical sex assault against student

RCMP say Lorna Elaine Letcher is scheduled to appear in Nova Scotia Provincial Court in Truro on Oct. 25. (David Bell/CBC - image credit)
RCMP say Lorna Elaine Letcher is scheduled to appear in Nova Scotia Provincial Court in Truro on Oct. 25. (David Bell/CBC - image credit)

A Nova Scotia music teacher is facing historical allegations of sexual assault involving a former student.

RCMP have charged Lorna Elaine Letcher, 65, with three counts of sexual assault and three of sexual exploitation.

The alleged offences occurred between 2005 and 2007 in the community of Valley where Letcher lives and taught music from her home. She also served as band director at the Cobequid Education Centre, the high school in Truro, N.S.

RCMP said Letcher met her alleged victim through the school.

"The band director, obviously and the survivor — who was a youth at the time — that's where they basically met, at the school, but the actual offences themselves occurred in the community of Valley," RCMP Cpl. Chris Marshall said Thursday.

Until her arrest, Letcher also volunteered at the middle school in Redcliffe.

"Given her [release] conditions she won't be able to do any more but between that, her time as a band director in the early 2000s and the fact that she also provided music lessons out of her home ... investigators have a concern that there may be additional survivors out there," Marshall said.

Letcher's conditions include that she stay away from anyone younger than 18.

She is scheduled to appear in Nova Scotia Provincial Court in Truro on Oct. 25.